Sentences with phrase «civic institutions»

If there is potential for that kind of damage to schools, there is potential for that kind of damage to every other civic institution.
But by then civic institutions, commerce, prosperity, literacy, and many other fundamentals of a new order would be much farther advanced.
Four years after winning a championship, they were finally a beloved civic institution.
They are commercially run civic institutions that seek to support growth and innovation in their local areas, not maximise profits for shareholders.
This is a plan for destroying the essential civic institution and community anchor of public education.
It adds students in 2016 also expressed more trust in civic institutions (government, parliament and the courts of justice) than the 2009 cohort but less trust in media and people in general.
Her supporters say those measures offer parents more choices, but her critics say they drain resources from the public education system, the most important civic institution in the United States.
While Fenton said that a lack of political leadership did not matter so much as civic institutions take charge, Boyle voiced the fears of many young Canadians who face a potentially grim future of atmospheric pollution, extreme weather, and the threat of rising sea levels caused by greenhouse gas emissions.
Deneen thinks no: The founders» liberalism was too closely modeled after social contract theory to protect civic institutions from corrosion, owing to liberalism's emphases on individual autonomy and private definitions of the good.
«Although organized religion is the primary civic institution in America that promotes good behavior for its members, it is not the only one.
Scottish first minister Alex Salmond is focusing on civic institutions as the second phase of his government's «National Conversation» on devolution begins.
«I am thrilled to be joining the board of such an important civic institution like The Baltimore Museum of Art,» said Amy Sherald.
Prior to those two is a particular moral and cultural system, constituted by civic institutions and well - ordered personal habits.
For centuries Catholic missionaries have traveled and labored all over the world, helping to plant the seeds of justice and respect for human dignity, and to create viable civic institutions.
Most of the major civic institutions in American communities today — like the Boy Scouts, the Red Cross, the League of Women Voters, the NAACP, the Urban League, the Knights of Columbus, Rotary, Kiwanis, the Lions Club — were created in this period.
Their conversation started with Deneen's First Things article «Unsustainable Liberalism,» wherein he makes a contentious claim: American liberalism can't survive because it needs civic institutions — like family, church, and cultural associations like the Boy Scouts — to sustain itself, but its own logic undermines these institutions by prioritizing individual choice, the «right» over the «good,» and rejecting any fixed idea of human nature.
Shedd is proud to be among 23 civic institutions asked to donate art and staff time to help decorate the new hospital, which replaces Children's Memorial Hospital.
From Flatbush Avenue's invading chain stores to Eastern Parkway's beautifully renovated civic institutions.
A blind spot in our technocratic impulse to improve outcomes (read: boost test scores) is that we forget that schools are also civic institutions where children go to become Americans.
It's a model that advocates say is the only way to improve public education but that critics say is unworkable and even immoral when it comes to children and a valued civic institution.
Brody attributed the cruelty to the lack of a humane society in Cheyenne ---- but the Cheyenne Humane Society, founded about 20 years later, like the Calgary Humane Society, has been conspicuously reluctant to criticize the rodeos, which long ago became entrenched civic institutions.
Her work has been exhibited in the Smithsonian Cooper - Hewitt National Design Museum and the Southbank Centre, and she has created public art commissions for civic institutions, international airports, hotels, and creative organizations.
The project is a study of the plans of the cities Rome, Berlin, and New York in order to propose a 21st - century civic institution and define its site with significance in regard to Freud's definition of the city as a psychic entity.
These desires for achieving the possibility of the ideals that house our most treasured civic institutions are alive as well.»
Most interesting, despite placing counter-extremism duties on civic institutions, the law leaves remaining questions about the extent to which Prevent is a real priority for the Home Office.
For Freedoms believes that art and artists, like other civic institutions and citizens, have an important role in shaping our society.
«In more established and economically stable democracies, more knowledgeable students tend to have more trust in civic institutions.
This continued failure of civic institutions, as well as the potential confluence of cartels and vigilante militias, shows that the country's drug war is constantly morphing rather than working towards a real conclusion, as new cartels and criminal organizations form to take advantage of Mexico's ongoing chaos.
In any event, newspapers are civic institutions that have always taken sides in partisan politics.
But in the medium term (a few decades), a larger bureaucratic government can seem more reliable than parents who aren't there and civic institutions that do not pick up the slack.
«The institutions of men are, by analogy, the sacramentalisation of society in the natural relations of men one to another, and thus even the civic institutions of men, to be totally focused, must embody something of this underlying relationship to God as the source of human truth and the dynamism of natural human happiness.»
Building on the Catholic emphasis on the importance of free marital consent, Luther and Calvin developed further the covenantal understanding of marital commitment, elevated the status of women, emphasized the freedom of young adults to choose their partners, helped make marriage more compassionate and established marriage as a civic institution regulated by secular law yet also blessed and given meaning by the church.
«Thus even the civic institutions of men, to be totally focussed, must embody something of this underlying relationship to God as the source of human truth and the dynamism of natural human happiness.»
Family, religion, and civic institutions are needed to temper his oscillations, to bring that measure of health that man can have in a modern world that would otherwise amplify his instability.
Much was made in the 1990s about the civic institutions that held such a prominent place in Democracy in America.
So, too, with civic institutions: Men might be self - interested, but without civic institutions they would be worse.
Unlike Hollenbach, they do not extend the effort to alleviate poverty beyond government to civic institutions.
(Hollenbach and Hicks offer good reasons to be dubious of an approach limited to government policies unsupported by systematic moral arguments and changes in civic institutions,)
Some of Britain's town halls include astonishing designs and artworks which befits their status as the civic institutions at the heart of some the world's largest industrial cities.
Our vision: A growing economy and a vibrant private sector throughout the Empire State, creating new opportunities for an informed and engaged citizenry grounded in strong local communities and civic institutions.
«We are at a critical turning point in the life of our civic institutions,» Guy said in a statement today.
He cares deeply about the disadvantaged, understands the limits of government action, and appreciates the power of civic institutions and private charity.
«With increasing inequality in our society, and the complexity of our political environment, civics education is more important, yet more complicated than it used to be,» Kawashima - Ginsberg said, noting that students today tend to be more disconnected from traditional forms of civic engagement and civic institutions.
I have often observed that the first and most important relationship a child builds with a civic institution is with his or her school.
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