Sentences with phrase «clap your hands»

Townsend, a large man with a booming voice, clapped his hands on my shoulders and admonished me to remember «we're all on the same team here.»
A ranger yelled to Waugh to clap his hands and run if she charged again.
As The Arctic Monkeys, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, and many others have shown, it is possible for small indie bands to rise to stardom by the buzz they create on the Internet.
It may have seemed less than romantic to some, but when Lindsay told host Chris Harrison she'd run her own personal version of a credit check on her top three, Twitter erupted in a chorus of clapping hands emojis.
If there is a God and he is truly just, he will judge me based on my merits of helping fellow humans and making the world a better place to live, not how many times I dropped to my knees, clapped my hands together and chanted prayers.
Let's all congratulate Reality, because his taxpayer dollar was spent in Joplin... * clapping my hands *...
I don't care if pronouncements are made from a stone crying out or the trees of the field clapping their hands or out of the mouth of babes.
you know kids are watching), someone — often one of the tinies themselves — will holler «GUARD YOUR GATES» and then the tinies clap their hands over their ears and screw their eyes shut.
Ask me about resurrection and now I'd be likely to talk to you about the last warm gold light of the afternoon and fresh tea leaves and Cheerios on the floor and Van Gogh's brushstrokes and the way women clap their hands together and cross their legs when they laugh properly.
«You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace,» sings Isaiah, «the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands
Much heat is generated by discussing which hymns are better: because they are popular, because they are theologically deeper, because they make people clap their hands and smile, because they evoke sentiments of devotion, or because someone like Blessed John Henry Newman, St Ambrose or St Thomas Aquinas wrote them.
We used to do motions for the rain falling down and the floods coming up, but nothing was as satisfying as dramatically clapping our hands together at the end of the song to simulate the total destruction of the foolish man's house.
Hills leap for joy and rivers clap their hands in God's presence.
* clapping my hands * bravo.
If I could get him to clap his hands to worship it would be a miracle!
The teacher claps her hands and we're all getting up and filing out.
It won't be the work of snapping my fingers or clapping my hands and «ta - da!»
Not being all that familiar with Nelly, I thought you were going for «If you're happy and you know it clap your hands
For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in shalom; the mountains and the hills before you shall burst into song, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
As the meetings progressed a great bass drum beat out the rhythm of the hymns until the whole crowd, caught by the rhythm, began to shout, clap their hands, and go into furious motions.
But when the statue began by moving gently, and then fell down, it would defy anyone to describe the hubbub which arose thereat and the way they clapped their hands with wonder.
He will be reminded of what that simple old sage remarked in ancient times, «When they meet together, and the world sets down at an assembly, or in a court of law, or a theater, or a camp, or in any other popular resort, and there is a great uproar and they praise some things which are being said or done, and blame other things, equally exaggerating both, shouting and clapping their hands, and the echo of the rocks and the place in which they are assembled redoubles the sound of the praise or blame — at such a time will not a young man's heart, as they say, leap within him?
It reminds me of the passage that says that even the trees of the field will clap their hands.
«All The Trees Will Clap Their Hands,» Sufjan Stevens 9.
Even the rocks cry out, the trees clap their hands.
God turns a round and claps his hands... Muhammad, two coffees!
Gregory was here alluding to one of the famous sayings of Zeno: «The open hand is perception, the clapping hand is the agreement of the intellect, the hand fully closed upon something is the recording of judgment, the one hand clasped by the other is systematic science.»
At least with the royals, we can all agree to agree and to disagree, to point fingers, to clap our hands with glee, to shake our heads with despair and to laugh out loud.
But now I feel perfectly at home here with the Friends, in a Catholic mass, meditating with Buddhist, and even jumping around clapping my hands at the African American church down the street.»
Time and again, he pleads with Israel to «clap your hands
However, it's as if, having said that, he clapped his hand over his mouth and resolved to be more discreet.
The black student on the Columbia campus is not Martin Heidegger, though Cornel West and the others who clapped their hands for the Washington march may be.
All who hear the news of you clap their hands over you.
Sun journeys through the sky, Breeze whistles the world to attention, And all the trees of the field wave and sway and clap their hands.
«You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands
I have this thing where anytime I see a pile of those rainbow - like carrots at the market, I have to clap my hands and bounce on my heels a little.
Tevita howled, clapping his hands.
I used to prance through the aisles of Fowler's Gourmet in Durham, North Carolina, clapping my hands wide - eyed at such juicy titles as Pyromania Hot Sauce, Pain 100 %, and 99 % Meltdown Habanero Paste.
Clapping hands while chanting «I believe in chocolate chip cookies,» apparently helps as well.
So while you're praising the lord and clapping your hands you made it through that awful election, T - Swift's umpteenth break - up or Michael Strehan abruptly leaving Live with Kelly, I'm celebrating the fact that I made it one whole year being a Mom.
He claps his hands and springs up.
Howard clapped his hands together.
I will jump and clap my hands when the first one shows up, and I will run inside with my treasure.
To transaction junkies like us, it means we get to clap our hands and wonder just how this will all work.
You think the clapping hands are for applause but I submit to you that despite what the haters say it's actually the most effective form of punctuation known to man.
All he does is clap hands and shake head like a rasterfferian from Jamaica.
All flamini does is talk shout clap his hands and get yellow cards.
Investigating, he found a group of Negro children between the ages of 8 and 12 sitting in a circle, clapping their hands in unison to the words of the leader in a complicated ring game, a player being eliminated if he broke the fast rhythm of the hand claps.
@Twig If your Mb - APPE and you know it... clap your hands??
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