Sentences with phrase «church in a particular setting»

Likewise, these associations have begun to recognize that no matter how good a counselor one may be, it is the ordaining body that must determine one's legitimacy as a minister of that church in a particular setting.

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After lunch, Father Ed settles down to talk to me about his remarkable spiritual journey to the Ordinariate — the structure set up by Pope Benedict to allow former Anglicans to become Catholics, bringing with them some of their Anglican traditions — and about what he sees as its particular mission, to revive authentic, English spirituality in the Catholic Church.
All this means that the Church will often have conflicting understandings of what it means to live as God's people in a particular location or cultural setting.
The difference in settings is important because the Church faced the task of taking the words of Jesus to a particular audience and presenting them as the word of the Lord in a new situation.2 It took both wisdom and courage for the Church to assume this awesome burden of interpreting, but to have failed to do so out of an overwhelming reverence for quotations from Jesus would have ended the work Jesus began.
If with this we associate the usual «catholic» view that a priest is especially assigned the responsibility of administering the sacraments of the Church and in particular the celebration of the Eucharist, we have a proper setting or context for the labor of proclamation.
Those who hear, in the setting of the Church's corporate worship, are summoned, upon each particular occasion, to place themselves within the history which is God's revelation, at the point where it culminates in Jesus Christ, and to lay themselves open to the Word of judgement and of renewal which is spoken there to every human being.
If it is granted that there is no theological or institutional way to guarantee that church and ministry will not fall into ideological captivity, should not a theological picture of ministry more powerfully include ways in which the ultimate purpose of ministry can and must set it in tension with the concrete actuality of a particular church community at a particular time?
Our students and those laypeople tried to understand what that church's own task should be in that particular setting — and of course the setting was black.
The «ex-gay» approach was the topic of our second discussion around Torn, and as I said there, I think this may be the most difficult reality for the Church, and evangelicals in particular, to accept — that we have to move beyond the default setting of trying to change people's sexual orientation upon learning they are gay.
A free - for - all bloodbath set in a Kentucky church is a particular marvel of choreography and spatial geometry set, cunningly, to the guitar solo from Lynyrd Skynyrd's «Free Bird.»
For this reason, where a church or religious body asserts, because of its ethos, that religious belief constitutes a genuine occupational requirement for employment, it must at least «be possible for such an assertion to be the subject, if need be, of effective judicial review by which it can be ensured that the criteria set out in Article 4 (2) of that directive are satisfied in the particular case.»
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