Sentences with phrase «cigarette smoker which»

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Whether you think cigarettes are bad or not, smokers naturally have a hard time quitting which means they'll continue to light up.
Riccardo Polosa, professor of Medicine at Catania University, did a study for the Italian Non-Smoking Association which found that 55 % of the 40 committed smokers in his experiment had significantly reduced or eliminated their use of tobacco cigarettes by the electronic alternative.
«Smokers should be informed that cigarettes could hasten the thinning of the brain's cortex, which could lead to cognitive deterioration.
Research has already shown that immune response provided by nasal mucous membranes is compromised in cigarette smokers, which causes them to be more susceptible to the outcomes of a viral infection, said Ilona Jaspers, deputy director of the Center for Environmental Medicine Asthma and Lung Biology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, but her new research revealed even more immune suppression effects in e-cigarette users than in smokers of traditional cigarettes.
For example, Missouri has the lowest cigarette excise tax in the country and weak statewide clean indoor air laws, and we have 50 percent more smokers than New York, which has the highest cigarette tax and strong clean indoor air laws.»
However, the study also concludes that cigarette health warnings which emphasize how smokers harm others - such as the new FDA label that says smoking harms one's children - diminish the appeal of smoking.
24.5 % of respondents reported that hookah is less risky than cigarettes, which was equally prevalent for both cigarette smokers and nonsmokers.
Three recent experimental studies focused on low consumption / exposure.949596 In one study, 29 smokers each consumed a single cigarette, immediately after which they had a significant decrease in blood vessel output power and significant increase in blood vessel ageing level and remaining blood volume 25 minutes later, as markers of atherosclerosis.94 In another study, human coronary artery endothelial cells were exposed to the smoke equivalent to one cigarette, which led to activation of oxidant stress sensing transcription factor NFR2 and up - regulation of cytochrome p450, considered to have a role in the development of heart disease.95 These effects were not seen when heart cells were exposed to the vapour from one e - cigarette.95 A study exposed adult mice to low intensity tobacco smoke (two cigarettes) for one to two months and found adverse histopathological effects on brain cells.96
E-cigarettes, which contain nicotine, have been marketed as a way to help tobacco smokers quit smoking and as an alternative to cigarettes.
The People were already setting out the dead's favorite corn - husk cigarettes, and if they could not afford tobacco, they filled the cigarros with machuche, which would burn just as well and only make the smokers cough a little.
There is also expert consensus that if large numbers of existing smokers switch from conventional cigarettes to safer nicotine sources there are likely to be substantial health gains, which will serve to reduce the burden of tobacco - related illnesses on the NHS.
For example, while every company classifies a regular cigarette smoker as a «tobacco user,» some companies may make exceptions for people who only smoke the occasional cigar or two and offer nonsmoker prices, which will often cut your price nearly in half.
Being defined as a smoker can mean using tobacco cigarettes or cigars, but life insurance for smokers includes chewing tobacco or dipping, which technically isn't smoking at all.
Their feedback shaped the content of the clips — which don't even touch on the adverse health impacts of smoking, but rather the cost of cigarettes and how it stops smokers from buying or enjoying other things.
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