Sentences with phrase «church upon the world»

In my opinion, this is a ground - breaking book which will help build unity to all forms of Christ's church upon the world.
The unhappy aspect about the present ordained breast - beating is that this point is used, surreptitiously, as if it let ordained ministers off the hook about «supervising» what is going on in the impact of the church upon the world.
The vitality of the church upon the world is in the hands of the laymen.

Not exact matches

The liberal churches need their own particular language of faith to communicate with the cultured despisers of the modern world, in a manner that lays claim upon the self and the community.»
Kindness and compassion are not theoretical principles that the church reflects upon and then seeks to apply to the problems of the world.
When the Hellenistic Church once again bestowed upon the world the biblical name of «creation,» it thereby abandoned a truly eschatological form of faith.
Against the modern emphasis on truth's relativity and emotion's primacy, it is tempting to insist upon philosophic objectivity in the Church — the world has too much subjectivity as it is.
The church also convened an international conference in Crete, but as Patriarch Bartholomew says, «our efforts will be meaningless if they remain fragmented».19 The demands of the world call upon Christians not only to act ecumenically but together with all people of faith and good will.
In this time of waiting, in this age marked only by the absence of faith in Christ, it is well that the modern soul should lack repose, piety, peace, or nobility, and should find the world outside the Church barren of spiritual rapture or mystery, and should discover no beautiful or terrible or merciful gods upon which to cast itself.
Last month, Pope Francis, upon returning to Rome from World Youth Day in Brazil, spoke of the Church's need to develop «a profound theology of womanhood.»
What man is amid the brute creation, such is the Church among the schools of the world; and as Adam gave names to the animals about him, so has the Church from the first looked round upon the earth, noting and visiting the doctrines she found there.
Does it make sense for the church to own billions upon billions of dollars worth of property when those same dollars could provide vaccinations and clean water for every person in the world with money left over?
Ultimately, however, the question of whether Israel can see in the church a sign that is fundamentally congruent with God's plan of salvation for the world depends upon the church's attitude toward the Jewish people.
Thus when the people are divided simply upon the basis of humanitarian deeds the undeniable implication is that the categories of good and evil cut across church and world at large.5 If it is true, as Boers argues (6:68).
Faith typed upon stating, «The Christian Church has been totally wonderful all over the world.
We are not called upon to discard completely the important salvation history themes of the Old Testament, but the church in America may find some other viewpoints more helpful in the challenges of world poverty.
In direct proportion to its being deprived of the cultural props that have sustained it as the established religion of the western world, the Christian church is being cast back upon its rudimentary confessional basis.
Even when the minister begins as missionary to some people in the world he soon gathers a Church that claims his special attention; even when he begins as a shepherd of a separated flock he is bound to have relations to those who seem to be the wolves that prey upon it or the dogs that protect it.
In our brave new world and in our bureaucratically organized churches, office functions according to agreed - upon procedures on the basis of which strangers may relate one to another within a common organization.
He called upon the Church to «repent of the sins of existing society, cast off the spell of lies protecting our social wrongs, have faith in a higher social order, and realize in ourselves a new type of Christian manhood which seems to overcome the evil in the present world, not by withdrawing from the world, but by revolutionizing it.»
As such, the Church exists to make present in the contemporary world the event upon which it is built — the event of Jesus Christ, taken as of quite special importance in the affairs of the world.
In Living Faithfully in a Fragmented World: Lessons for the Church from MacIntyre's «After Virtue» (1998), Wilson responds to moral philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre, who concludes his celebrated 1991 critique of modernity by calling for «the construction of local forms of community within which civility and the intellectual and moral life can be sustained through the new dark ages which are already upon us....
Certainly the established church falls into the traps of this world and will always have much upon which to improve.
Today, while much of the world staggers under the weight of chemical addiction, the church is called upon to be a vessel of this resurrection....
Even from the prison cells of all our daily anxieties, the Church lifts our spirits as we reflect upon what the Christ means for the world.
It has been the irritating grain of sand in the oyster, around which the Catholic ages deposited the priceless pearl of supernatural, otherworldly piety; but for the modern church it has remained an impossible ideal of asceticism, an ideal whose very first precondition of fulfillment is lacking, namely, the eschatological outlook upon the world, the belief in the impending Judgment and the Age to Come.
Far from having failed within herself, or even having failed from the malice of men, so that the world stands upon the final consummation that will follow the final apostasy, the Church of Christ, we dare surmise, has not much more than begun her history.
We must expect today, when we all know that a new era has begun in the history of human civilisation, that if the religion of Christ is true, and is founded upon the only claim which makes Christianity the hope of mankind - upon the Divinity personal and unambiguous of Jesus Christ - that we will find within the bosom of the Church's doctrine all that we need to fire the world anew, and to restore all things in Christ.
A billion - plus people around the world are trying to live with Christ as their Lord and the Church as their mystical home upon the earth.
They were looked upon as an expression of the power of papal universalism; the popes and churchmen who sponsored these enterprises hoped that they would demonstrate to the whole world the strength of the church's control over the lives of the believers.
But the moment requires the church to stand upon its own feet, to do its work in its own way, to carry on its revolt against «the world,» not in dependence upon allies or associates, but independently.
According to Alan J. Bailyes, there were five theological issues between the ecumenical and evangelical positions: Church and world, the nature of conversion, Gospel and culture, Christology, and hermeneutics.3 Bailyes explains that a sound and solid ecclesiology has long been a weak link in the evangelical chain of theology, «coming a poor second or cven third behind its soteriology with its emphasis upon the individual and his / her relationship with God.
you must be so very proud of the damage felt today from the crusades your church inflicted upon the world back then
Out of all the sins the sin of fornication and immorality — if left to prosper in a church with no one speaking against it — will bring down damnation upon that church — The church can be in the world the same way a boat can be on the see but the world in the church will sink the church the same way the see in a boat will!
And if we are sent by this Host to exercise his hospitality in the world, we are not at liberty to impose upon the church and its mission patterns of hospitality that are the products of our racial, ethnic, class, gender or other personal backgrounds — including our sexual orientation.
The Cross upon which our disordered egos are sacrificed through our union with Christ is as great a scandal in the Church as it is in the world.
For the Church's holiness does not in some Pelagian sense directly depend upon her members» deeds - even though by their lives the saints among her do manifest her saintliness to the world and contribute through their graced cooperation to her growth in goodness.
And, in the third place, the impact which the Church makes upon the world is mainly in the hands of its laymen.
There can be no possible question that the influence of the church upon the ills and evils of the world is carried out through laymen — or not at all.
What is the Evangel, the gospel, which the Church is called upon to communicate to the people of the modern world?
It is so to this day; for we greatly lessen the effectiveness of the Christian message if we insist upon getting it all inside the four walls of past history, ignoring the present reality of the risen, glorified Christ who still has words to say to his church and to the world through his Spirit.
The complex and pressing demands made upon Protestantism by the rising industrial and urban society have brought with them a renewed awareness of the role of the church as a ministering body in which both lay and ordained ministers are called as servants of the gospel, not only in the church but also in the world.
But the history of our time is no less the stage upon which the drama of salvation is played out than was the history of the fifth century B.C. or the first century A.D. Accordingly, the Christian does not doubt that God is moving with power in the world today — the world of African nationalism, thermonuclear politics, metropolitan planning, and space exploration, The Christian's problem is rather to discover when, where, and how God is moving with such decisiveness as to create a crisis of decision for the church and to summon it and its resources into the struggle.
The laity's participation in the church's preaching will depend both upon the meanings they find in their lives and upon their ability to live in the world reflectively.
Once the Church had claimed to be the body of Christ, it had already set upon the imperialistic path of conquering the world, of bringing the life and movement of the world into submission to the inhuman authority and power of an infinitely distant Creator and Judge.
They have stressed obedience to the Lord's command «Go, and teach all nations» but have been shy of stating the conviction of Scripture and Tradition, up to and including Vatican II, that unless they hear the Gospel and enter the Church, many will remain slaves of the devil, the flesh and the world, and may never attain the eternal life Christ won for them upon the Cross.
• A focus upon the church as the hope of the world, if it would live, act, and be different for the gospel.
The World Cup is upon us, and — whether or not you like football — there's much the Church can learn... More
It will be increasingly incumbent upon the church in this increasingly pluralistic, multi-cultural, globalized world to recall and reclaim its confessional history if it is to be the «pillar and bulwark of the truth» in the future that it was in the past.
This moral disengagement, broken only by the missionaries — mostly of low - church varieties and not intent upon political change — lasted until after World War II, when the decolonization movement emerged as that war's perhaps most important consequence, though it had not been foreseen and had still less been an aim in the developed countries.
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