Sentences with word «cichlid»

Richard Francis and his colleagues at the University of Oregon in Eugene and the University of Washington in Seattle studied a species of cichlid fish found in Lake Tanganyika.
«Evolutionary biologists observe parallel, repeated evolution of cichlid fish in Nicaragua.»
Amorim, M. C. P., Simões, J. M., Fonseca, P. J. & Turner, G. F. Species differences in courtship acoustic signals among five Lake Malawi cichlid species (Pseudotropheus spp.).
When researchers placed African cichlid fish in a tank, the fish showed identical aggressive behavior whether their opponent was their reflection or another fish across a clear barrier, ramming and biting at both.
There are over 250 species of cichlid in the lake: their presence seems to have blinded biologists to other examples of evolution in action occurring there.
Let's say a customer is keeping Rift Lake cichlids from Lake Malawi.
Then, African cichlids from the Rift Lakes came in, and everyone flocked to them.
The fossil record is spotty, so it seemed possible that older cichlid fossils just hadn't been discovered yet.
Compared with the ancestral lineage, the East African cichlid genomes possess: an excess of gene duplications; alterations in regulatory, non-protein-coding elements in the genome; accelerated evolution of protein - coding elements, especially in genes for pigmentation; and other distinct features that affect gene expression, such as insertions of transposable elements and regulation by novel microRNAs.
The new study, done in collaboration with scientists at Eawag Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Sciences and Georgia Institute of Technology, in addition to more than 70 scientists from the international cichlid research community, appears in the September 3 advance online edition of Nature.
If our estimates are correct, there could be twice as many cichlid species in these three lakes as there are freshwater fish in the whole of Europe and North America.
Unfortunately, fossil specimens that could help to trace earlier phases of cichlid evolution are quite rare, and most are poorly preserved and / or fragmentary.
Male cichlid fish battle for stretches of lake - bottom territory where females lay their eggs.
We tested species of Malawi cichlids found in rocky reefs, open sand habitats, or the sand - rock interface for a variety of environment - usage phenotypes in a controlled laboratory setting.
This predator cichlid now only exists in the Lake Victoria Species Survival Program.
Then there is the behavioural endocrinologist Richard Francis and his colleagues and their work on cichlid fish, which shows how social events regulate the gonads.
Neolamprologus obscurus is a highly sociable species of cichlid found only in the southern reaches of Lake Tanyanika.
17 Teeth can still be found in the throats of some fish species today, including cichlids in East Africa's Lake Malawi.
The costs of specialization are highlighted in an article published this week in Science on fish - eating cichlids in Lake Victoria which became extinct following the proliferation of the Nile perch, introduced around 60 years ago.
Different feeding regimes resulted in differences in head morphologies in both New and Old World cichlid species.
If you browse around online, especially on Facebook, you will see a great many photos of exotic varieties of bettas, swordtails, guppies, glowfish, flowerhorns (cichlid hybrids), etc..
For years, I bred African Rift Lake cichlids with no direct lighting, just eight - foot fluorescents in the ceiling.
«When cichlids fall prey to a predator, alarm substances are released,» explains Dr. Denis Meuthen, who has since moved to the University of Saskatchewan in Canada.
«In each of the two crater lakes new species of the Midas cichlid evolved with an elongated body — a phenotype that does not exist in ancestral lakes from which the colonisers of crater lakes came from,» explains Meyer.
In two of these crater lakes, Apoyo and Xiloá, new types of Midas cichlids evolved, independently from each other, in less than 10,000 years.
The oldest cichlid fossils are only about 45 million years old.
Phenotypic plasticity might have contributed to the extensive trophic radiation and subsequent explosive speciation observed in Old World haplochromine cichlids.
Frankly, it can be a fairly grisly scene when a large cichlid dismantles a goldfish.
I am not talking about cichlids, because it is common practice to see these in a variety of sizes.
Most species of cichlid live in three lakes in Africa's Great Rift Valley.
Moreover, the results are consistent with molecular genetic data relating to the ongoing diversification of the family in the Great Lakes region of East Africa, which have indicated that hybridization between members of related species or even genera has played a major role in cichlid speciation.
They will also know that the best catfish for most cichlid tanks are members of the genus Synodontis.
And the descendants of that fish, now called cichlids, continue to swim the fresh waters of both Africa and South America.
In light of the scarcity of well - preserved cichlid fossils, the phylogenetic placement of the new specimen is dependent on comparisons with modern members of the family — and given the enormous diversity of the latter, this is by no means an easy task.
Matt Friedman, a paleobiologist at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, thought he could estimate just how likely it was that there are more ancient cichlid fossils out there.
The angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) is a colorful cichlid native to the Amazon Basin, but is now found in aquariums around the world because of its popularity in the pet trade.
Evolutionary developmental biologists want... Read More Tiny chompers: How a baby Cichlid behavior influences an adaptive trait
Researchers have found that one species of cichlid uses urine to send chemical signals to rivals during aggressive displays.
«Our study reveals a spectrum of methods that nature uses to allow organisms to adapt to different environments,» said senior author Kerstin Lindblad - Toh, Scientific Director of Vertebrate Genome Biology at the Broad Institute: «These mechanisms are likely to be also at work in humans and other vertebrates, and by focusing on the remarkably diverse cichlid fishes, we were able to study this process on a broad scale for the first time.»
Using nuclear haplotypes with microsatellites to study gene flow between recently separated Cichlid species Hey, J., Y. Won, A. Sivasundar, R. Nielsen, et al. 2004.
Meanwhile, most Central and South American cichlids are omnivorous.
Even cichlids can become stuck if they can't remember exactly how to orientate their bodies in order to escape.
It has taken the lake cichlids just 100 generations and as many years to evolve an entirely new physical feature: very fat lips.
In a study published in Nature Communications, they demonstrate for the first time that this rapid evolution was facilitated by earlier hybridization between two distantly related cichlid species from the Upper Nile and Congo drainage systems.

Phrases with «cichlid»

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