Sentences with phrase «church dogma»

"Church dogma" refers to the set of official beliefs, teachings, and doctrines established by a particular religious institution or denomination. These teachings are considered to be unquestionable and form the core principles and rules that guide the religious community’s faith and practices. Full definition
The American penchant for expressive individualism means that most conservative religious parents often place a higher priority on the unique qualities of individual children and the prerogatives of parental choice than on church dogma.
«Anyone who attempts to construe a personal view of God which conflicts with Church dogma must be burned without pity.»
One really can't fault churchers for their beliefs, that have been taught not to think or question church dogma since childhood.
While the West has struggled to come to terms with the relationship between modern forms of inquiry and ancient church dogma, the Orthodox seem to march on, untroubled by modern historical consciousness.
He goes beyond the science of his youth, but does not oppose Church dogma.
Even Charles Williams, who edited her letters, had reservations, hinting that she was reverting to her slight tendency to dictate church dogma.
To me, meant if there was anything I didn't believe in Church dogma, than everything was wrong.
I'd think twice before criticizing those who refuse to hang a sign around their neck and decide to stand for real priciples and human values than for church dogma and religious doctrine.
Now all of may look at the church now and throughout history and point out abuses that have happened, wars with the excuses being church dogma etc and argue about coming to a more enlightened place with human reasoning.
A slew of talented actors fill out the rest of the ensemble: Jason Segel plays a fellow preacher, Henry (who is upset about Pearson's departure from church dogma); Martin Sheen is the famed televangelist Oral Roberts; Danny Glover contributes a few scenes as Pearson's uncle, as does Condola Rashad as Pearson's wife.
Exploring the juncture of Church dogma and human sexuality, Blondel seeks to have the viewer reconsider not only the contradictory practices of Catholicism, but the accepted traditions of any organization that has become entrenched in its own beliefs.
Did religious dogma skeptic, Martin Luther, lead an Inquisition against Pope Leo X (who ex-communicated him for his «heretical» views) or Emperor Charles V (who declared him an outlaw for daring to challenge Church dogma)?
It's a compilation of dozens of books written by men in the first century, voted into canon by a council of bishops from a selection of - hundreds - of such books after being «sanitized» of anything that didn't jibe with church dogma.
Child Abuse (this is not a church dogma or sponsored event; not unique to JUST catholics)
The churches that preach the gifts have ceased or that they are to worship on the seventh day (Sat) this all church dogma.
The rest is church dogma.
It was for going against the churches dogma that the earth was the center of the universe.
He's not going back on any church dogma at all... (much of which I personally disagree with).
I have several Catholic aquaintences, none of whom believe the church dogma on gays or contraception and only a few dogma concerning abortion
Do you want to deny that's what the church dogma is, Jose?
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