Sentences with phrase «chronically ill animals»

(While many holistic veterinarians, including myself, generally recommend feeding meat raw because it is more nutritionally bioavailable and contains hundreds of enzymes, there are potential risks, especially to chronically ill animals; please discuss this issue with your veterinarian before feeding raw meat.)
In Colorado, Wild Places Animal Rescue will use monies from donations to care for blind, deaf and chronically ill animals.
Living with a chronically ill animal can be emotionally draining.

Not exact matches

However, chronically ill, immunocompromised, pregnant, or maybe - to - be-pregnant humans must be very careful about hygiene when handling meats as well as soils and animal wastes.
But we do know that whether you're facing the challenges of caring for a chronically or terminally ill pet, grieving the death of a pet, or taking care of an aging pet, «Support Circle Meetings» at Windcrest Animal Hospital can help you get through it.
We don't turn away animals because we lack space, or because they're aggressive, fearful, chronically ill, too old, the wrong color or un-housetrained.
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