Sentences with phrase «civil conversation»

We have civil conversations about a topic we share a common interest in.
It hadn't been a great break - up on my part — but we had a fairly civil conversation.
I know it's not fun, but everyone can force a smile and civil conversation for an hour, right?
And I had a very civil conversation with him just yesterday (telephone)
How does this problem solve teaching writing, analyzing texts, engaging in civil conversation about controversial subjects...
But in his Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry (1990)-- where he notes that a university represents a «universe» of discourse only where rival and antagonistic views are afforded the opportunity both to develop their own positions and to debate other viewpoints — he implies that his quasi-Benedictine community will be one of civil conversation across the barricades.
An array of education leaders had a hard - hitting but remarkably civil conversation about race and school reform at AEI this week.
It was a rollicking, civil conversation where five presidential hopefuls went to unusual lengths to show their support for one another as they touched on economic themes important to entrepreneurs.
Many trolls set out to wreak havoc on otherwise civil conversations, but others are unwitting.
My enemies are people who would deny me my religious freedom, not Christians as a whole, and the best remedies tend to involve civil conversation, the courts, and the occasional school board meeting... When doing inter-faith work the goal is not to convert anyone or get them to agree with you, but to help them see you (and our community) as a positive.
The spokesman for CAIR stressed, in several telephone conversations, that he is an American - born convert and resents my «instructing» him on how we conduct civil conversation in this country.
We pledge to continue meeting with military leaders to ensure civil conversation about religious liberty.
If we want civil conversation, we need to be civil conversationalists.
Yet combining civil conversation and evangelicalism is a difficult and delicate art.
Apparent attempts at civil conversation has failed.
And when extremely intelligent people of good will go out of their way to ask for a more civil conversation about climate change, those of us who think it's important to take action on climate change sooner rather than later need to listen carefully and respond with respect.
Now, Facebook and Twitter are struggling to encourage civil conversations, and the Cambridge Analytica scandal has thrust their privacy practices into the public eye.
(If civil conversation is out of the question, agree to text or email each other, and contact each other only about matters directly pertaining to the children.)
By teaching a process that facilitates relational change, Helen and Harville aim to establish healthy relationship as this society's primary cultural value which will lead to greater civil conversation and foster a legacy of stability and peace for generations to come.
And while the vast majority of teachers are at least moderately confident in their own ability to have civil conversations with their students, 66 percent said they have noticed an increase in uncivil political discourse at their school since the presidential campaign began.
That's why I was honored to host two extraordinary panels at AEI yesterday in which an array of educational leaders had a hard - hitting but remarkably civil conversation about race, social justice, and school reform.
The resulting dialogs represent some of the most productive and civil conversations on the blogosphere.
For this tradition nourished over the centuries the slow emergence of the ideal of a civilized politics, a politics of civil conversation, of noncoercion, of the consent of the governed, of pluralism, of religious liberty, of respect for the inalienable dignity of every human person, of voluntary cooperation in pursuit of the common good, and of checks and balances against the wayward tendencies of sinful men and women.
After a civil conversation, it became apparent that the two of us had different visions of how this relationship was going to work out, and thus had completely different expectations.
I find it encourages thoughtful and civil conversation.
You and I read it differently, but I'm also glad to have a civil conversation about it.
We can only offer you civil conversation for so long.
I don't mind having a general conversation where we can agree to disagree, but can we at least be mature enough to have it in a civil conversation?
I would suggest re-reading «Confessions» by Saint Augustine and maybe we can have a civil conversation about that work.
I don't have to agree with someone in order to have a civil conversation with them.
Civil conversation has become uncivil argument and hatred, on both sides of so many discussions.
The beauty of the Internet is that it can encourage conversations — civil conversations — from various viewpoints.
Because we're hoping to support a space for a civil conversation, we have community guidelines, which you can find here.
Now we can have a civil conversation.
Quanta Magazine moderates comments to facilitate an informed, substantive, civil conversation.
Adopting a «Socratic» stance, teachers guide their students, from kindergarten through high school, to read complex texts, ask critical questions and cite evidence to back up their line of thinking, all while having respectful and civil conversations with their peers on open questions or potentially divisive issues.
The company further claims one can have a civil conversation up to speeds of 130 km / hr without raising their voice.
The car is meant to ground conversations in the facts, figures, and eyewitness descriptions that have been lacking in most information about the Iraq war, and is intended to serve as a visual aid to prompt open dialogue and civil conversation.
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