Sentences with phrase «cited by her detractors»

In remarks that have been frequently cited by his detractors, Spong complained that African Anglicans had «moved out of animism into a very superstitious kind of Christianity» and had yet to face «the intellectual revolution of Copernicus and Einstein that we've had to face in the developing world.»
Moore's typically prickly demeanor, often cited by her detractors as her biggest liability as an actress, actually works to her advantage here, as she unearths the voracious ambition in Jordan's soul.
Negatives cited by detractors included copyright concerns, sketchy future support of broken mods, poor quality control, and modders getting too small of a cut.

Not exact matches

Re: # 46 The item strikes me as a good - faith attempt at balance that fell prey to the usual journalistic pitfall; that is, it poses on one side the IPCC consensus view and on the other individual detractors like Patrick Michaels (citing 3 blog entries by him, no less — not peer - reviewed papers).
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