Sentences with phrase «circular shaped dough»

I form wedges from circular shaped dough which makes for a nice end presentation, accompanied by apricot fruit spread and Devon cream.

Not exact matches

Form the dough into a circular shape and pinch together the pinched ends.
Divide the dough in half and shape each portion into a smooth circular mound.
It is traditionally prepared by folding the edges of the dough over the top of the jam / marmalade filling, creating a more «rough» look, rather than a uniform, circular shape.
I rolled out a small ball of dough in my palm and pressed it onto the parchment paper, then used my fingertips to flatten it into a circular shape.
Gently roll out the dough into a bug circular shape until it's about half a centimetre thick.
Start from the outside edge of the skillet, and place the cut out pie dough shapes in a circular pattern, working toward the center.
Form dough into a circular shape.
With wet fingers, press down on each piece of dough and spread into a disk, smoothing to ensure a circular shape.
Shape a heaping tablespoon of dough into a ball, and flatten it into a circular shape on the baking sShape a heaping tablespoon of dough into a ball, and flatten it into a circular shape on the baking sshape on the baking sheet.
Add a piece of parchment paper to a flat surface, sprinkle with a little all - purpose flour, add the ball of dough on top, cut into 3 evenly sized pieces and shape each piece into a ball, then flatten each one out, you want a circular design that is about 1/8 of an inch in thickness
Slightly push down on each ball of dough to give it a circular shape, each cookie should be about 1/2 thick, then add the baking tray into a pre-heated oven, bake only option 175 C - 375 F between 14 - 16 minutes, once baked take the cookies out of the oven and let them cool on the baking tray for 1 minute, then transfer to a wire rack
Using a standard bowl with a 3 - inch circular diameter, place it on top of the dough, push down on it, and with a pairing knife cut out the circular shape, you should end up with six 3 - inch circular doughs from both pieces of rolled out dough
Roll each ball of dough on a lightly oiled board into a very thin circular shape.
You're basically just patting the dough out into a circular shape
Using a small cup or shot glass, cut circular shapes out of the «dough».
Martinez also recommends that you get the spoons with ends shaped like half - spheres, since they'll serve you well for straight measurements but also if you want to use them for cookie dough balls or something else circular.
Using a cookie cutter or shot glass, cut circular shapes out of the «dough».
For example, children classify objects (stacking blocks by shape or sorting them by color); measure things («This cloth isn't big enough to cover the table»); count just about anything (coins, candy, people, toys, and so on); transform objects (stretching dough and making a flat circular shape); recognize patterns and shapes (building a symmetrical structure by putting a two unit block over two blocks); and explore spatial relations (finding a location or following directions).
Pupils fill in the circles with detailed drawings of items that are circular in shape, e.g. pizza, dough nut, eyeball, apple, etc..
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