Sentences with phrase «citations as»

Directed vehicular traffic; enforce parking assignments and motor vehicle and parking regulations; provides evidence for parking appeals monitor parking lots as assigned; issues citations as appropriate.
Enforced local and national motor vehicle and criminal laws and issued warnings or citations as needed
It is important to keep your driving record free of citations as blemishes on your record will cause your auto insurance premiums to go up.
In terms of points added to your driving record, Florida treats out - of - state citations as if the ticket was received in Florida.
Warning: the entire post is about 6,400 words according to Word, but the wording counting tool in the version of Word I'm using counts parts of citations as words, so there's a bit less than that.
These databases seem to be «puntuation neutral» when searching citations as phrases.
The rule no longer separately categorizes Internet citations as either direct or parallel; all citations are treated as direct.
And though I wouldn't argue for the effort of devising a fuzzy logic search for misspelled names, I would like to see CanLII amend its citation recognition algorithm to bring in the obvious (wrongful) variations on the neutral citation scheme and the commercial publisher citations as well.
If I saved this output to an html file, our US Code cite would be a link to Title 17, Section 107, and our regex would happily provide links for other citations as well.
This fetish for demanding citations as a way to distract attention from the essential point is tiresome.
«Animal control officer» means any person employed or appointed by a county or municipality who is authorized to investigate, on public or private property, civil infractions relating to animal control or cruelty and to issue citations as provided in this section.
Well that sucks, wrote a post with citations as requested, but I can't post links or edit the post, so it's all lost.
It will need lots of planning of method, literature reviews, and good citations as the case study proceeds.
In my case, it took writing a book that has 31 pages of reference citations as well as a five - page glossary of terms.
(Much to the surprise of our friends at CATO, she characterized us as «center - libertarian» and classified our citations as on the right to compare the overall political perspective of media mentions.)
Weighted RCR is essentially defining an average paper's scientific impact based on actual citations as 1 (normalized by research field), and a given scientist's output can be compared against the average by adding together the citation count for that scientist's papers to give the Weighted RCR over a given period of time).
However, the Journal of Immunology publishes 11.2 times more papers and has nearly 5.3 times the number of total citations as Immunity.
The site rarely ends up in a paper's citations as the source of, say, the history of the gut - brain axis or the chemical formula for polyvinyl chloride.
The camera at 159th Street and Harlem Avenue consistently catches the most drivers, issuing nearly twice as many citations as the runner - up at 151st Street and Harlem Avenue last year.
It has been said that whenever some older theologians got to a hard place they simply quoted a few lines of Wordsworth or Tennyson, thinking that ended the matter; or they made a few biblical citations as if that were the complete answer; or (at worst), when the attack was most fierce, they used the word «mystery» as a kind of «escape - hatch».
«It is also worthy of note that under his distinguished stewardship, networking skills, diplomacy, persuasiveness and relentless appeal to corporate organisations and philanthropists have brought significant support for the Kaneshie Polyclinic,» he quoted the citation as saying.
«Blockwalking has evolved to where if we don't hit 3,000 homes with our blockwalk in a month, we didn't do it right,» says Norwood, adding that animal control officers can now act as on - the - spot blockwalkers with a mantra of «education before citation,» first offering low - cost veterinary services or other resources and writing a citation as a last resort.
As an OU alum, I am both horrified and disappointed at the news that one of its research labs is under federal investigation for a dog electrocution citation as well as other violations, according to
Emerging from a tradition that originates in China's Tang period (618 — 907), the phrase «one hand clapping» encompasses a history of cross-cultural translation and appropriation that continues into the present, from its citation as the epigraph to J. D. Salinger's Nine Stories (1953) to its referencing in the titles of a Cantopop song and an Australian film and the name of a British band.
(As an aside, my high school science teacher would never have allowed such a vague citation as reference 16 above, I'd have gotten a «D» on the paper if not an «F».
You are now in a very uncomfortable position: either you can agree that I'm right if I post a citation as you demand, showing that CO2 has been almost twenty times higher in the past — or you can argue incessantly, using your baseless assertions.
either you can agree that I'm right if I post a citation as you demand, showing that CO2 has been almost twenty times higher in the past...
Sloppy sloppy sloppy... yes, they got all their stuff from Wegman, and put in the Bradley citation as an afterthought (and got even that from Wegman, grrr).
In a post last year, I questioned their reliance on the following citation as statistical authority [Rumsefled 2004], a reference to the prominent American statistician, Donald Rumsfeld.
How many of the law professor blogs have been cited in law reviews — and do law professors view citation as a benefit of blogging worth mention?
This explains the primacy of the neutral citation as well, since essentially all cases with a neutral citation are available on CanLII — although this does not explain the disfavouring of the CanLII citation.
The law reports classified by The Guide to Legal Citation as semi-official law reporters are in reality commercial publications prepared by legal publishers in the exactly the same manner as any other law report.
(They appear now to be adding the neutral citation as well.)
If the case is only available on one of the large commercial databases, we should probably include that citation as well as to the print reporter.
All these sources have excellent search engines, and it is an easy matter to use the neutral citation as a search term and thereby find the case.
With the new fall term just beginning, and thousands of first - year law students across the country entering upon legal studies; and with the student editors of the McGill Law Journal preparing yet another new edition of the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (incredibly, the 8th since its first appearance in 1986), I thought it an opportune moment to add my thoughts on the practice of legal citation and how we — and specifically the editors of the McGill Guide — would do well to reconsider both the ends and the means of legal citation as currently practised.
It would be a positive development if we were all moving towards using the neutral citation as the default citation.
It will also tell you if anyone was issued a citation as a result of the officer's conclusions.
Our attorneys will be able to go over the various options you have on the citation as well as how the court process will go.
I think what happens there is that Reflex reads the case name and the citation as separate instances each requiring the insertion of a hyperlink to the single case; though, I haven't by any means put Reflex through its paces and don't pretend to know its limits yet in any sense.
In response to the comments above, especially regarding «consistency» in citation formatting in databases, the reference librarians here at Osgoode ran some tests in a few databases to see whether search results would be affected by the inclusion or exclusion of periods when running full - text searches using a citation as a phrase in the search string.
A traffic violation conviction in Virginia will be reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles, and both the citation as well as demerit points will go on your driving record.
Learn how to read a Florida uniform traffic citation as well as the options you have in order to resolve the offense.
If you would like to submit payment via mail, be sure to include a copy of the citation as well as an election affidavit if you intend to elect traffic school.
Contact the court listed on your citation as soon as possible.
Specific instructions on how AND where to submit a plea will be printed on your traffic citation as well.
Generally speeding tickets fall under the category of a dismissable citation as long as it does not qualify as criminal speeding.
According to the chart, for a speeding ticket at seventeen miles over the speed limit, the cost would be $ 360 for that citation as long as that is the only violation they charged you with.

Not exact matches

Citation Resources has appointed KordaMentha as voluntary administrators, while the oil and gas company continues to pursue recovery of funds through a civil action against former director Peter Landau.
His citations go back as far as Plato («You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation») and as recently as «Stranger Things» teen star Millie Bobby Brown («I was bored one day, so my dad took me to this acting school.
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