Sentences with phrase «civic meetings»

Jump - start your communications with the basic, trusted forms of district messaging: school board meetings; letters to the editor; routine district newsletters; e-newsletters; face - to - face meetings with opinion leaders and key stakeholders; presentations at civic meetings, etc..
A new initiative called Real Change (on whose steering committee I sit) aims to launch a thousand small civic meetings across the country, probably leading on to a reform convention this autumn.
So Freeman set up tables at long - standing local events like Old Home Day and the Rotary Club's Hot Air Balloon Rally, attended civic meetings, and hosted public forums, all to ask community members: What did they want in their school?
Amid the usual complement of civic meetings, this week marks the return of the NOPD monthly marches against crime with a Tuesday evening march through the Riverbend.
The stadium's design will also enable it to function as a community resource and civic meeting point, with the exterior and end - zone plazas serving as key gathering and entertainment spaces.
On Wednesday night, San Jose hosted the first of nine civic meetings on the proposal.
Still no one has been able to offer a reason why citizens should be forced to endure a religious prayer to participate in a civic meeting.
Surely our civic meetings should be conducted without anyone feeling compelled to participate in prayers, or feeling excluded, or that they have to absent themselves from any part of the meeting.
Over the months leading up to the general election, Arcabascio has been going to community board meetings, civic meetings and more.
During the week, she can be seen at all the community functions and civic meetings.
On Thursday, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development was expected to introduce a Yard Expansion Program, or YEP, at a civic meeting in Broad Channel.
Never saw him a civic meeting.
After not getting the support they were looking for from the Town Board at a recent meeting, they weren't expecting it at the civic meeting either.
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