Sentences with phrase «citizen status»

I am extremely angry about this relegation of my (offshore - born) infant daughter to a second - class citizen status.
«Based upon that brief, last - minute phone conversation, the plan is unacceptable and continues to create a second - class citizen status for FDNY firefighters and NYPD police officers, who risk their lives every day to keep New Yorkers safe,» the statement said.
You may be a resident alien, temporary resident, or other classifications of non-U.S. citizen with either a temporary or permanent U.S. citizen status.
Older dogs, even those reaching senior citizen status, can still go through behavior modification and learn how to be a more obedient dog.
What I meant to say is that the religion of a candidate will certainly influence his politics — how could someone who's religion discriminates against a «gay lifestyle» pass legislation that supports gay equality and abolishes the second - class citizen status of gay people?
per Fiorina's technology push) and removing naturalized citizen status might increase the costs of immigrating.
By supporting Rice's position, am I advocating second - citizen status for women in the law?
Of the roughly 1.6 million people currently incarcerated in the United States, the number of those approaching senior citizen status is increasing rapidly.
Funny how an African American, who just fifty years ago would have ridden on the back of the bus to his interview, is using the same Bible used to enslave his ancestors, to relegate those different from himself to a second class citizen status.
These include inquiries about race, weight, religion, citizen status, marital status, children, gender, and disabilities.
They are spreading over occupied land and seizing property, The original inhabitants are left with some half - citizen status.
But it's worth noting that no one is calling for Evangelicals to be relegated to second - class - citizen status.
Given how his citizen status slipped through so many cracks in his life here in the US.
For many years suffering in silence as the iniquities of the South's Jim Crow laws consign her to second - class - citizen status, Rosa finally joins the local branch of the NAACP with the encouragement of her childhood friend Rebecca «Johnnie» Carr (Tonea Stewart)-- much to the dismay of husband Raymond, who feels that the organization is ineffective in its ongoing battle against the white power structure.
With parents» growing choice of charter schools, it is time that these public school students stop being relegated to second class citizen status.
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