Sentences with phrase «clarity needed for»

«We are confident the PSC understands the importance of a stable business environment, and will provide the clarity needed for construction of these community solar projects to go forward.»
By gaining a better understanding of your past influences, present patterns, and inner beliefs, you can find the clarity you need for yourself, your relationships and your life.I specialize in the following issues: anxiety, depression, divorce / separation, relationship concerns, blended families, stress management, life transitions, grief and loss, work / career stress, and parenting support.

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Kennedy shared her insights about why you need failure to get clarity and how channelling your passion helps you build up an inner resolve to go to bat for your business when it truly counts.
The Trump administration needs more clarity on its strategy in the Middle East for Iran and Syria, says Richard Goldberg of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.
For example, if you're feeling burned out because you're constantly correcting employees who feel that they're not getting adequate communication, «so what» questioning might reveal how you can be more clear or it may reveal that employees need better training and clarity about what is expected of them.
If you live in California and don't need a ton of space for your everyday driving needs, the Clarity is a solid, zero - emission vehicle option.
He is also concerned about what happens when the Fed ends its bond - buying program, citing the need for more clarity on the central bank's exit policy.
Segoma images has become the industry standard for determining quality and clarity, and have replaced the need to inspect a diamond in person before executing a transaction.
The State Department announced today that it will delay the decision - making process on the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, citing the need for more clarity around the project's route.
We are seeing them crackdown in other parts of the market, look deeper into ICOs for example, so I think we do need some more regulatory, legal clarity around the smart contracts.
Khosrowshahi underscored the need for one CEO at Uber for clarity, said sources familiar with the interaction, noting it was the only way to run the company.
We need to see intentional authenticity and clarity from our remaining leaders, and we need to see the willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the truth.»
In the meantime we need to encourage medical researchers to continue in their search for greater clarity concerning what constitutes medical death, and governments to legislate in such a way as to protect the sanctity of life, and respect for the individual.
Obsessed with the need for clarity, Homo Faber has what might be labeled «the scrubbing compulsion of the mind.
As the Jesuit high school where I work began to wind down for the year, I reached a point where I needed clarity, something to bring calm to the chaos of the closing weeks and to center me in a reality more timeless than the NBA playoffs.
Federico Lombardi has acknowledged the need «for truth and clarity, for transparency» in investigating what happened.
In view of the importance which Whitehead himself attaches to this theory, the need for clarity about it becomes so much the more urgent.
Far from the imposition of an alien rationalism, such a demand for clarity and comprehensiveness is therefore a necessary desideratum of any interpretive theory, whether in epistemology or in the history of ideas.17 Recognition of the need for such comprehensive and mutually exclusive concepts need not restrict, but can rather uncover possible, if perhaps neglected schemes for both historical and constructive presentation.
Philosophy has of course always had a considerable role to play in theological reflection, in directing attention to the need for conceptual clarity and systematic completeness, demanding rigor of thought, seeking comprehensiveness.
On those areas where we differ, we continue to discuss them in a spirit of charity and grace, realizing that we are all en route and equally need increasing clarity for the journey ahead.»
(1) clarity, strength and persuasiveness of Christian conviction and commitment; (2) good preaching and the ability to design and lead meaningful worship; (3) conviction of and commitment to pastoral calling as integral to Christian ministry and pastoral care; (4) deep sensitivity to the needs of people individually and in groups; (5) concern for, dedication to, and skill in working for congregational development and growth as a part of faithfulness, for the nurture and retention of members who show signs of slackening commitment, for the motivation and training of lay persons to work for church growth; (6) capacity to generate enthusiasm in other people, personal warmth, competence, spiritual authenticity; (7) ability to encourage and generate a spirit of unity in a congregation; and (8) organizational development and conflict management skills.
Excavating what is at your core as a leader provides a much - needed compass, releasing clarity and an incredible power for achievement.
All churches — and those in church leadership — must strive for clarity that says this: victims need to be received, listened to, and cared for by the church.
Proposals for a period of transition, and protections for the Republic of Ireland and EU citizens living in the UK currently are welcome, but clarity on EU labour and farming subsidies is still needed, says Dr Judith Bryans, chief executive of Dairy UK.
Probably more important, the clean and sometimes brisk mountain air was perfect for realizing some of the other needs I have in life, like stopping for a moment, letting my mind shut off, and seeking out a little clarity.
In the past several years, the organic industry has identified a need for clarity about the minor ingredients used in permitted ingredients or processing aids for processed organic food.
While you're able to adjust the size to meet your needs, we'll be sure to add more specific instructions to the recipe itself for more clarity.
Why clarity on future access to the EU workforce for the food and drink industry is needed as a matter of urgency
Beverley Smith explores why clarity on future access to the EU workforce for the food and drink industry is needed as a matter of urgency.
Stripping Conor was the right move and I agree the division needs some clarity, but it seems kinda harsh for Tony.
But if children's needs are the focus, then a programme for fatherhood will emerge with greater clarity and sympathy than if the focus is on «fathers» rights».
Our hindsight seems to be 20/20, but we beat ourselves up for not having gotten glasses back when we needed the crystal clarity we have since found.
One such provision is the needed clarity that formulas for older babies (up to 36 months) are covered by the International Code and WHA Resolution.
During that time I felt a lack of clarity for what I wanted and needed.
Home visitors typically do not identify or respond to maternal depression during the course of their home visits with clients.11, 12,17 Several reasons appear to contribute to home visitors» lack of attention to maternal depression, including feeling they do not have appropriate training on approaches to discussing the topic with clients, perceptions that depressed clients are more difficult to engage, challenges in prioritizing discussion of poor mental health in the context of clients» other pressing needs, and lack of clarity on the extent to which they should address maternal depression.13, 14 Systematic screening and referral at time of home visitation enrollment can help identify women needing supports for maternal depression.
Today there is a real need for — and hunger for — new understanding, new clarity, and a new way forward.
Dr Diana Montgomery, Chief Executive of the Association, said: «First, having highlighted the need for government clarity around its plans to support house building, we are pleased that the Help to Buy scheme has been extended to 2020.
Of urgent need and not to be overlooked is to overhaul and then clarity the rules on nomination for Leader & Deputy Leader of the Party.
The Executive Budget reflects better times and proposes new investments in key areas such as infrastructure, but greater clarity is needed on how the state will pay for it all.»
He added: «We've got to bring the law into line with reality, and for people who are launching businesses they need clarity and there are now enormous numbers of businesses springing up and operating in this new digital world and they need to understand the way in which copyright law operates.
The decision has one down - side that the electricity market reform will have to resolve: by dropping the CCS levy on consumers and committing to taxpayer funding, it reduces the incentive of the existing power companies to engage with CCS, and reinforces the need for a strong emissions performance standard to ensure they have clarity about the low carbon direction of the electricity market.
«We need absolutely clarity in terms of who [legislators] are getting paid by and what they are getting paid for,» Lerner said Wednesday.
And he responded to Conservative criticism about a lack of clarity about spending plans in the medium term by saying: «Until we can be clear about what unemployment is going to look like, we don't know how much needs to be reserved for unemployment benefits, versus how much is going to be available for other departments.
Not to mention they have detailed clarity and a full range of sound, for whatever you're doing, plus they're designed for musicians who need to hit the studio or the stage.
They «don't provide as much clarity as the research community would need» to know which projects must follow the new clinical trial policies, says Heather Pierce, AAMC's senior director for science policy.
Maybe for teh sake of clarity, you need to go into a little more detail so that we can judge whether you have the foggiest idea of what you are talking about.
Last month's calls for greater clarity over the IPCC's new budget calculations could be taken as a sign that governments are looking for clearer signs on how far emissions cuts need to go and how quickly.
Although the clinical data have provided some clarity regarding who should be screened, Krist said, they also show the need for a better screening test for prostate cancer and improved treatments.
Specific foods may be more therapeutic than others for you and some healthy foods may even need to be avoided — getting an accurate thyroid assessment provides highly valuable information that changes my patients» lives, creating clarity and direction.
Without meditation, there is no hope for the level of clarity that is needed for a big life.
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