Sentences with phrase «circular argument»

A circular argument is when you use your conclusion as part of your argument. It is like saying "I am right because I say I am right." It doesn't provide any real evidence or reason to support your point. Full definition
I am sure there is a lot of circular arguments out there but being sexually pure implies not having had sex.
Also I prefer to keep things from the same circular arguments.
For the kids at home, this shabby assertion that biblical words equates truth is how we get circular arguments.
Read up on it and then please refrain from making such absurd circular arguments.
To avoid circular arguments, biochemical and physiological methods, independent of human milk, are used to define these requirements.
So, unless one wants to make an incredibly circular argument, the models are useless in determining how much CO2 affects history.
Since it is impossible to prove god exists or does not exist, this book is likely a complicated series of circular arguments.
Experts insist that whatever the circumstances, there is always something positive for you to covertly do while your colleagues discuss irrelevant information or engage in circular arguments.
You're making circular arguments, and you're also misusing the term «belief», applying to the same meaning as «faith».
Even you acknowledge that the Bible is not proof unless you already believe in its accuracy and veracity, a classic circular argument.
Not convincing» which is funny circular argument because you state that everyone of that age «average education level of individuals is higher now than in the dark ages» so by your standard nothing of that age can be verified?
@Veritas «You continue with your dishonest circular arguments
BTW all your apologist revelations are just circular arguments, your lot chasing your tails / tale.
That kind of circular argument even goes back to explanations of the origin of the universe — according to the big bang theory (which I don't really have a problem with in the «big picture»).
Without mutual deference then never ending circular arguments persist with a lot of pissed off and exhausted people.
How many thousands of redundant, circular arguments by people entrenched in their own viewpoints, will this blog engender?
You committed intellectual suicide as soon as you decided to forgo logic and accept the huge circular argument that is christianity.
This form of affirmation is the standard circular argument of the IPCC.
Computer models are key to the IPCC circular argument.
So, essentially, he provides circular argument of anthropogenic garbage by referencing IPCC 2007 report, yet IPCC has stated they do not do science but put together different scenarios using grey literature, propaganda, news clipping, and the supposed science K.T. does.
This is an entirely circular argument, because the models have been built, indeed forced, to match history, with substantial plug figures added like SO2 effects and non-anthropogenic climate trends, effects for which there are no empirical numbers.
He also presents a ridiculously Kafka-esque circular argument against the law being reviewed by the Supreme Court.
It is a classic circular argument, but essential to perpetuate the phony results, which are the basis of all official climate change beliefs and policies.
Sony hasn't given any indications either, It's primarily just the media hype echo chamber that keeps regurgitating the same circular argument.
This kind of circular argument may feel like logic to you, but it is fallacious.
It is a circular argument.
It's a circular argument in the same way someone who thumps the Bible as proof is making a circular argument.
Now there's a circular argument.
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