Sentences with phrase «circling red dwarfs»

One of the largest concerns about planets circling red dwarfs is radiation.
In February, for example, a different one revealed the existence of seven rocky, Earth - size planets circling a red dwarf star.
Until now, the transits of only one other super-Earth, GJ 1214b circling a red dwarf, had been observed with ground - based telescopes.
A new member in a family of planets circling a red dwarf star 20 light - years away has just been found.

Not exact matches

The small red circles denote other objects that emit X-rays, like neutron stars or white dwarfs, that are found scattered around more of the galaxy.
The team used a computer model developed at the University of Michigan to represent three known red - dwarf planets circling a simulated, middle - aged red dwarf.
The planet circles a dim red dwarf called Gliese 876, just 15 light - years from Earth.
The red circle shows a dwarf galaxy like Triangulum II.
There is a round bed made up of concentric circles that includes the tomato varieties Golden Queen, Queen of Hearts and White Queen, lettuce Northern Queen and dwarf French bean Royal Red.
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