Sentences with phrase «claiming voting fraud»

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Trump has repeatedly claimed, without specific evidence, that voter fraud lost him the popular vote to his former Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.
Trump's claims that voter fraud affected the election have repeatedly been shot down by fact - checkers and voting officials.
Moore, whose campaign filed a last - minute «election fraud» complaint on Thursday just before the results were certified just after 2 p.m. EST, claimed that widespread voter fraud had contributed to his more than 20,000 vote loss to Jones, a number that was not significantly altered by the inclusion of military and provisional ballots that were later counted.
During an interview with CNN, Merrill, who voted for Moore, outlined some of the voter fraud claims his office has had to deal with in the weeks that followed Jones's surprise victory and Moore's refusal to concede the race.
But in November 2004, regardless of claims about voter fraud, Bush actually won the popular vote by over 3.5 million ballots, making his regime and his wars ours.
And by the way, the TEA PARTY traitors to this country are now passing legislation in the RED states to discourage voting by the poor, students, elderly by restricting voting hours, requiring ids and claiming that this is to keep voter fraud down.
President Trump said that voter fraud is widespread and again claimed that «millions and millions» of votes were cast fraudulently — a claim for which no evidence exists.
Liberals often claim that while there may be other forms of voter fraud in the United States, like voter registration fraud, the only kind of voter fraud that a voter ID law can possibly prevent is in - person voter fraud (where someone shows up at a polling station and votes when they're not legally permitted), and that there have been almost no documented cases of someone committing intentional in - person voter fraud in the United States.
Liberia's Supreme Court on Monday put a presidential run - off on hold until the electoral commission can investigate claims of irregularities and alleged fraud in last month's first round of voting.
The review on the federal level comes after Trump claimed voter fraud was behind the popular vote victory by Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election and hinted during the campaign the vote itself could be «rigged.»
Earl Mazo, a reporter for the pro-Nixon New York Herald Tribune, investigated the voting in Chicago and «claimed to have discovered sufficient evidence of vote fraud to prove that the state was stolen for Kennedy.»
PolitiFact will rate a claim about election fraud and why Trump still believes millions of people may have voted in 2016 more than once.
I deliberately excluded that from my answer for tactical reasons (I didn't want to hurt an extensive answer by downvotes from many P.SE users who vote on pure partisan lines), but there's enough evidence to post a separate answer showing that Trump has a strong basis for claiming there may be fraud - how impactful, if of course impossible to quantify at the moment.
Nigel Farage has claimed Labour have overseen the emergence of a fraud - ridden postal voting system in northern English constituencies «which would not be out of place in a country like Zimbabwe».
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