Sentences with phrase «claims about natural variability»

«For those of you that read the report, you'll notice that the Peabody side made claims about the natural variability of Earth's climate, about Earth temperature changes, and about extreme weather events.»
Data over 140 years is insufficient to make over broad claims about natural variability and it would require a leap of imagination to use this data in and of itself to draw conclusions about cause and effect.

Not exact matches

My understanding of most of the (lets call it) skeptical positions from people like Roy Spencer is that they essentially claim exactly that: the absence of a large signal compared to noise (or natural variability) and the entire debate is essentially about the question, whether noise is a measurement / statistical problem or the very nature of climate itself?
Models all produce natural variability, many of which show temperature flatlines over decadal timescales, and given the wide importance of natural variability over < 10 year time scales and uncertain forcings, one can absolutely not claim that this is inconsistent with current thinking about climate.
Current changes are well within natural variability, despite Gore's false claims about increasing severe weather.
While these earlier periods are outside the claims of the IPCC statement, the point is valid that we need to know the character of natural variability to make claims about the extent of human influence on global temperatures.
Exactly, but using good numbers not a «hotchpotch assembly» for which it is claimed to be global temperature (there is no such thing, there is global energy content, but that is totally different story) So calculate correlation CET - GT from 1880 using 5 year bin averaging P.S. your statement on natural variability on decadal scale is grossly misleading, you got about 130 years of good records so you need to look at multi-decadal picture.
All this talk of natural variability follows a decade of no warming, and subsequent to a variety of claims that we have been about to experience warmer and warmer weather, which have been contradicted later by revised projections, and climate reality, as we reported on Monday.
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