Sentences with phrase «citizen science across»

We urge future use of consistent terminology and acknowledgement to facilitate tracking the impact of citizen science across numerous disciplines.

Not exact matches

Added Shirley Malcom, head of Education and Human Resources programs at AAAS, «We look forward to expansion of this initiative to other units, to help citizens across the nation recognize the importance of science in the preservation and management of our national parks, often referred to as «America's Best Idea.
«These scientists combined citizen science observations with data from radar, satellites and weather predictions to understand the cues birds use in their migrations across continents,» said Liz Blood, program director in the National Science Foundation's Division of Environmental Biology, which funded the research through NSF's MacroSystems Biology Pscience observations with data from radar, satellites and weather predictions to understand the cues birds use in their migrations across continents,» said Liz Blood, program director in the National Science Foundation's Division of Environmental Biology, which funded the research through NSF's MacroSystems Biology PScience Foundation's Division of Environmental Biology, which funded the research through NSF's MacroSystems Biology Program.
He and the rest of the Galaxy Zoo science team used classifications provided by citizen scientists to select spiral galaxies across the Universe for the study.
Across the Middle East and North Africa, nations are embracing science as a way to drive economic development and improve the lives of their citizens.
The outcome is a growing corps of policy - savvy leaders in science and engineering working across sectors to help address societal challenges and serve the nation and citizens around the world.
No matter that Glover is herself advised by hundreds of European research organisations and the Joint Research Council, academies and learned societies from across the sciences and across the world, universities, expert committees, science associations and citizen science.
With the help of citizen scientists, the research team has identified seven dust particles and residues - less than 1 millionth of a metre across - that are consistent with interstellar dust, which they have documented in an academic paper entitled «Evidence for interstellar origin of seven dust particles collected by the Stardust spacecraft» and published in the journal Science.
The day «celebrates the work of citizen scientists and the diversity of citizen science projects across the world, encourages the public to get...
The purpose is to take a broader view, to reach across boundaries and strive towards a common goal, realizing that science and technology will not suffice to reach a 2 °C target for global warming if citizens do not accept to change their behaviors as well and act accordingly.
One of the powerful aspects of Bumble Bee Watch, a citizen science project that allows contributors to record bumble bee observations, is that participants submit records of bumble bees from across North America including in Read more...
«It is also a chance to celebrate and recognize the citizen science that is happening every day — in the native plant nurseries, at the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory, across our stewardship and resource programs and throughout the parks.»
With easy - to - use charts and tables, as well as success stories from the frontlines as citizens, companies, and communities across the country fight climate change, the book offers a wealth of science - based strategies that can help you achieve a 20 - percent reduction in your carbon footprint — a step the book urges as an important «down payment» toward effectively tackling this problem as a nation.
I think that you would be really interested in some of the most cutting - edge research that I have come across explaining crowds, open innovation, and citizen science.
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