Sentences with phrase «church as all followers»

Note, of course, that even if you don't «go to church,» you are still part of the church as a follower of Jesus.

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The followers (note I did call them Christians) would just as soon vomit on these news places that broadcast the corrupt «perfect» church.
I believe the man, Jesus, who's story is recorded in the 4 gospels — would never recognize the American christian churches as anywhere near followers of «love one another as I have loved you» and «do to others as you would have them do to you.»
Jesus saw the church as a reality, not an assignment for his followers to construct.
There were also the Hussite Wars from 1419 to circa 1434 in which the Roman Catholic Church went to war against followers of Jan Hus, a priest, philosopher, and master at Charles University in Prague who had tried to reform the Church, condemning its sale of indulgences, which were the equivalent of a «get out of jail» card in the game of Monopoly in that the Church sold them as a means for believers to get out of Purgatory.
It is far past the time that modernists such as yourself exit the doors and go find a good protestant Church to hang out with your girlfriends at, and leave the pious and devout followers of the faith to represent it.
I consider myself a «Christ Follower» as opposed to one of a particular religion (my reason is, the church never saved anyone.
Stop The Traffik campaign is a reminder to us not only of our calling as followers of Christ to participate in bringing transformational structural change to our world, but also what could be a defining moment of inspiration for the church.
Weeellll, I wouldn't go so far as to call the Catholic church the whore and the Protestant church the false bride, but I do see your point and agree with you that much of institutional religion is not at all what God intended or wanted from followers of Jesus.
Very often, as we do these things in our community, it comes out that we are followers of Jesus but that we don't attend church.
In fact, since Twitter itself has seen the dawn of direct communication between celebrities and fans, we've moved to an era where we desire a personal relationship with our heroes, rather than being satisfied as part of their broad church of followers.
Admittedly, as Jesus followers we «need other disciples», but we weren't finding them «in church».
Anyway, they ran a survey and found that most of those who stop attending church still view themselves as followers of Jesus.
But just as Sabbath was created to help the Hebrew people fulfill their mission and purpose in the world, so also, church was created to help followers of Jesus fulfill our mission and purpose in the world.
The emergent church opts for «Christ - follower» which, I have to admit, is the best term I've got as well.
He is writing to believers about how to live as followers of Jesus and function within the church.
The new pontiff is considered a straight shooter who calls things as he sees them, and a follower of the church's most conservative wing.
A guest Belief Blog piece on the subject Tuesday morning, «My Take: Stop using churches as polling places,» fetched more than a thousand comments, prompting us to ask Twitter followers to share their church - based voting experiences and pictures.
As for what David is doing... once you cease being a card carrying institutional Christian church clone and become a true follower of Jesus, things change.
That experience helped us decide that as followers of Jesus we should be the first ones to welcome new people, whether it be to our neighborhood, our church, our workplace or even social groups to which we belong.
Release a list of all the Archbishops, Bishops, and priests that molested their congregation, with a list of who was molested, as well as complete signed apologies from all the resulting offenders, and a signed confession by the Pope that these people will be charged in a criminal court for these crimes and will not ever be allowed to preach the word of God in a Catholic church, and then, MAYBE, I'll think you have a right to tell your followers they can't do with their bodies as they please.
Instead, if we understand the culture in which John wrote, the issues that the early church was facing under the Roman Empire, and all of the hundreds of allusions to Old Testament themes and prophetic expectations, the Book of Revelation can have a significant message for followers of Jesus today, who also deal with similar cultural issues as we try to live like Jesus in a world dominated by powers and authority that live in rebellion to the Kingdom of God.
The Bible considers ALL Christians to be saints... not just a select few... Peter called all the followers saints in letter to the churches in Asia minor... Paul refers to all Christians as well to be saints... not because of what we do... but because of who we are... we are set aside by God... thru Jesus death and resurrection... those of us who have acceptd this are saints...
They teach people that aside from attending church on Sunday morning, the next most important thing in their life as a follower of Jesus is attending church on Wednesday night.
The author discusses numerous ways Christian see Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God and how the early followers and the early church developed the concepts of Jesus» Divinity.?
The success of the EP and other followers of Hauerwas in incarnating his ideas in church practice may finally determine his «success» as an academic.
But she eventually returned to help lead the church into maturity as faithful and loving followers of Jesus Christ.
But it should serve as a reminder to all followers of Christ that we can each help shape the perception others have of the Church.
At some point will you describe for us what a group of gathered Jesus followers looks like (if they have a person who they call «pastor», what that looks like), what they do when they meet, and how they live out their lives as the church the rest of the time.
When you begin to understand what life and church really looks like as a follower of Jesus outside of the framework of religion, you begin to see that everything is spiritual, every act is devotion, and every conversation is full of God.
So many people look at the church as a representation of Jesus, and if they don't like what they see, they think, «If that is what Jesus - followers are like, I want nothing to do with Jesus.»
He is the ruler of the church just as He had been the leader of His little band of followers: He is the head (or, we would say, the heart) of the church just as He had been the center of interest and unity among them; He is the object of devotion, even worship, in the church just as He had been the object of His disciples» loyalty.
Christianity is, through and through, a historical religion, and except for the coming of Jesus Christ into the world, his life, his teachings, his death and resurrection, and the establishment of the Church as the community of his followers, we should have neither Christianity nor New Testament.
If you find someone saying they are believers and they attack the church as a whole you know right off that is not a true follower of Christ
Please read genesis where there is no where it is mentioned that there was another partner with the Lord God... don't you think if what you are saying is correct than it will be mentioned in the OT... or OT and NT are contradicting each other... i could show more from the bible itself... i think most of the follower of it does not pay attention what to follow... they just follow blindly as Catholic church does not allow to have a copy of bible with the worshipper while they are at the church... they just have to be listening to the preacher....
Standing out as the single most important instruction Jesus left his closest followers in the Great Commission, it is arguable that today's Church has only a vague notion of how it should be done and a disjointed strategy in place to achieve that goal.
As a believer in and follower of Christ I wish more people sitting in the pews of so many churches in America were more like you....
The truth is that St Paul has the most to do with the diversity of the early Christian Church (Followers of the Way), but today religion is used politically and otherwise to divide humans into «us» as against «them».
Luke Timothy Johnson's basic response to scholarly research on the historical Jesus is embarrassment on behalf of the Church: embarrassment that Christ's own followers would treat him as a dead figure of history who can be understood only through strictly rational methods of inquiry, barring faith and hope from having their say.
Were there no such thing as inspiration, Christianity would be true, and all its essential doctrines would be credibly witnessed to us in the generally trustworthy reports of the teaching of our Lord and of His authoritative agents in founding the Church, preserved in the writings of the apostles and their first followers....
Once Jesus was dead and buried, his followers, who were also Christian Pastors, went to work offending more and more people who continued to practice the Church of Israel, Judaism and Mosaic Covenant to a certain point that emboldened factions that would find them guilty of sedition and condemn the followers of Jesus Christ, who were more than willing to put them to death as well, usually by MOB RULE.
Most christian «leaders» cite followers losing faith as the churches largest battle.
The key term — ecclesia — was used for the local congregation as well as for the total community of the followers of Christ, his «body,» the church.
Jesus told his followers to pay their taxes and the early Church was urged to be obedient to their governments as part of their obedience to God.
This is a false claim as Mitt Romney and the followers of his church follow after an image of a false god and a false Christ in which there is no salvation (Matthew 24:24).
People who claim they are followers of Jesus are only fooling themselves (former catholic), as the church is no where anything to what Jesus preached.
The Church, as the community of his followers united by his living presence as Holy Spirit, is more than a social institution; it is a divinely grounded fellowship.
What would you say to someone who said that as followers of Jesus, we have to go to church on Saturday?
Roman flags didn't stand next to Christian flags in first - century house churches, and followers of Jesus viewed themselves as citizens of One: One Lord, One baptism, One kingdom of sojourners scattered across the earth as colonies of heaven.
As a Catholic, I grow more angry every day about these church leaders who are so stuck in a distorted world view that they alienate followers, and in extreme cases, irreparably harm them.
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