Sentences with phrase «citations for putting»

Not exact matches

But let's put aside for the moment the partisan purposes behind these citations and examine the inner logic of the statement itself.
Can you put any links in answer for further reading and citation, please?
A damning bipartisan Senate Investigations Subcommittee report led Backpage earlier this year to put up a red banner headline over its adult This article needs additional citations for verification.
This year, «The Shape of Water» and «Blade Runner 2049» received citations from ADG, putting them out in front as the smart bets to compete for the Oscar (Oscar has matched ADG 14 of the past 21 years).
Laurie Metcalf won the most critic prizes for any actor this year with 23 citations thus far for her work in «Lady Bird» while Willem Dafoe put up an impressive 21 wins for «The Florida Project.»
While the authors shame all states for minimizing teachers» test - based ratings before these systems had a chance, as also ignorant to what they cite as «a robust body of research» (without references or citations here, and few elsewhere in a set of footnotes), they add that it remains an unknown as to «why state educational agencies put forth regulations or guidance that would allow teachers to be rated effective without meeting their student growth goals» (p. 4).
All three put into production new technology pushed by John DeLorean [citation needed] which GM had been working on for several years prior, but the Tempest was by far the most radical.
The animal control office with the sheriff department is the same one putting the citation on this facility for habitual barking.
My thanks to the Corcoran staff and to personnel at A.S. Pratt and Sons, for putting me on the trail of the citation.
For example, perhaps there was a question as to how to cite Wegmen, and — once determined — such a citation was inadvertently not put on these pages.
If you had asked me back in ’95 that in 2017, courts would be randomly putting up PDF files, and they would take stuff down, and it wouldn't be the official opinions, and half of them would still be using West citations for official citation, I'd say, «No way.
In the meantime, and until failure to use them approaches zero, it would make sense for CanLII to have a notice put up to make sure people know clearly what counts as a citation in «cited in «n» cases.»
Related to this product on the same page is downloadable software for Quickfind, which puts an icon on your taskbar that allows you to «paste» a citation into a search box and then click «enter» to (quickly) get a copy of that decision from Quicklaw (the software works behind the scenes).
with neutral citations, one already know the court level, so for a citation such as, say, 2007 CSC 7 at para. 20, 2007 SCC 7 at para. 7, there's no need to put the (CSC) or (SCC) in at all.
So long as the majority of caselaw services put greater rather than less distance between footnote calls and their notes than the printed page, inline citations seem the better choice, at least for this reader.
On top of that, points will be put onto your driving record for the speeding citation in Colorado.
In addition, points will be put onto your driving record for your speeding citation in Georgia.
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