Sentences with phrase «civil rights context»

1662 (2010), which in a civil rights context indicated positive enhancements are only appropriate for rare and exceptional cases.

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Where as (following the suffrage and civil rights movements) they have taken Biblical references regarding women and slavery and rightly applied cultural context to them, they have not done the same regarding gays and lesbians.
It was in this context that some young people, with their families torn apart and their civil rights curtailed, joined the ranks of the Jewish resistance.
Although the political context was shifting in Australia, in the shadow of the civil rights movement, the racist status quo was as embedded culturally as it was in the United State and South Africa.
But in the context of my worldview, I don't have to struggle to explain the value of goodness, sacrifice, love, honesty, devotion, human rights, civil rights - concepts that are supremely important to humanity and (to most people) intuitively apparent.
I read it, and its meaning was clear: Trayvon Martin isn't in the same stratosphere as Medgar Evans and Emmett Till, and comparing him to those two, in the context of civil rights martyrs, is disingenuous.
It is ironic that the declaration of judicial supremacy made by the Warren Court came in the context of the Court's efforts to enforce a ruling in the cause of racial equality and civil rights.
He goes on to say, «Article 9 of the Charter simply leaves it to States to decide whether they wish to afford homosexual couples the right to marry» — and this in the context of a decision about civil, not religious marriage.
Reading these comments in the context of the Civil Rights Movement of years ago, I repeat what others are saying: You....
He wants to lead the righteous civil liberties mob against the right perpetrators while providing an appreciative moral context to the actions of Edward Snowden, America's most famous fugitive.
Law professor at the University of South Carolina whose current research focuses on constitutional law and public education, Derek Black has written about charter schools in the context of education reform, civil rights, and service of the public priorities.
Wholly apart from the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it is fair to ask whether zero tolerance makes sense in an educational context.
Jeffrey Solochek reports that, in the context of Florida submitting its revised ESSA plan to the U.S. Department of Education in April, civil rights groups «want U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to do to the second version what she did to the first — reject it as...
We'll take a look at several classic soul songs — and their social and historical contexts — during their recording throughout the civil rights movement.
Placing their personal stories within the broader context of the major events of the civil rights movement, sections feature archival photos and significant quotes.
She gives context to her life as she writes about racial discrimination, the civil rights movement, and, later, Black Power.
The multi-award-winning author also gives context to her life as she writes about racial discrimination, the civil rights movement, and, later, Black Power, but her focus is always on her family.
Jack Whitten's narrative Abstract Expressionist works from the 1960s draw imagery from the Civil Rights movement, including ghosted images of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr; Joan Semmel's figurative paintings question representation of female sexuality through the lens of self - portraiture; Gay liberation and the AIDS crisis are the cultural context for narrative paintings by the late Hugh Steers (1963 — 1995).
In an attempt to provide context, the label text says: «As a political gesture, [Hershman Leeson] partly painted the masks black to express her solidarity with the civil rights movement,» and moves on to discuss the controversy the works caused — due to the novelty of using sound in an art gallery.
In artworks like I Am A White Agitator and Amelia Falling (2016) Willis Thomas employs language and familiar imagery from the Civil Rights era, appropriating historical visual media and stripping it of its context to open up questions of cultural stereotypes, and the way the media perpetuates them.
It was in this context that Geers changed his date of birth to May 1968, the start of the student and civil revolution, and joined every political party in the period before South Africa's first democratic elections, from the extreme right - wing to the Communist party.
Art and Black Los Angeles, 1960 — 1980 (2011), and Witness: Art and Civil Rights in the Sixties (2014)-- worked to unearth and give context to histories that were long overlooked or ignored.
Appropriated print advertisements from 1968 — a landmark year in the Civil Rights Movement — are stripped of their context to open up questions of cultural stereotypes and the way the media perpetuates them, while in the series «Branded» he inverts the work, adding contemporary ad copy to provocative images.
From the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s to the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s and the progressive transformation from «negro» to «black,» the French art historian and curator establishes a context of analysis based on historical study (slavery, racial discrimination), enlightened with close readings of many works by artists such as David Hammons, Adrian Piper and Renée Green.
A posthumous icon of the Civil Rights Movement, his image — and this painting — now reads as totally pertinent in the context of Black Lives Matter.
Though Gates» wooden frames initially appear to isolate the hoses from their social and historical context, they also act as device for memorialization, casting them as museum - like exhibits that prompt us to recall the ongoing struggle for Civil Rights.
In a civil law context there are good authorities addressing how the courts go about balancing the rights of a foetus as against the rights of a mother.
In Alberta, if evidence is obtained in violation of your Charter rights, it may be excluded even in a Civil context.
The three dominant themes in 2008 cases where PIL was invoked were as follows: UK / EU law implementation of UNSC resolutions concerning freezing of alleged terrorist assets (sanctions cases); the acts / omissions of UK authorities in Iraq / Afghanistan viewed in the context of PIL and provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and Human Rights Act 1998 (Iraq / Afghanistan related cases); and state / diplomatic immunity in the context of civil proceedings and / or attempts to enforce arbitration awards against assets of State entities in the UK (Civil immunity cacivil proceedings and / or attempts to enforce arbitration awards against assets of State entities in the UK (Civil immunity caCivil immunity cases).
In Marek v. Chesny, the Supreme Court in 1985 ruled that «costs» under Rule 68 do include attorney fees in a civil rights case brought under section 1983, although only in the context of the plaintiff's post-verdict application for fees under section 1988.
The Court of Appeal was satisfied that the relationship of an unmarried cohabitee was not equivalent with that of a spouse or civil partner in the context of a Widowed Parent's Allowance and that there was no violation of Human Rights.
a broad range of issues relating to the structure of the government and to civil rights and civil liberties — ranging from racial justice to federalism from the right to privacy to the separation of powers from the right to vote to the role of juries — have a unique impact and import in the context of the criminal justice system.
Hence, legal professional privilege can now generally be asserted in answer to any demand for documents by a public or other authority; it is not limited to a right that may be asserted only in the context of civil or criminal proceedings.
In light of these observations, the Appeal Court, by balancing the different protected interests, ruled that, by refusing, in the specific context of the case and without reasonable cause, to accept the doctor's request for anonymisation, although this request was part of a legitimate claim of right to be forgotten, and did not constitute a disproportionate interference in the freedom of expression of the press, the editor was at fault within the meaning of Article 1382 of the Civil Code and caused prejudice to the doctor.
Unlike in the criminal context, there's no federal constitutional right to counsel in civil cases.
Of course the term «black» can arise in a wide variety of different contexts that have absolutely nothing to do with racism, which is what could be described as «noise,» there is a small increase where Jim Crowe laws were enacted, followed by a more substantial increase in the interwar era which precedes a very sharp increase during the Civil Rights era up to the modern day.
The Supreme Court of Canada has previously said, in the context of the BC Human Rights code, that compliance with religous tenets of a faith based school is a bona fide requirement of employment for a religious school (see Caldwell et al. v. Stuart et al., [1984] 2 SCR 603 — recently cited by the BC Court of Appeal in Vancouver Rape Relief Society v. Nixon for the basis that the Vancouver Rape Relief Center could discriminate against a non-genetic female) which held that a Catholic school could dismiss an employee who had married outside of the tenets of the Catholic faith (i.e., she had married a divorced non-catholic in a civil ceremony).
R. v. Ashini (J.B.) 2015 NLPC 1711 Civil Rights — Criminal Law Summary: At issue on this bail hearing was whether the accused should be released, as well as the proper interpretation of s. 516 (1) of the Criminal Code in the context of the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. Pearson (1992), R. v. Morales (1992), and R. v. Hall (2002) and the judicial reality that existed for years in Labrador.
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