Sentences with phrase «cities in developing countries»

This year, for the first time, all five nominees — Cali, Colombia; Curitiba, Brazil; Guadalajara, Mexico; and Johannesburg, South Africa, in addition to Ahmedabad — were cities in developing countries.
Over three quarters of the world's accessible fresh water comes from forested watersheds and two thirds of all major cities in developing countries depend on surrounding forests for their supply of clean water.
At the subnational level, the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) announced a partnership with the World Bank to mobilize US$ 4.5 billion as loans to support 150 of its committed cities and launched Global Urbis — a partnership with the European Union, European Investment Bank (EIB), and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)-- to accelerate financing to cities in developing countries with US$ 1.5 billion.
The future of cities in developing countries, the future of humanity itself, all depend very much on decisions made now in preparation for this growth.
Cookstoves, heating fuel, and kerosene lighting are all common sources of pollution in big cities in developing countries.
Firstly, most cities in developing countries are still undergoing rapid - expansion - and resources are often focused on dealing with that influx.
The RUAF Foundation prepared a paper on «The role of urban agriculture in building resilient cities in developing countries» for (and published by) the UK - Foresight «State of Science Review 19 (SR 19) and the Global Food and Farming Futures Project, which is run by the UK's Government Office for Science.
Most cities in developing countries are not able to generate sufficient (formal or informal) income opportunities for the rapidly growing population.
For most cities in developing countries, the pressure to adapt to climate change is mounting.
For several years now I've been trying to understand ways to reduce vulnerabilities to earthquakes in big cities in developing countries, including Istanbul.
While the world's wealthy countries appear to be inching toward «peak travel,» a decoupling of wealth and miles traveled, that is far from what's going on in the world's fast - growing cities in developing countries.
«The GPC is a very inclusive protocol,» says Ana Marques, project coordinator of ICLEI's Urban - LEDS project, which will help cities in developing countries apply the GPC.
Cities in developed countries have vast networks of traffic cameras, but Nairobi has just 36, operated by local internet service provider, Access Kenya.

Not exact matches

Only a handful of cities, starting with Beijing four months ago, were allowed to pilot road tests, but the country hopes to keep pace with the U.S. in the global race to develop autonomous vehicles.
Mission Hills touches the Missouri state line and was originally developed as an upscale community built around the Mission Hills Country Club in the Kansas City suburbs.
The bulk of this growth will take place in cities in emerging markets and developing countries.
The deal between Li Ka - shing and Murdoch was largely motivated by the pressure on his network caused by the announcement of Turner (CNN which spends some US$ 15 million to develop production capacity in Asia), Time - Warner's Home Box Office (on cable in some eight Asian countries), Capital Cities / ABC ESPN (the sports network), the Discovery Channel, and Hong Kong - based Television Broadcasting Inc. to compete with Star TV in 1994 after the launch of a Chinese communications satellite.
And it's easy enough to do because, as people in developing countries leave failing farmland to work in the cities, demand for manufacturing jobs increases, creating fertile ground for exploitation.
A huge impact could be made right now on the death and disease attributable to the synergism between infection and malnutrition — but not with fancy hospitals, such as those found in capital cities in many developing countries, or with elaborate manufactured foods or expensive infant formulas or over-trained doctors or advanced food technologies.
Through its vertically integrated platform, the firm specializes in the sourcing, acquiring, developing, repositioning, leasing, managing and disposing of multiple real estate projects, including lifestyle centers, luxury hotels and mixed - use projects located in the country's main cities and top tourist destinations.
Standing out against the competition were candidates Maya, of JKS Restaurants, who is working alongside head of operations to develop the drinks offering across the group, and The Railway Kitchen's Martin Bilsborough, both of whom will work closely with bartenders in their respective cities and around the country to deliver bespoke training sessions, interactive master - classes, and consumer and trade tasting events to communicate the distinctive flavour profile and production process of Half Hitch gin.
However, in developing countries such as African nations, a very limited share of waste is recovered and reused, and only major or capital cities have waste management systems.
Easyfairs is the organiser of the largest global portfolio of packaging events, and has developed a specialism in events that create value for the packaging community that it serves; its collection of shows spans 38 events across 19 cities and 12 countries, attracting over 100,000 visitors and 3,500 exhibitors each year.
Chef Simon, dubbed the «Rock n» Roll Chef» by Rolling Stone Magazine, has starred on «Iron Chef America» and «Hell's Kitchen» and has developed award - winning restaurants around the country in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Chicago and Atlantic City.
This study investigated the exposure to energy - dense snack foods (chips, chocolates and confectionery) and soft drinks in a sample of supermarkets across selected cities in eight developed countries.
«While I expect this fight to continue, it is my hope the administration can put this destructive chapter behind them and focus on solving our country's important issues, including funding infrastructure, creating jobs for working - class Americans, and developing a meaningful urban agenda to tackle the serious challenges facing America's cities,» said Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner in a statement.
In her three years, she has reached out to mayors across the country, including New York City Michael Bloomberg, to share miseries and information and develop a financial strategy.
Smart Vision Labs, a start - up in New York City, wants to make it easier to diagnose vision problems in developing countries with an iPhone camera add - on.
Traffic congestion has gotten way out of hand — and not just in developed countries anymore: Traffic jams and smog plague dozens of cities in China and in many other parts of the developing world.
Given the scale of global population growth, the challenge still seems daunting: the world will need to accommodate 2 billion more urban dwellers (pdf) by 2030, a rate of expansion equivalent to building about 13 great cities (each with over 5 million inhabitants) per year, almost all in developing countries.
Urban crowding means that large cities are getting noisier, particularly in developing countries.
Of the 20 cities with the highest estimated loss in 2050, a majority are in developing countries, including Egypt, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Libya and Indonesia.
According to project co-director Fisk, 80 % of the world's population will be living in cities by 2030, many in developing countries.
He has developed numerous teaching programs worldwide, and founded the Vietnam Heart Institute in Ho Chi Minh City, regarded by the World Heart Organization as the most successful program in transferring technology and responsibility to developing countries.
The problem has been particularly acute in developing countries like China and India where cities are often coated in a layer of smog.
Hand sewn by fairly paid artisans in developing countries, Matter's latest collection showcases 5 evocative prints inspired by ancient cities along the Silk Road.
About Blog Singapore is the most developed country in Asia, as my experience to be not enough to fully discover this unique country - city by last five years.
Its characterization of the madness that begins to slowly engulf city - bred Genevieve (Kate Lyn Sheil) in the countryside is rather sketchy, and its depiction of the sexual jealousy she begins to develop toward earnest country girl Robin (Takal herself) doesn't go far beyond Eyes Wide Shut lite; still, the film packs a wallop, with a pungently atmospheric score by Ernesto Carcamo and some unnervingly prolonged long takes (Nandan Rao was the cinematographer) that offers an unsettling counterpoint to the beautiful scenery and naturalistic performances.
The students are being produced by a new pedagogical ecosystem — almost entirely extracurricular — that has developed online and in the country's rich coastal cities and tech meccas.
We interviewed the parents of one high school junior in a school outside New York City who had set up a vocational school in South America so that their daughter could write in her college application that she had started a school in a developing country.
The lesson explores the differences between the job sector and economic sector in cities in developed, developing and emerging countries.
In developing the EEI, we had a very specific goal: identify schools and cities across the country with the highest performance for students from low - income families.
Drawing on lessons learned from cities trying to kick - start a new charter market, as well as from some of the most developed markets in the country, this white paper offers guidance for philanthropies on how to invest wisely as part of a city - based strategy.
Park City is the first school district in the country to use this system which was developed by AtlasRTX, a company based in Park City.
Coalitions of community - based organizations, student groups and teachers unions have developed in a number of cities across the country to rally around educational justice.
Developed Maine's first statewide school accountability system (A-F school grades) to ensure transparency in school performance for families and students; joining other states and cities around the country who offer these grades on schools — grades that are based on information Maine already collected but that had been sitting in file cabinets at the Department of Education.
The principles offered below are based on an examination of three exemplary innovators in expanded learning time: the YouMedia network, spearheaded by the Chicago Public Library; Global Kids, an afterschool leadership organization based in New York City; and the Computer Clubhouse network, which was developed originally by the MIT Media Lab and now includes approximately 100 community centers in over 20 countries (Kafai, Peppler, & Chapman, 2009).
The new Honda City has been developed at Honda R&D Centre located in Tochigi, Japan following extensive market surveys in India, ASEAN countries and other markets for people's driving needs and lifestyles.
Like most developing countries, the financial sector can surge while poverty remains rampant on the city streets and in the rural areas.
Drawing on personal letters, diaries, and documents never before used, the author writes of the three scientists who developed the theories and practices of eugenics: Francis Galton, cousin of Charles Darwin, who coined the word «eugenics» to describe the science of better breeding; Charles Davenport, the first influential eugenic thinker in America, professor at Harvard University and the University of Chicago, direct descendant of Reverend John Davenport, the founder of the city of New Haven; and Harry Laughlin, Davenport's protégé, the nation's foremost expert in eugenic sterilization and also a leader in the movement to stop the tide of immigrants coming to this country.
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