Sentences with phrase «church folk know»

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I might get away with it because folks know me, know my heart and also know that I gravitate to working with groups that most churches don't even want to know how to walk with.
A cult is a cult is a cult, folks, and the Mormons are never going to be «mainstream» religion, no matter how big their church gets — they'll always be a half - step away from scientologists.
Here's the thing — you can find any number of Stepford-esque church members who will attest that they and the folks they know are «just good people», etc. (and I, too, know many very pleasant and admirable Mormons), but that doesn't address the creepy facts related to the administration of the overall organization (which is by no means a true non-profit, BTW).
People may believe that Mormon is «Christian» simply because they may be ignorantly non-resistant to the mormon mental suggestion that it is the ONLY Christian church and for the fact that most folks don't know what the amazing Jesus taught and stood for.
Of course, the church folk don't know that I am in costume, but I've seen enough to be afraid to take it off.
Some people the church folk might call sinners are some of the nicest people I know, while on the other hand some church folk can be really nasty and mean.
Serendipitously, two weekends ago when he did that, it was a chapter about how discussions of theology need ordinary people to be involved, how well - educated and well - read and well - travelled scholars also need us low church experiential local folks talking about how we see and experience and know God, about how theologians are hiding in every walk of life.
As I looked out over the 180 people taking New Testament interpretation, I saw folk who had never been to church in their lives, and for whom the YDS chapel was their first parish; who certainly did not know the Nicene Creed and probably not the Apostles» Creed.
We didn't know what to expect going out on the street on Easter morning while the church folks were «at church».
Too often the church is filled with folks who have been raised in a controlling church, and don't know any different.
The spirit of the folks there were no different to when I go to my own church.
Yes, there are those that are extremists & those that misinturpret the Bible, but it's our job as Christians to make sure folks know the catching away of the church is coming.
Eugene's small number of Christians (it has the fewest churches for a city its size in America) know the church, as do the colorful assortment of folks who stop by for pizza, coffee, books or conversation.
I know folks who haven't decided on a particular church, denomination, or religion... but they most definitely believe in God.
I know some church folks are gonna be like, «Oh,» but I have some who have a problem every time I say «hell» in one of the shows.
So you know these folks personally, go to their church?
Most folks don't even know this but before there was government handouts to the poor, the church largely played the role of «safety net» for society.
Some are gay or have stories of someone gay they know who have been deeply wounded by the church, but mostly, we're just folks who know that our faith is significant.
Everyone who did so is, but this is particularly stomach churning, especially knowing that many of the victims were good church - going folk and the gunman wasn't affiliated with the school but essentially made it a place of random action.
He may have despised the simple catechism of his German congregation, just as we «moderns» take offense at the minimalistic theology of many of the folk who inhabit our standard - brand churches, but he knew also that they had a great deal to teach the young pastor by virtue of having surveyed the land «across the river» and having dared to cross the chilly waters of Jordan with a sense of divine protection.
Some have been wounded by church life as they know it among «low» church folks and perhaps most wonder if Sunday morning is mostly about a 45 minute sermon.
I know many folks who don't attend church who are more Christian than those who go each week.
And that isn't even mentioning the lay folk who don't dare to discuss their thoughts with their pastor... or who don't have a church because their theology is forming and they don't want someone to tell them what to believe and know its not all as cut and dried as people are telling them it is.
1) Most Americans oppose Obamacare 2) Our President had to lie to get it passed 3) So the Left is here frantically and paradoxically and hypocritically trying couple Religion and State 4) Which confirms just how desperate our government and their media lapdogs have become 5) When I refuse to define poverty you'll know I'm a marxist disguised as a «social justice» Christian (yes... we can tell) 6) Now we can get back to the name - calling and church bashing from folks with a «tolerance» bumper sticker on their car
Getting involved with church groups is a great way to volunteer and help folks that you know.
And almost certainly don't want the maybe critical church folks to know.
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