Sentences with phrase «civilian victims of war»

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Although further U.S. aid to El Salvador seems a foregone conclusion, some congress people hope to make it conditional on assurances of open access to provide help to civilian victims of the civil war — a right recognized by international law.
In 1984, in the wake of Argentina's return to civilian rule, President Raul Alfonsín and the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo - a nongovernmental human rights organization - requested technical assistance in exhuming mass graves of victims of the country's «dirty war» and in applying genetic screening techniques to determine grandpaternity of children born in detention or abducted from their parents and adopted by supporters of the previous regime.
In a history of humankind, the twentieth century will be marked as a century of violence: the two world wars and hundreds of local and regional conflicts occurred in it, with dramatic change in a profile of those who suffer in wars, which shifted from military to prevalent civilian victims (in some statistics, it is more than 80 % of civilians), beside to enormous level of individual violence happen daily all over the world.
Both pieces deal with issues relating to war, expressed primarily through the voices and perspectives of civilians while focusing on both war's victims and its architects.
The potential number of victims of global warming could far exceed the number of civilian victims of World Wars I and II.
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