Sentences with phrase «civil order»

History has shown repeatedly that if you can't feed your population, you can't maintain civil order.
Due process and jury trial — threatened by cost; complexity; repeated attempts to reduce the number of jury trials; a succession of civil orders with effectively criminal sanctions; and proposals for coercive powers under mental health legislation.
The government will announce new civil orders for violent ex-offenders today as part of an updated strategy to tackle violent crime.
White South Africans, even during the recent years of increasing township violence and repressive emergency measure, present themselves to the world as the embattled custodians of civil order in a continent notorious for whimsical massacres.
This reflects the origins of the modern police in the 1800s, when responsibility for civil order rested with local magistrates.
Second, America's founding is replete with examples of people absenting themselves from the regnant civil order precisely on religious grounds (think Massachusetts Bay vis - à - vis Great Britain or Connecticut vis - à - vis Massachusetts Bay).
- A consultation on proposals to introduce new civil orders designed to protect girls identified as being at risk of FGM
The government announced plans for a «new civil order regime to restrict extremist activity», which is not dissimilar to actions against extremists they promised last year.
A so - called Igbo officers» coup that toppled a corrupt civil order, led to ethnic triumphalism, which provoked the heinous Igbo pogrom in the North and a revenge coup and killings of Igbo officers in the Nigerian Army, which ignited Igbo insecurity and anger, and climaxed in the Civil War, and a defeated Biafra (1967 - 1970).
Eventually, cities burn and civil order dissolves, with ruthless and sinister Quarantine Patrols and Cremation Crews driving the infected into hiding.
As those advocating the collectivist violation of individual human rights are revealed to the general public to be the enemies of social comity, good civil order, and the ability of the average yutz to survive the vicissitudes of reality, they flop gracelessly into other appellations.
Dubbed «super ASBOs» by the media, these are civil orders which may be made independently of criminal proceedings against those suspected of involvement in serious crime.
Richard is instructed by the Force solicitors of the police forces across Wales in general litigation arising from operational policing such as cash seizures; firearms / shotgun appeals; inquests; and various civil orders such as sexual offender and sexual risk orders and football banning orders.
He commended the military for the restoration of civil order in the liberated communities.
«As a political task,» building a just social and civil order «can not be the Church's immediate responsibility.»
We Americans, religious and secular both, have powerful fundamental views about religion that put radical Islam in a certain context, one that prevents us from understanding how unlike other American religious expressions it is — and how much of a threat it is to the civil order.
Nonetheless, crimes against the civil order and rebellion against God overlap in interesting and complicated ways, which makes prisoners among the most conspicuous, though certainly not the most hopeless, examples of humanity's fallen state.
I suspect Chaput would agree, however, that the greatest impediment to public Christian witness is not the civil order; the greatest obstacle to cultural renewal is the demoralizing and discouraging effect of a Church that fails to speak truth to her own people.
The Catholic Church in the United States, which did more than any other local church at Vatican II to disentangle the universal Church from the notion that, in the civil order, «error has no rights,» is now being hard - pressed by aggressive secularist forces arrayed under that banner.
And it is as philosophies of history that they impinge on the civil order.
It is argued that because of this expectation of the imminent end of the world, Jesus had no interest in the different aspects of moral life, in marriage and work, in the value of property and civil order.
The proclamation of the resurrection of the dead was normally, therefore, only a message of personal survival after death, for which the tombstones were in order but none of the victory signs that represent a threat to civil order».23 If Jesus» conviction that he cast out demons by the power of God was true, then all these must change.
Only if this civil religion is in reasonable working condition will civil order be maintained.
From this conjunction grew the idea of citizen, and from it our modern idea of the civil order as a stratum of being in which all the members of a state participate.
We see around us that civil order is precarious indeed.
After gorging silly, from the ceaseless milk of the civil order, the prodigal, in cloud seven, now dreams military rule!
The Home Office said the civil orders, which would restrict an individual's ability to travel or communicate with certain people, could be used where there was insufficient evidence for a prosecution, or while waiting for a case to come to court.
Everywhere there was civil order, for the arm of the Roman law was long.
Peak Oil is not news to TreeHugger readers, but in the New York Times, John Leland talks to people who are preparing for food shortages, a collapse of the economy, a breakdown of civil order that many think is
He went on to note what many of us have been saying for years — as long as there has been capital for innovation and civil order, we've been adapting to climate change, and will continue to do so.
It will only produce more violence, riots, and the breakdown of civil order.
Where the public nature of the defiance of a civil order brings the administration of justice into scorn, the offence is a criminal contempt.»
These states were struggling with maintaining the civil order, and sought the help of the international community.
These are civil orders, although the breach of the latter is a criminal offence with a maximum penalty of 5 years» imprisonment.
Caroline Cartwright was served with a civil order over marathon romps with husband Steve, described in court as «unnatural» and «like they are both in considerable pain.»
Think of the quotidian «underenforcement» of constitutional provisions (or adminsitartive or criminal provisions) on the one hand and the breakdown of civil order and civil war on the other.
State laws vary, but abused former spouses can often apply for a civil order or protection preventing the abuser from contacting them or their children.
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