Sentences with phrase «claim much influence»

He doesn't claim much influence on the campaign, and he doesn't seem to know more than we do.

Not exact matches

Though he claims to have been influenced as much by William Ernest Hocking and Charles S. Pierce as by Whitehead, for thirty - five years Hartshorne has sought to develop and explicate a consistent, Whiteheadian understanding of God.
Because it was one of the books rejected by the developing church orthodoxy and because a number of scholars today claim that Gnostic influences dominate most of Thomas, the Gospel has not caused much stir.
Heavily influenced by the Enlightenment and the philosophical tradition of Logical Positivism (the idea that if something is not able to be judged true or false, then we are rationally compelled to ignore it as irrelevant), much of the modern Church has bought into the belief that the truth of Christianity should be treated like any other set of factual claims, and that people of faith can somehow rationally observe ultimate truth with a level of personal detachment and objectivity.
It was not until 1981, after much of the election furor had passed and the country was settling down to a new president that writers began to challenge publicly the empirical validity of many of the claims which had been made about the size and influence of the religious broadcasters.
Some have claimed that Alexis was a negative influence in the backroom, and Bellerin has now added his thoughts, claiming that although he is amongst the best players in the league, he sometimes demanded too much from his club mates, before refuting any claims that he didn't give his all for the club even towards the end of his Gunners career.
Bryan Robson has sung the praises of the Sir Alex Ferguson today, claiming that it's the manager's persona which allows him to have so much influence over the players.
Indeed, I think it is quite possible to claim their electoral focus gives them a greater say - they have a huge carrot and stick to influence their party's leaders, because they find it much easier to oust them.
This Afghan policy was very much influenced by «Pashtunistanism,» driven by idealistic and principled causes (i.e. supporting Pashtuns and Balochs» right to self - determination, not recognizing the Durand line, and most of all continuing to claim as Afghan land territory lost in the 1893 Durand agreement, parts of today's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan provinces in Pakistan).
While the Rockland County Times certainly can not claim credit for our President's «change of heart» on this vital issue, the many weeks of articles that the Rockland County Times devoted to explaining the critical nature of this project, which will bring many thousands of high - paying jobs into the New York - New Jersey Metropolitan Area as well as provide a much - needed «ONE - SEAT» train ride from Rockland County directly into Penn station, might have had some small influence on this favorable outcome!
Critics of PR claim that some small parties can enjoy long spells in governing coalitions, giving them much more influence than their popular support merits.
That bias can influence the sort of secondary work Gould did is a different and a much less surprising claim than unconscious bias influencing actual measurements.
Geneticist - provocateur J. Craig Venter proposes that we are not all created equal; the unorthodox psychology writer Judith Rich Harris undermines parenting by claiming that parents don't have much influence over the ultimate character of their children.
Zinke acknowledged climate is changing and humans have had an influence, but claimed there is a lot of «debate» over how much of a role humans have played and what can or should be done to combat climate change.
One claim that I have come across frequently is that volcanic eruptions influence the climate much more than human activity.
I suspect that every book I've ever read and loved has dug its way into my subconscious and influenced my writing, much as I may want to claim it hasn't.
Recurrent throughout 8 Painters are stylings on past painterly marks and movements, not so much placed in quotations as absorbed into a work's facture... It's a hopeful sign that the artists in [the show] demonstrate a critical distillation of influences that inform their particular sensibilities, philosophical outlooks, and relationship to materials — not making any great claims, just proceeding in a personally deliberate way.»
He disavowed having been influenced by Native American art — a claim that tells us much about Wheeler's capacity for self - denial — and when lumped with the Indian Space painters group objected vociferously.
Lipton claims not to have been influenced by any particular artists group, but his exploration of man's «inner reality» mimics the discoveries of the Surrealists, while his fascination with the dystopian relationship between man, nature and machine is consistent with much of modernist art after 1918.
One claim that I have come across frequently is that volcanic eruptions influence the climate much more than human activity.
In particular, the authors find fault with IPCC's conclusions relating to human activities being the primary cause of recent global warming, claiming, contrary to significant evidence that they tend to ignore, that the comparatively small influences of natural changes in solar radiation are dominating the influences of the much larger effects of changes in the atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations on the global energy balance.
The situation doesn't appear to something that would be likely to have happened that way, much like the second half of the situation in the above - mentioned Gelbspan timeline situation, where he (as a private citizen whose only public appearance at that time in the matter was a solitary article he co-authored which briefly turned him into a skeptic) claimed an Assistant Attorney General allowed him to influence an official hearing in a major way.
If the two methods do lead to different estimates of climate sensitivity, I find it difficult to believe that the 1D model is more appropriate than 3D to making claims about how much the real average temperature will rise due to a given influence.
We have to wait and see how much the NH high latitude temperature drop after the internal «AMO» shift and then they can switch metrics or claim the shift is due to human influences.
Why does Koonin claim that «human influences on the climate were much smaller»?
I've been much influenced by the replies to AGW claims from applied scientists, engineers and such who understood radiation and the real 2nd Law, in seeing how they spotted where the errors were being made.
Your home's location, size and age, and your claims history can all influence how much you pay for homeowners insurance.
The location of your home, age and condition of your home, your credit rating, and your claims history influence how much you pay for home insurance.
The company has also been accused of over-selling itself, with some in the tech world saying that it does not have as much influence as it claims.
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