Sentences with phrase «civil penalty cases»

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The Youth Sports Concussion Act would empower the FTC to seek civil penalties in such cases.
Schneiderman's amendment allowed for triple penalties in civil cases for tax fraud and established tough protections for whistleblowers.
Bills in the package would also raise civil penalties for Violations And Create An Avenue for Housing Courts to award statutory, compensatory and punitive damages as well as attorney's fees and costs for harassment cases.
The reforms give the Australian Information Commissioner increased enforcement powers, which includes, but is not limited to: impose civil penalties in the case of serious or repeated breaches of privacy (up to $ 340 000 for an individual and $ 1.7 million for a corporation); impose criminal penalties; and / or conduct assessments of privacy performance for both Australian government agencies and businesses.
Contracts made by officials with a financial interest in the outcome may be voided in some cases, and the officials can even face civil and criminal penalties.
The third segment, Individual Liability Cases, is designed for actions against individuals in violation of the safety laws, including civil penalties, disqualification orders, and warning letters.
n separate cases, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) today assessed civil penalties against Continental Airlines and US Airways for violating the Department's rules prohibiting deceptive price advertising in air travel.
What a fitting day for the FTC's announcement of the biggest civil penalty ever collected in a Do Not Call case.
A recent ruling by the CFPB, above, ordered Transworld Systems to pay a $ 2.5 million civil penalty as part of a larger student debt case.
A conspicuous statement that if the person fails to pay the civil penalty within the time allowed, or fails to appear in court to contest the citation, the person shall be deemed to have waived his or her right to contest the citation and that, in such case, judgment may be entered against the person for an amount up to the maximum civil penalty.
The point of this case was, therefore, to determine whether they would face criminal and / or civil penalties if they began to market in the UK products containing ingredients that had been tested on animals outside of the EU, because third state laws (such as those of China and Japan) require such testing.
Denver Drunk Driving Accident Injury Lawyer While those who drink and drive might face criminal DUI penalties, you may also be able to bring a civil case against them for the damage they cause, both emotionally and physically.
Criminal fines in the case totaled $ 485 million with civil and administrative penalties totaling $ 1.72 billion.
The tenor of the VAT cases was that the civil standard of proof applied to the system of VAT penalties.
Most misleading advertising cases are dealt with under regulatory provisions and attract civil penalties, including a requirement to publish a corrective notice and pay AMPs of up to $ 10 million ($ 15 million for repeat offenders).
In addition to the case types already active on our platform, we are currently building solutions for amnesty programs, plea by mail, additional civil dispute resolutions, Friend of the Court services, and penalty compliance modules.
His work at the Court involved several death penalty and other high - profile cases, along with various criminal and civil issues.
It quoted Campbell's guidelines: «(1) the degree of reprehensibility of the defendant's misconduct; (2) the disparity between the actual or potential harm suffered by the plaintiff and the punitive damages award; and (3) the difference between the punitive damages awarded by the jury and the civil penalties authorized in comparable cases
These cases have exposed and challenged critical legal and evidentiary practices, including undercover police surveillance of civil rights organizations, the exclusion of prospective jurors based on previous political activities, the use of post-arrest psychiatric examinations by prosecutors when seeking the death penalty, and the exclusion of evidence of third party guilt by courts in capital cases.
If the VFV doctrine applies, as Gorsuch says it does, «in civil cases affecting a person's life, liberty, or property» and «criminal cases involving relatively modest penalties,» then it might also apply to any statute containing terms ambiguous enough to trigger Chevron.
Rather, the Secretary has the authority to impose civil monetary penalties and in some cases criminal penalties for such violations on only the covered entity.
Representing one of two defendants in the White River (Indiana) fish kill case involving federal, state and class action claims seeking civil damages and penalties exceeding $ 50 million and federal criminal prosecution under the Clean Water Act.
This regulation will address the imposition of civil monetary penalties and the referral of criminal cases where there has been a violation of this rule.
The U.S. Supreme Court declined last week to consider two cases concerning the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), leaving certain questions unresolved regarding liability for computer hacking and the prospect for potentially harsh criminal and civil penalties.
Third, reviewing courts should consider «the difference between the punitive damages awarded by the jury and the civil penalties authorized or imposed in comparable cases
Selecting a jury for a client facing the death penalty presents challenges different from any other criminal or civil case.
In a worse case scenario and passengers (either in your vehicle or the other drivers) are killed in a vehicle accident while you are uninsured you may face serious criminal and civil penalties depending on the nature of the accident.
The case against HireRight Solutions, Inc. represents the first time the FTC has charged an employment background screening firm with violating the FCRA, and is the second - largest civil penalty that the FTC has obtained under the Act.
In all of the cases I've read about where a wholesaler has incurred a penalty (civil or criminal), there were clear violations that extended far beyond just marketing of a property (or assigning of a contract) where the marketer held equitable title in the property.
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