Sentences with phrase «civic virtues»

Positive institutions included «civic virtues and the institutions that move individuals toward better citizenship.»
The Order of Civil Merit was established by King Alfonso XIII in 1926 to «reward the civic virtues of civil servants as well as the extraordinary services to the Nation of Spanish and foreign subjects.»
We ask them to teach math, reading, and arithmetic, yes, but also to be «nation builders» and to instill civic virtues.
The award will be presented at's National Forum on Character Education, Oct. 17 in Atlanta, GA. «The life of John Lewis exemplifies the civic virtues essential for sustaining and expanding the American belief in «liberty and justice for all,»» said Charles Haynes,'s board chair.
In any presidential election year, the months before the election afford middle and high school teachers a great opportunity to engage students in the new The College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards (C3s) These new frameworks center on guiding students in activities so that they can see how citizens apply civic virtues and democratic principles and have the opportunity to see actual civic engagement in the democratic process.
William Damon (p. 22) points out that «a democratic society, for its very survival, needs to constantly replenish its ranks with new cadres of young people educated in citizenship and dedicated to civic virtues
The result is that there is a real understanding of civic virtues in all academy students.
Many great scholars, scientists, and educators have notoriously lacked the civic virtues by being resident aliens, cosmopolitans, or epicureans.
No catalog of civic virtues can be shown to be a prerequisite of academic excellence, a part of such excellence, or its product.
However, liberal and conservative civic educators can not agree on proper civic virtues, turning our public schools into just another front in the culture wars.
Trying to decide which civic virtues to teach in schools is like trying to decide which sports or which crafts to teach: since none of these is intrinsically related to academic education, there are no academic grounds for deciding these matters.
Once we see that the conscientious pursuit of knowledge is the inherent moral purpose of schooling, we will not be surprised by the absence of any agreement about which civic virtues ought to be taught in schools.
Moreover, even if we could all agree about the proper civic virtues, the very attempt to inculcate them undermines the integrity of the academic curriculum.
The report said «strong character attributes» such as «moral, intellectual, performance and civic virtues» were linked to higher educational attainment, employment outcomes, and positive mental and physical health.
They have a point; certainly all Americans could stand a refresher on civic virtues.
But the other three - «participate in their communities,» «act politically,» and «have moral and civic virtues» - are harder to instill through conventional books and teaching.
It seeks to develop the kinds of civic virtues and skills that can empower all citizens and, through them our social institutions, to play leading roles in the transition to sustainability.
We also know that they can promote civic virtues, that the U.S. Supreme Court found voucher programs constitutional, that they can be held accountable, that district reform has not led to the improvements needed, and that chartering hasn't created enough high - quality seats yet.
It's a way to talk about promoting civic virtues and mutual understanding.
The chief civic virtues are probity and circumspection.
SCHROON LAKE — A popular fraternal organization has formed a farm team designed to install civic virtues in the next generation of tomorrow's leaders.
After the Russian invasion of his country, Major - Archbishop Shevchuk has worked tirelessly to inform the world of the truth of Ukraine's plight and to maintain, under extreme pressure, the new Ukraine's commitment to the civic virtues that inspired the Maidan movement in the first place.
For example, as Mr. Lawler points out, Brownson makes some valuable comments when he emphasizes the importance of the solidarity and interdependence of humans and what naturally follows from that, but it seems to me that Brownson then goes too far in concluding that «civic virtues are themselves religious virtues» and even that «he who dies on the battlefield for his country ranks with him who dies for his faith.»
The Holy Trinity is God, Church and Country; not Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the civic virtues of the Protestant work ethic have replaced the theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Love.
We owe to God both a public service and a private one; one can not slip a knife between civic virtues and the life of devotion and say that one is pleasing to God and the other is not.
«Piety,» writes Dodaro, «is the pinnacle of all civic virtues
It is a sad paradox that in our society, with its almost unprecedented need for mutual accommodation and the practice of civic virtues, we should be so hesitant about developing the qualities in our children that they will most need if our society is to endure.
Since even a god can't express all the civic virtues, we shouldn't be surprised that in American literature they can not be exemplified by one region, but have to be spread across many geographic localities.
From its beginnings, Cooper Union was a unique institution, dedicated to founder Peter Cooper's proposition that education is the key not only to personal prosperity but to civic virtue and harmony.
Four of the six chapters in Losing Our Virtue constitute the heart of the book and are devoted to themes liberally treated in Wells» first two volumes» materialistic consumption, image and style over substance, the therapeutic culture, the lack of civic virtue, and, not least, society's aversion to truth, truth - telling, guilt, and moral accountability.
And finally there's the claim that religion, though slow to achieve this, is moving inexorably in the same post-metaphysical direction: away from being a contributor to the ordering of the public sphere, and toward being a private comfort that may foster civic virtue.
Patronage of the arts, converted by Protestants from a privilege of the church to a thriving private enterprise, became a means for displaying personal success and civic virtue.
The Constitution could not take for granted that its citizens would all be motivated by civic virtue and so its concern was as much to protect individuals and groups from abuse at the hands of the government and their fellow citizens as it was to involve all its citizens in genuine participation.
Neither Franklin nor Jefferson were averse to extending their property, though the latter was aware of the dangers inherent in putting money - making ahead of civic virtue.
Cultures in which individuals feel no responsibility, and will take no risk, for good government lack what we call civic virtue.
Augustine was formed in this same world, and he begins his response by appealing to the Roman understanding of civic virtue as presented by Cicero in his treatise De Re Publica, a work both he and Volusian knew well.
He also acknowledges debts to Augustine and especially to Luther, and although he rejects Christianized «Hellenic» conceptions of justice and the state, his program seems to owe much to ancient and modern ideas about civility and civic virtue.
The founding fathers believed that civic virtue is accompanied by material restraint.
Instead of the Sermon's provision for cases at law, for the exercise of charity, for civic virtue, presupposing if at the same time reinterpreting the requirements of the ancient national code; instead of the Old Testament Law with its provisions for the inheritance of property, for various kinds of civic and social duties, albeit of a primitive order, which the Sermon presupposes, (Matt.
Sirico's that he quotes, and Sam Gregg, a prize student of John Finnis, prefers to be called a Whig — a descendant of the party of liberty and civic virtue.
To the extent that we are committed to the ideal of a secular society free of ecclesiastical influence and governed by toleration, liberty, and a conception of civic virtue; and insofar as we think of true religious piety as consisting in treating other human beings with dignity and respect, and regard the Bible simply as a profound work of human literature with a universal moral message, we are the heirs of Spinoza's scandalous treatise.
The progress of mankind does not lie in the destruction of national identity and the denial of patriotic pride and devotion — any more than civic virtue would be improved by undermining family loyalties.
If Machiavelli seems a decent guide to Christian politics, it is only because Americans are uniquely tempted by the liberal civil religion he touted — a backward, Hobbesian monster of a thing, wherein civic virtue shapes Christian practice instead of vice versa, trading eternal things for temporal ones.
We ought not to despise such civic virtue.
Another community - based claim emphasizing republican government and civic virtue has both ancient roots and is of contemporary interest.
The debate between Vaclav Havel, the anti-Communist idealist who emphasizes civic virtue, and Vaclav Havel Clause, the pragmatic post-communist politician who is concerned with interest representation (Simon, 1996) is likely to be rehearsed in post-communist and post-authoritarian East Asia.
In many East Asian societies civic virtue is seen as the key to good government.
As such, the institution of marriage is a foundation of a just political order and the nursery of civic virtue, as spouses exercise mutual responsibility for raising their children.
Just as process - relational thought provides the framework for a new ethics of character and virtue, it also offers the foundation for the usual extension of that ethics in the cultivation of civic virtue.
Promoting a brittle presentmindedness, the idea of progress weakens «the inclination to make intelligent provision for the future, and nostalgia, its ideological twin, undermines the ability to make intelligent use of the past» Distinguishing carefully between nostalgia and an appropriately critical historic memory, Lasch laments the ways in which — driven by progress, even driven a bit mad by it — we can do no better than issue a «communitarian counterpoint» to attempt to right the balance and to retain, at least here and there, smidgens of civic virtue.
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