Sentences with phrase «circular patches of»

You can observe small circular patches of naked skin caused by hair loss in pets suffering from localized Demodectic mange.
The condition observed in each of the named breeds at an ophthalmologist's exam includes numerous distinct (i.e. multi-focal), roughly circular patches of elevated retina with accumulation of material that produces gray - tan - pink colored lesions.
Hot spots are easily identifiable, manifesting as red, swollen, circular patches of skin usually 1 to 4 inches across.
Ringworm is a fungus that causes circular patches of hair loss that are crusty and red.
When the flow of a roughly circular patch of rocks is modelled from that starting location, he said, «we get a pickle at Bahía Inútil and a banana at San Sebastián.»
Taking its cue from the derogatory language with which he is described in Shakespeare's original, he is monstrous by virtue of being a mélange of diverse elements («fish» with webbed fingers and scales; «of the earth,» covered in mud, naked; a «mooncalf,» with a circular patch of vitiligo on his face), and as racial Other.

Not exact matches

This rubbish - strewn patch floats within the North Pacific Gyre, the center of a series of currents several thousand miles wide that create a circular effect, ensnaring trash and debris.
With such ideal conditions, the group dissolved seven metric tons of iron sulfate in acidic seawater and spewed the solution into the ship's propeller wash starting on February 13, 2004, covering a circular patch in the eddy of some 167 square kilometers.
The search turned up four circular patches, each spanning an area of sky equivalent to at least eight full moons ( and
Older men are more likely to develop nummular eczema, which produces distinctive circular or oval patches of blistered, scaly rash.
In extreme cases, women with PCOS may experience alopecia, the development of one or more circular bald patches that can merge one into the next.
Patches of his scalp peek out from under his wig's wispy strands, and his chic circular glasses come off more often.
The radar sensor for ACC may be a postcard size patch of black plastic in or under the grille, behind the grille logo, or it may look like a small circular fog lamp.
These circular patches appear suddenly and enlarge quickly, often within a matter of hours.
You may see scaly patches, inflammation, and hair loss around the area of the circular lesions.
Demodectic mites mostly affect young dogs by causing moderate itchiness and circular round patches of hair loss.
The classic ringworm symptom in cats presents as patches of hair loss which look like circular scaly areas with raised edges.
These circular patches usually heal by themselves in 3 — 5 weeks, as the immunity of the dog improves.
The hallmark sign of ringworm is hair loss in circular patches, primarily on the head, ears and paws — although with a serious infection, a majority of a dog's body may be involved.
With only a weeny patch of pine forest left since the rather epic 2010 felling that left the patch rather devoid of shade and, I thought, little chance of walking, cycling or dog - sercising, the City of Cape Town and various other sponsors have mapped out a rather wonderful circular walk for everyone — including space for bikes, horses and people.
All four types of reefs are represented in the Belizean reef complex; the fringing reef which is attached to an island or the mainland, the barrier reef separated from the mainland by a lagoon, the patch reef consisting of small clusters of reef materials found in the lagoon area, and the circular «atolls,» here found in association with Lighthouse Reef, Turneffe Islands, Glovers Reef and some of the more southern cayes.
In Slow Storm (2017), grey circular strokes spiral, tornado - like, in the canvas's upper right corner, grabbing paint from earlier layers while dripping onto patches of raw canvas.
Central to this exhibition is a total of 12 paintings executed on shallow circular dishes, covered with small square patches of canvas.
In Snoopy Sees a Sunrise of 1970, she placed a circular form within the mosaic patch of colors and accented it with curved bands of light colors.
Only specjal circular patchs are free of forces (something like geodesic lines).
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