Sentences with phrase «chronically lonely people»

A new study shows that loneliness may change how certain genes in the body work, leaving chronically lonely people with less effective immune systems and lower defenses against disease.
Researchers have long known that such chronically lonely people are less healthy.
They found that gene expression is different at 209 sites in chronically lonely people and that many of those changes fit a pattern of elevated immune activation, inflammation, and depressed response to infection.

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Research shows that people who feel lonely can feel chronically threatened and are at an increased risk of death.
There are 1.2 m chronically lonely older people in the UK, so Age UK said it's likely we all know or care about someone who feels lonely.
«Research by others has shown people who chronically feel isolated, lonely or socially disconnected experience greater inflammation and reduced viral suppression,» de la Haye added.
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