Sentences with phrase «cited as»

On the lighter side of behavior modification by chiles, they are occasionally cited as being an aphrodisiac.
Another root, similar in appearance to turmeric and frequently cited as being an effective anti-inflammatory, is ginger.
Indeed, they are often cited as cumulative evidence that theological schooling is, as such, in a state of crisis today.
The question of the sociology of religion may be cited as an example of the relation between Religionswissenschaft and another discipline According to Professor E. A. Shils: «It is scarcely to be expected that American sociologists would make contributions to the sociological study of religion along the lines of Max Weber's Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Religionssoziologie.
1This essay is taken from a section of my dissertation on «The Relevance of Whitehead for a Theology of God's Efficacy» (forthcoming in book form, henceforth cited as RWT).
God's declaration to Moses (Ex 3:6), «I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,» is cited as proof that the patriarchs are still alive, because God is not God of the dead but of the living.
Initially he thought that — he was simply explicating what Whitehead should have said or perhaps even wanted to say (The Divine Relativity: A Social Conception of God [New Haven, CN: Yale University Press -LCB- 1948; 1974 -RCB--RSB-, 30 - 31; Charles Hartshorne and William Reese, Philosophers Speak of God [Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1953; 1965], 274; henceforth cited as PSG).
In Chapter 2, a study by Jellinek was cited as evidence of the fact that many alcoholics have alcoholic parents.
Now, some authors who were earlier classed as «neo-orthodox» are sometimes cited as «liberal Protestants.»
Journal of Religion 48 (1 % 8), 124 - 135; Marjorie Suchocki,» The Metaphysical Ground of the Whiteheadian God» (henceforth cited as MGWG); Marjorie Suchocki, The End of Evil: Process Eschatology in Historical Context, especially 135 - 155 (henceforth cited as EE); Jorge Luis Nobo, «God as Essentially Immutable, Imperishable, and Objectifiable: A Response to Ford» (henceforth cited as GEL).
For Leclerc, however, the loss of immediacy (which is always present in the case of a normal serial society) forms the main argument for conceiving God as a society, because Leclerc considers «perishing» to be metaphysically required for every prehensibility, including God's (Review of William Christian, An Interpretation of Whitehead's Meta physics, Journal of Philosophy 57 [1960], 138 - 143; henceforth cited as RWC).
10 (henceforth cited as SCW).
9William Christian, An Interpretation of Whitehead's Metaphysics, especially 294 - 301 (henceforth cited as IWM); Lewis Ford, «Boethius and Whitehead on Time and Eternity,» International Philosophical Quarterly (1968), 38 - 67 (henceforth cited as BW); Lewis S. Ford, «Is Process Theism Compatible with Relativity Theory?»
Rev. Dr. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY, is often cited as an example of the classic «culture warrior.»
For conceiving God as an actual entity would imply, according to him, that God has not yet reached satisfaction, and therefore could not be efficacious towards world occasions (A Christian Natural Theology Philadelphia, PA: Westminster, 1965], 188; henceforth cited as CNT).
by Martin Milligan (New York: International Publishers, 1971), hereafter cited as Manuscripts.
The two institutions usually cited as being of this character were the family and the church itself.
Idolatry arbitrarily elevates the worth of objects over ideas and the people who discuss them, and is cited as a bad practice by the bible and its skeptics alike.
It is often cited as one of the strongest revivals in the world today.
Wicca was recently cited as the fastest - growing spiritual identification in America.
«Love your neighbor as yourself» one rabbi cited as the quintessence of the Law.
The popularity of Allen Ginsberg is often cited as proof that anything goes if you're a poet these days, but there are still many who despise him and his kind.
In fact, 1Timothy 2 appear in a list of «key texts» on the CBMW site and is commonly cited as biblical justification for limiting the roles of women in church leadership.
Do we have to like it because national security is cited as a reason for it?
Box and cage traps [77](mistakenly called live - traps)[78] are cited as causing trapped animals to suffer through physical injury.
Colombia was cited as the fortunate precedent.
Jars of Clay is often cited as an example of a group that manages to be both subtle and profound.
With this in mind, the writings of Savarkar may be cited as representative of an inordinately influential form of nationalist thinking which homogenized the idea of India into one region, religion, and race.13 The relevance of interrogating Savarkar is twofold.
Our inheritance of Reformation iconoclasm is usually put forward as the traditional reason for our discomfort; and in the mainline churches our commitment to social justice and our resulting decisions about stewardship are cited as contemporary explanation and justification.
Since Plato is often cited as the source of the sharp separation of the sensible and the intelligible that has preoccupied subsequent generations of philosophers, it is hard to overestimate the significance of Whitehead's footnote.
Cultural change is cited as a reason to alter the Church's teaching on communion for the divorced and remarried.
JWT you've already been proved a moron please stay out of this in order to keep any dignity left The Canada Act, 1982 No Act of the Parament of the UK passed after the Constution Act, 1982 comes into force shall extend to Canada as part of its law the French version of this Act is and has the same authority in Canada as the English version thereof This Act may be cited as the Canada Act 1982.
Even the poetic Proverbs 31 Woman, so often cited as the model for homemaking, has a thriving business and uses her own earnings to invest in real estate.
The Twittersphere lit up this past week with the revelation that Mark Driscoll's new book includes passages that bear a striking resemblance (though not quite word - for - word equivalence) to material from the book that is cited as their source.
Cited as reprinted in F. S. C. Northrop and Mason W. Gross, eds.
Discussions of science are based on nonscientific literature, Jesus is presented as the fulfillment of «Old Testament» prophecy, and archaeological findings are cited as evidence of Bible's complete historical accuracy.
Finally, let us touch upon an example that will crop up in December and has been cited as one of the most egregious instances of impenetrable theology - speak.
There are too many statements in the Bible affirming that those who believe are saved (including, of course, John 3:16, which is cited as the preface to «The Gift of Salvation») for us to say that something other than belief is necessary for salvation.
Also cited as evidence for theism are the Commentaries of William Blackstone.
As well as being claimed as the first philosophers, however, the «Pre-Socratics» are also cited as being the first scientists.
Elections and lack of government censorship are cited as proof of the effectiveness of our democratic system.
But most of the descriptions they attach to it appertain to impersonal states of affairs — «high unemployment» or «inequality of incomes» or «lack of a living wage» are cited as instances of «social injustice.»
Reinhold Niebuhr, «Reply to Interpretation and Criticism,» in Reinhold Niebuhr: His Religious, Social, and Political Thought, 433 (hereafter cited as Niebuhr, «Reply»).
Muslims bowing / meditating to Mecca five times a day was only cited as an example with substantial proof given.
I. A. Hutchison (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953), pp. 238 - 39 (hereafter cited as Niebuhr, «Christian Faith and Social Action»).
Reinhold Niebuhr, «The Weakness of the Modern Church,» Essays in Applied Christianity, pp. 69 - 70 (hereafter cited as Niebuhr, «The Weakness of the Modern Church»).
«Mistaken or flawed identification has assumed a newfound prominence in recent years: It's been cited as a factor in nearly 78 percent of the nation's first 130 convictions later overturned by DNA testing, according to the New York - based Innocence Project, which works to free the wrongly convicted.
Red Dwarf «Mistaken or flawed identification has assumed a newfound prominence in recent years: It's been cited as a factor in nearly 78 percent of the nation's first 130 convictions later overturned by DNA testing, according to the New York - based Innocence Project, which works to free the wrongly convicted.
Reinhold Niebuhr, «The Ethic of Jesus and the Social Problem,» in Love and Justice, p. 253 (hereafter cited as Niebuhr, «The Ethic of Jesus and the Social Problem»).
Until the mid-seventies, dictionary entries for terms associated with women cited as attributes for women such characteristics as gentle, affectionate, domestic, fickle, and superficial.
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