Sentences with phrase «citrus crops»

We won't have as many problems with damaged citrus crops in Florida.
It already has devastated citrus crops in Asia, Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and Brazil, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.»
According to the Post and Courier, last week plant disease inspectors started going door to door in downtown Charleston, looking at backyard orange and lemon trees for signs of a disease that could wipe out the nation's citrus crop if it gets out of the city.
The hurricane took out an estimated 50 percent of the season's citrus crop statewide, USA Today reports.
The Florida orange usually fares well during the winter weather, but recent numbers show citrus crops were not able to weather hurricane Irma's storm.
Among other things, winning teams have chosen to invent an alternative energy refrigerator for northern climates, a freeze protection system for citrus crops, and a sensing guide cane for the visually impaired.
Citrus crops such as Valencia oranges and grapefruit are the backbone of Dangriga's economy.
Historically it was a center of agriculture, notably groves of Valencia oranges and other citrus crops; petroleum extraction; transportation; and manufacturing.
Scientists nationwide and around the globe are working together to make sense of the genome of the Asian citrus psyllid — an insect that is spreading a bacterium that is devastating citrus crops — and they aren't letting geography get in their way.
He said bees are beneficial because they pollinate flowers, citrus crops and vegetables, and they serve as food sources for other insects, birds and fish.
In their native range in South America, monk parakeets have become notorious crop pests devouring cereal grain and citrus fruits, and they have the potential to become the same especially in Florida with its citrus crops, although so far they have had minimal impacts.
In the normally mild south, Atlanta recorded its coldest weather on this date in 44 years, as the temperature dropped to 6 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 14 degrees Celsius), while temperatures in northern Florida also briefly dropped below freezing, though the state's citrus crop was unharmed, according to a major growers» group.
The citrus crop produces over a million boxes of fruit a year into concentrate and juice from 50,000 acres of citrus groves in Belize, making it one of the largest employers of Belize after the tourism industry.
The big worry here is a tropical system that will spin up just Nth of Hispaniola, and head via the Bahamas toward Ft Myers and onto the Panandle & its citrus crops.
For example, in 2007, Alabama was the epicenter of the worst drought on record, prompting the entire state to be declared a natural disaster area, and in 2014, winter freezes destroyed a good portion of Mobile County's citrus crop.
Citrus greening, an incurable citrus crop disease threatens to destroy the nation's citrus crop if it's allowed to spread.
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