Sentences with phrase «cited only»

What you cited only applies when first placing a property into service.
Standards of Practice may be cited only in support of the Article (s) that was allegedly violated.
The fact that you were stopped and cited only means that in someone's opinion, you may have committed either a civil or criminal traffic violation.
The Eighth Circuit panel recognized that Pfizer might have had better luck with its argument in other jurisdictions, and on two occasions the panel questioned why the district court had cited only other Eastern District authority and not any authority from other jurisdictions.
Currently, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports that unbelted drivers can be cited only if they are pulled over for another reason.
It was cited only twice in the 1940's, twice in the 1950's and then not at all in the 1960's.23 The phrase «living tree» did not appear in a single Canadian decision between 1936 and 1972, and did not appear in a Supreme Court decision again until 1979.
A 2010 study has been cited only once — by Soon himself.
In addition, DC implies that Bradley is cited only once and in «another section».
Your approach of looking at really long - term regional trends (CET) as a proxy for global trends seems to make sense (unfortunately, the Met Office graph you cited only goes back to 1772).
[12] Morano offered no documentation to support the «$ 50 BILLION» claim, and cited only one figure to support the «$ 19 MILLION» claim — a statement that «skeptics have reportedly received a paltry $ 19 MILLION from ExxonMobil over the last two decades,» falsely suggesting that ExxonMobil was the only source of funding for global warming «skeptics.»
Yet, non-Western influences are cited only in discussions of the works by artists of color, while the overarching themes of industrialization and geometric abstraction as American art's primary interests in that period are preserved from earlier presentations of the collection.
Mullins, having, it seems, enjoyed a generous helping of the Smithsonian / USFWS Kool - Aid, cited only the maximum «estimates» from the Loss et al. paper (not the minimums are scientifically defensible either, of course) for greater effect.
While Mr. Beard's peers» cited, on average, 59 % of licensee for violations, Mr. Beard cited only 15 % of licensees.
She cited only the fact that newspapers had reported each windowing announcement.
TeleRead points out that these «experts» are in fact book publishing pundits, cited only because of their support for the industry they are a part of.
The board cited only three items they now require from Pioneer High: a clean membership audit, enrollment numbers that support a viable operating budget, and an improvement in their academic performance.
None of these monsters — and I've cited only a fraction of the full repertory — ever comes within hailing distance of a recognizable human; this caricaturing gives John Turturro an enjoyable turn as a vain Mexican bowler (who has practically nothing to do with the plot), but it shortchanges Steve Buscemi, who plays another bowling buddy of the Dude's, a relatively important character we're supposed to care about but mainly don't.
The DGAC Report also claims that lowfat diets are beneficial for diabetes; again, the studies cited only show the results of diets high in both carbohydrates and fats.
S1, S2, S3 References (21 - 32)[Note: The numbers refer to any additional references cited only within the Supplementary Materials] Movie S1
A 2008 report in the journal Clinics in Dermatology cited only one case of a possible allergic skin reaction to sodium polyacrylate, and that was in an adult using an incontinence pad.
These folks are almost always relegated to pop psychology, generally cited only by people outside the field (good money there however!)
The Western Media for long has blamed the cogs on Muslims citing only acts carried out by Muslim extremists and that has sufficed them to long term Muslims as Terrorists.
To cite only two major examples besides Tracy, see Bernard Lonergan, Method in Theology (New York: Herder, 1972) and Paul Tillich, Systematic Theology (Chicago: University Press.
I can cite only two examples here.
3 There is a passage in the Clitophon, which I cite only as the testimony of a third party, since this dialogue is not believed to be genuine.
Robespierre's address to the Commune of Paris at the convention of 1793 evidences that his Supreme Being also had this same character: «L'homme pervers se croit sans cesse environné d'un témoin puissant et terrible anquel il ne peut échapper, qui le voit et le veille, tandis que les hommes sont livrés au sommeil...» (F. A. Aulard, Le Culte de la raison et le culte de l'Être Supreme (Paris, 1892), pp. 285 f.) How can one isolate this «structure» and separate it from its biblical antecedents, when — to cite only one of the many passages — one can read in the book of Isaiah (29:15): «Woe to those who hide deep from the Lord their counsel, whose deeds are in the dark, and who say, «Who sees us?
If I throw away 80 % of the scripture and cite only the part that I like and give the references, then a thousand years from now people can say «Look, here are all the references.
We need here cite only the Naboth incident (I Kings, chap.
From the wealth of illustration we cite only the dire result of the breach by King Saul of Joshua's oath to the Gibeonites (II Samuel, chap.
From among the many examples we cite only a few.
Francis takes it for granted that sex outside of marriage (to cite only one sin) is gravely wrong; the world does not» and increasingly doesn't even believe in the proper definition of marriage.
You cite only the games we have lost, but we have won many games.
While the article [Effects of Marijuana on the Fetus and Breastfeeding Infants by Thomas Hale, et al, Infant Risk Center; cites a number of studies regarding cannabis use during pregnancy, it cites only two on cannabis use during lactation: one conducted with 27 women, and another with 16 women.»
At a news conference Thursday, members of Odinga's party gave no evidence to support any claims of election tampering, citing only unnamed sources at the election commission.
Why cite only «statewife» polls?
Insiders can cite only two examples in the last half - century, and both involve the governor's late father, Mario Cuomo.
Smith cites only one other complaint: His wife likes to discuss work at home more than he does.
The medical establishment has charged that you can cite only anecdotal evidence, not clinical trials, to support your recommendations.
In December 2014, several weeks after a judge agreed to release the researchers, the U.S. attorney's office dropped the charges entirely, citing only its «on - going evaluation and assessment of this case.»
Many written sources from ancient Egypt show precedence to the maternal line, «from the official lists of Egypt's early kings whose names are accompanied by those of their mothers to nonroyal individuals, who likewise cite only their mother's name,» Fletcher explains.
Fragaszy cautions that Gruber cites only one study that discusses orangutans developing stick skills in the wild — and she says that work isn't conclusive about when orangutans begin experimenting.
However some technical challenges still need to be taken to make the technology more accessible and usable to its full potential: gaining selective and comprehensive genetic access to the neurons of interest, controlling variation in the expression of the optogenetic tools (when using viruses) and its precise localization (axon vs. presynaptic terminals), tailoring light - delivery system signals to individual cells in a population rather than the population as a whole, developing observation techniques which have the same spatial and temporal resolution as those tools... to cite only a few of them.
Note, though, that the study Dr. G cites only says that alcohol intake is statistically associated with decreased prostate cancer rates.
But it cites only «a person familiar with the matter,» which is frustratingly vague.
Director Nicholas Stoller introduced Neighbors by describing it as a «work in progress,» citing only technical reasons like aspect ratios, sound mix, and some colorization of some of the scenes.
To cite only one example — which includes a spoiler — how likely is it that the racist white cop (Matt Dillon) who gropes a well - to - do black woman (Thandie Newton) while pretending to search her for weapons one night will be the officer who rescues her from a potentially fatal car accident less than 24 hours later, or that during the same time frame his partner will save her husband from being shot by another policeman?
He says «lots» but cites only two examples, neither of which make any sense.
No2: Although you have correctly described Piagetian Programs, the research Hattie cites only refers to the fact that if you assess students using a Piagetian test of thinking level (not on the topic), and then give them a subject / topic test, there is a close correlation.
GCI's policy report cites the only recent studies that used student - level data to compare district and charter students of similar socio - economic and demographic backgrounds.
First, the evidence: It is telling that the Fordham Institute cites only one study that suggests its policy «may boost student achievement.»
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