Sentences with phrase «civilian nuclear»

Some of the commenters here don't seem to fully comprehend the status of civilian nuclear.
The committee chairman, Jeff Bingaman, Democrat of New Mexico, and the ranking minority member, Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska, are both supporters of civilian nuclear plants.
The injury from coal is infinitely greater because there have been zero deaths from civilian nuclear power in the US.
The two countries reaffirmed the goals of the recently - concluded Third Executive Committee Meeting of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership to promote the peaceful use of civilian nuclear energy, and «agreed to consult with one another in order to explore such approaches - including assurance of fuel supply and cradle - to - grave nuclear fuel management so that countries can access peaceful nuclear power while minimizing the risks of proliferation.»
Civilian nuclear power worldwide has fewer deaths per teraWatt - hour than any other power source, including wind and solar.
The US Navy was actually central to the development of the civilian nuclear power industry in the US due to its reactor designs for nuclear powered submarines and ships.
However, the Obama Administration has announced Yucca Mountain will no longer be considered the answer for US civilian nuclear waste.
Twenty years ago in the early days of the civilian nuclear waste repository program, while we were struggling with a variety of issues as to how to assure the reproducibility of the analytical work, the kind of cavalier attitudes toward software QA / QC that is now demonstrated by many climate scientists was not all that uncommon among the many scientists employed by the repository project..
After several decades of laboratory testing, these type of fuels are set to be loaded into a U.S. civilian nuclear reactor in 2018, but there is no reason they could not be loaded into civilian reactors this fall — something that would require a modest investment by DOE of well - under $ 500 million.
My point is that any country that wants nuclear weapons will not use civilian nuclear power plants, nor use the spent fuel from them.
The first small modular reactor (SMR) application has passed an intensive Phase 1 review by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), potentially marking the next chapter in civilian nuclear power in the US.
One would assume that we already have enough enrichment facilities to provide for our 30 year old civilian nuclear fleet.
The U.S. built a molten salt reactor in the 1960s at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, under the tutelage of Alvin Weinberg, who was also a pioneer of uranium civilian nuclear power and who came to favor safer molten salt designs.
The Act arises from a letter from a group of health physicists who pointed out that the limited understanding of low - dose health risks impairs the nation's decision - making capabilities, whether in responding to radiological events involving large populations such as the 2011 Fukushima accident or in areas such as the rapid increase in radiation - based medical procedures, the cleanup of radioactive contamination from legacy sites and the expansion of civilian nuclear energy.
It's extremely difficult and costly to make weapons grade material from the used fuel from modern civilian nuclear power plants.
Well over 12,000 tonnes of Pu from civilian nuclear programs.
The prospect for civilian nuclear cooperation between China and the U.S. could get pretty interesting, but it is also worth asking what on earth is going fuel all these nuclear plants.
The answer is that although the DOE was set up in the 1970s to respond to the energy crisis, it never received any real funding to look into renewables (not even when the Democrats owned the Congress and Carter was President), and it was quickly converted into the center of the U.S. military / civilian nuclear program.
Centrus Energy is a diversified supplier of enriched uranium fuel for civilian nuclear power reactors.
Centrus Energy is the world's most diversified supplier of enriched uranium fuel for civilian nuclear power reactors.
Sixteen years ago the RCEP told the government that it should not allow any significant expansion of civilian nuclear power until the industry could demonstrate that it knew what to do with radioactive waste.
Ultimately it seems likely that internal conflicts and international antiproliferation restrictions will contain the growth of even civilian nuclear programs.
To back up their argument, they give a succinct, authoritative account of all the fissile material produced in military and civilian nuclear programmes since 1945.
Recounting the culmination of the Indo - U.S. Civilian Nuclear Agreement as a major achievement, the manifesto suggests it could «yield handsome results.»
Known as a strong backer of India's nuclear establishment, Singh in 2008 staked the future of his government on passage of the landmark Indo - U.S. civilian nuclear agreement, which allows India, once ostracized over its nuclear weapons program, to buy civilian nuclear technology.
AREVA is the first beneficiary of the highly touted Indo - U.S. civilian nuclear agreement.
The government is also combining separate nuclear weapons research programs at Kahn's lab and the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission under a new entity, the National Defense Complex, leaving the commission to manage civilian nuclear activities.
This is a good idea; the use of HEU is dominant in civilian nuclear energy plants, but it can also be used to producing a nuclear bomb.
Iran does have genuine reasons for developing a civilian nuclear power industry.
The Government of Canada could build on this momentum to develop an expanded MoU on civilian nuclear technology co-operation that includes research in pressurized heavy water reactor technology, nuclear medicine and other areas discussed by the prime ministers.
Plutonium and uranium are converted into chemical compounds called oxides, and mixed together in fuel rods for civilian nuclear power plants.
Germany is a highly industrialized state with civilian nuclear capabilities.
Both South Korea and Taiwan have advanced civilian nuclear programs and technical knowledge that could be used for a weapons program.

Not exact matches

The US already lives with a nuclear - armed North Korea that can level Seoul, South Korea's capital and home to metro - area population of 25 million civilians.
To use MOX fuel rods, civilian power plants would have to modify their reactors, requiring lengthy relicensing by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
I like BWX Technologies because I think it will stick to nuclear technologies unrelated to new - build for civilian power.
And we are all frightened at the prospect of the use of nuclear weapons by terrorists against innocent civilian populations.
He confesses that during World War II, Americans grieved little over the killing of German or Japanese civilians by Allied firebombs and nuclear detonations.
War has become the mass murder of civilian populations, plus the unfathomed genetic effects of nuclear fall - out for generations to come.
Almost any conceivable use of nuclear weapons would kill innumerable civilians and cause enormous harm to the natural environment.
Because they offer a means of killing lots of people (soldiers or civilians) to countries who can not possess nuclear weapons.
There was a framework to seal nuclear weapon technology, engage in economic development and trade, and support civilian power stations.
The U.S. government cracked down after both nations tested nuclear weapons in May 1998, requiring U.S. organizations to obtain a license before shipping civilian materials deemed to have a dual military use to more than 300 institutions (Science, 24 July 1998, p. 494).
He dove into mainstream topics, working on nuclear and particle physics at Harwell, Britain's civilian atomic energy research center.
He cites the UN's investigation of Iraq's nuclear weapons programme after the Gulf War, which showed that the programme used a variety of technologies which were supposedly imported for civilian purposes.
Sophisticated technologies that can be used in civilian life and for making nuclear weapons present governments with a dilemma: how do they help manufacturers to keep their export sales high while ensuring that they do not supply would - be nuclear powers?
Salehi claims their deaths emboldened, rather than deterred, Iran's nuclear establishment, and insists that Iran's enrichment program was intended only to produce fuel for civilian power reactors.
This is the first time an American nuclear submarine has been used for civilian research.
An American nuclear submarine will carry six civilian scientists on a 42 - day research cruise under the Arctic ice pack this summer.
When nations acquire nuclear weapons, they usually develop dedicated facilities to produce fissile materials rather than collecting nuclear materials from civilian power plants.
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