Sentences with phrase «church today»

That in turn leads me to the question of how could a new kind of church today look like?
Many churches today refuse to accept women as clergy.
* Much of what we do for church today has no root in the NT.
Such a sickness exists in the catholic church today.
My issue is that I can't find the term accountability anywhere in Scripture, yet it has become a mantra in most churches today.
You guys, I'm serving at church today helping to lead worship.
One big issue with church today is where, when, and how we meet.
Many christian churches today have had to turn their buildings into tourist spots to keep up with the mounting cost of being holy than thou!
He knows that most of what is «sacred» in churches today needs to be tossed into the trash.
Let's say you leave church today, and as you go out the door, you see a friend of yours quickly tuck a beer can inside his coat.
That is a remarkable prediction, for it generally describes the state of affairs in the mainline churches today.
Do you think that the evangelical church today is being molded by the world rather than by Scripture?
Such a book is desperately needed because the average church today is seeing a massive drop - out rate among men.
One must wonder what kind of authority the liberal church today represents for many of its members.
I think it's safe to say there are quite a few churches today that do the same.
The «seeker sensitive» model of church growth has been almost universally adopted by growing churches today.
Perhaps I am useful to such diverse communities because the disputes of the past are simply not all that relevant to the challenge to remain church today.
I drove by one mega church today that must have had 50 - 40 acres in land, and a good 20 of it was nothing but grass.
Most people serving in churches today with any history, struggle with some level of bitterness.
I do think they are crucial, but the biblical meaning is not what is often meant (or done) in most churches today.
We had a young homeless man (22) show up at church today.
This attitude, so prevalent in the Christian church today, is not to be attacked or condemned; rather, it desperately needs to be understood.
Most popular notions of the future of the local church today are technical concepts that work by formula, not history.
There are a lot of misunderstandings in churches today about what the Holy Spirit does and who He is, but when we truly consider the whole council of God, we discover that He always prefers to remain out of the way and behind the scenes, gently and quietly point people to Jesus Christ.
You don't get to be a Christian by yourself, I'm learning, and I don't know if I was crying in church today because of the burdens we are all carrying, or if I was crying because someone was there to share the load.
Most churches today seem to operate under the conviction that new Christians (and even non-Christians) know best what they need.
Much of the resistance to change in Protestant churches today comes from people who fail to realize that a Christian way of life is far more radical than it would appear when looked at uncritically through the lens of a family ideal that has roots in the American Dream of the nineteenth century.
While many Orthodox churches today celebrate Christmas in January, December 25 became fixed in western tradition from the fourth century on.
The Roman Catholic Church today bears little resemblance to the medieval church.
They look at churches today where people know a lot of the Bible, or where a lot of evangelism is getting done, or where the pastors have built a large following, get the sermons aired on the radio or published in books, and decide that these pastors must have figured something out about preaching.
It is the only church today that is administered by verifiable priesthood authority with most churches not even bothering with authority at all!
The Holy Spirit is indeed moving in the SOLID Bible believing churches TODAY!
The question of God, along with the question of the Bible, is, it seems to me, the central theological question in the Western church today.
One of the greatest needs of oldline churches today is for faithful movements of the Spirit that can breathe new life into the dry bones of the denominational establishments.
The confessional Lutheran church today may be poor and weak, but it stands as the true heir of the Reformation.
And speaking of Instagram, I shared some stories from Dexter Avenue Baptist church today too.
It seems like to be a real church today you must:
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