Sentences with phrase «claim of justification»

Similarly, where the buyer refuses to go forward, without any claim of justification, under most purchase contracts the seller would be entitled to the deposit.

Not exact matches

(Deciding a contract is unfair rarely constitutes a legal reason to back out of that contract; Petty claimed that ABC's sale of Shelter Record's to MCA served as justification to declare an unfavorable contract he claimed he signed under duress to be invalid.)
I believe pet in cabin policies should be more liberal than they are currently, and that cost and restrictiveness have led to the explosion of using the claim of emotional support as a justification to avoid those rules.
--------------- Beginning in 325AD, the amalgamation of church and government — aka, Roman Catholicism — had begun a dangerous journey away from the Apostle's teaching and into apostasy when it left the Bible behind, and began to claim justification as a result of sanctification.
Webb sneaks up on a justification for a gospel of wealth; claims that the poor providentially provide an occasion for the wealthy to show charity; discounts pluralism (though with qualification); and fails to attend to the black experience in the American story or to consider the thought of Martin Luther King, who held to a view of providential American exceptionalism yet was critical of military adventurism.
But, on the other hand, it is quite unjustified for theists to hold that we must tolerate or swallow the paradoxes or explain them away (by feats of ingenuity so subtle, and verbal methods so remote from intuitive insight or definite logical structures, that only deity could know with any assurance what was taking place), giving as justification the claim that the alternative position of atheism is even more paradoxical (lacking, it may be urged, any principle of cosmic explanation at all).
We have no moral justification for opposing Joseph Kony's army of children, for example, because Joseph Kony claims God is giving him direction.
The theologian, on the other hand, confesses the special character of the perspective he shares and is therefore more likely to be critically reflective about his assumptions and about the kind of justification he can claim for them.
But to claim some biblical justification for something so directly contrary to the teaching of Christ is (I think I have said this before) a perversion of the text.
Accordingly, its necessary conditions include equal freedom for all participants to advance and contest any claim and the arguments for it; the absence of internal coercion in the form of strategic activity or, stated positively, uncompromised commitment on the part of all participants to seek the truth; and the absence of external coercion that might influence the acceptance or contestation of claims (cf. Habermas, Theory 25; Habermas, Justification 31).
Given the robustness of Ashbrook and Aibright's claims, the actual justifications they give for them are rather weak.
These «conservative» Christians think they represent all Christian, but their school of Christianity is the same one that claimed a biblical justification for black slavery.
Also, you should know that you should back up your claims with a bit more of argumentation (e.g., why would the multiverse hypothesis fail Occam's razor; you can't honestly believe that I would just accept such a conclusion without asking for the justification).
Since the breakdown of supernaturalism, the claims of Christianity to uniqueness and to finality have continued, but they have required justification.
Thus the war in Iraq, he claims, was justified not on prudential or moral grounds (Bowman is particularly dismissive of moral justifications for war) but because September 11 was an affront to our national honor and we had to hit back.
There is no justification for this, least of all by people who claim to interpret the Bible literally.
In such a case, if it exists, the scientist would, of course, be compelled to withdraw his assent to the legitimate teaching authority of the Church, if it were supposed that he really considered the certainty of the scientific «result» as definitively truer and surer than the grounds which he had previously believed he possessed in justification for the claim of the Church to teach.
In this, too, lies justification of the claim that in ancient Israel there existed a genuine, if amorphous, political democracy.
But when examined these claims have no justification in the corporate life of the community.
A relatively small number of Protestant theologians are exercised by a sixteenth - century dispute over «justification by faith alone,» and claim that it is the articulus stantis et cadentis ecclesiae.
That claim is challenged by the reality that the overwhelming majority of Christians in the world, who are in the broadest sense the ecclesia, have never heard of «justification by faith alone,» and most who have heard of it have not the foggiest notion of what it means.
I say «reasoned justification» because it is clearly inappropriate to reject out of hand all claims to systematic understanding of reality.
The argument of this paper as a whole is intended as partial justification for these claims.
Nevertheless, it is not entirely without value for theology to attempt at the same time, in a subordinate and supportive manner, some kind of rational «justification» of the central claims of revelation.
The reflective discovery (by what is called transcendental inquiry) that reality is grounded in that most faithful bedrock, namely, «truth itself,» is not incidental to a justification of Christian revelation's central truth - claim that reality at its core is forever faithful.
Hence, as part of the justification for claiming that all thought and language is meaningful only within a specified context, they make assertions that claim, at least implicitly, to correspond to the universal situation.
Purification, justification, redemption this is the gift of God claimed in the priestly prescriptions
Its members had long since given up any theological justification for their views and the claims to scientific authority were already weakened by the many internal critiques of the myth of objectivity.
The correspondence here gives some justification for the claim that when we examine our experience radically we discover that the perception in the mode of presentational immediacy to which Hume gave exclusive attention arises out of «perception in the mode of causal efficacy».
In the case of our justification, sin had a rightful claim over us and the wedges of sin had to be paid.
With regard to the altruistic nature of utilitarianism, Hartshorne once again offers a metaphysical justification in place of Mill's psychological claims.
Since biblical sanction can be claimed for the view that learning is intrinsically good, the test of a university's Christian adequacy, as well as the justification of its purpose, lies in its standards of learning, not in its conversion rate.
Its justification of basic Christian claims became more difficult.
Placher's answer to my question about the relative truth or falsity of religious claims touches upon my comment that current forms of epistemological relativism provide a justification for affirming the truth of beliefs without worrying about whether they are true for more than those who affirm them.
In ethics the dualistic uncertainty over the nature of «reality» and our perception of it is a major justification for modern moral relativism, or the claim that what is called morality is actually grounded in nothing but people's emotive and purely arbitrary preferences.
In these respects, the adherents of the social gospel could claim with full justification to be faithful to Wesley in a way that much of the Wesleyan movement in the nineteenth century was not.
In short, I suggest that violence is an inescapable feature of human existence, but that, because the Christian's acts are to be instrumental to reconciliation, ultraviolence can not claim Christian justification.
Potter claims that she can not address the issue because she is on the board of NARM, the sister organization of MANA, not MANA itself; yet despite that, she is completely familiar with MANA's stance and can't offer any justification.
No longer will obstetricians be able to claim science as their justification for the intense technologization of birth!
When it comes to the wasteful death of a viable child, I am not sure that ranting is entirely without justification, though I think I would claim that a wringing of hands and a level of frustration is just as common here.
From what was, at times, a confused and halting justification for this position your correspondent gleaned three interrelated strands of argument: that the lands of Judea and Samaria are the Jewish people's «homeland;» that while the area is also claimed as a homeland by the Palestinians this merely means the territory is contested and does not detract from the Jewish claim and finally; that the Palestinians lost their right to this land by engaging in violence in 1948 and 1967.
Then, and with some justification, he will also be able to claim that he alone is the hero of the Union.
He cited what he called rising fuel prices and failed promises of the Akufo - Addo government as justification for his claim.
As to your question about the justification for paying someone an ownership fee to claim the land initially, this would only make sense in the purists vision and the someone would potentially be everyone depending on the terms of the transaction you as the potential owner would have negotiated with all other rightful claimants.
And although it has been claimed, with justification, that the Conservatives have been keen to contrast the supposed strength and competence of May against the «chaos» of Corbyn's bid for power, another key message from Theresa May's Manifesto is that the opposition is utterly unimportant.
This means that the argument is likely to be decided according to the rules of theology rather than the history of science, and Hoodbhoy may have had more justification than he realised when he claimed that the debate lay outside his competence.
I was left without a clear line of argument or clear justifications for his claims.
The report does, however, make some assertions about certain compounds being harmful as a justification for why FCLO is not safe, and some of these claims are not backed by existing science (or are at least controversial).
That Denis can produce a work that, without a trace of preciousness, is equal parts indebted to Barthes and Chicago blues, connected as arm is to shoulder to the film - historical legacy of post-New Wave French filmmaking, is only further justification for claim that the 71 - year - old is the greatest working director over the last two decades.
An amicus curiae brief filed on behalf of almost 30 States, focusing on these practical consequences, claims with some justification that «each of the undersigned states... would suffer severe financial stringency.»
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