Sentences with phrase «clarity of vision»

Having clarity of vision from right out the outset is critical to success.
By doing so, making important decisions, judging the intentions of others and the overall clarity of vision you have for your own life will dramatically increase.
What makes it something more is the way this forensic clarity of vision is shot through with a deep sense of mystery.
Art historians, critics and students write of her generosity, humour and scholarship and, as one, bow down to the radical clarity of her vision.
In the biopic Frida, Julie Taymor portrays the work of the late artist Frida Kahlo with clarity of vision and sharp interpretation, drawing the narrative brushstrokes of her tragic life with the soul - stirring colors of her paintings.
[15] The Dublin Magazine commented on Swift's «uncompromising clarity of vision which eschews the accidental or the obvious or the sentimental» and «shows his power to convey the full impact of the object, as though the spectator were experiencing it for the first time.»
In her book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, Bronnie Ware, a hospice nurse, writes of the phenomenal clarity of vision people gain on their deathbed.
Every layer shed brought clarity of vision as she has now turned that pain into her purpose and destiny — helping others find their purpose and leverage their pasts to empower their vision and dreams.
Are we so sure we have the same clarity of vision in relation to the nation, the state, the independence of peoples, socialism, progress, the army, cultures, money, etc..
Though Windows 8's Metro - based design will be found on desktops, laptops and tablets, it requires a singular clarity of vision to create a great operating system suited to such different devices.
«Openness offers transparency and with that comes clarity of vision, and that leads to a leaner organization,» he says.
The ferocity of the current assault on the legacy of Christian culture, however, has brought a new clarity of vision.
Mangel, who visited Tennessee for the Aug. 21 eclipse, said he and others experienced an unusual clarity of vision during the minutes when the moon shut out the sun's rays.
These cells protect and nourish the retina, remove waste products, prevent new blood vessel growth into the retinal layer, and absorb light not absorbed by the photoreceptor cells; these actions prevent the scattering of the light and enhance clarity of vision.
Saginaw's clarity of vision permeates his new record, even during the brief lulls when the music seems to be taking a break to catch its breath, and makes it a resounding statement in his musical career.
We take in Darwin as a respectable patriarch of his community, and a scientist with a phenomenal clarity of vision into the organic world he fervently studies.
It's rare enough to support a filmmaker with such clarity of vision, exacting artistic standards, boundless energy, and big heart — but to have so much fun doing it?!
That it's an endurance test is no question — that it's an endurance test with a dissident clarity of vision should raise a few.
His previous films had a stunning clarity of vision which is sorely lacking as some freaky shit goes down in the world's most multicultural block of flats.
Leadership: This develops clarity of vision, distributed leadership, effective team working and the leadership skills of every staff member.
The film was also awarded the inaugural Sydney Film Festival Prize, for «its controlled clarity of vision, its extraordinary detail and bravery, the dedication of its cast and the power and resonance of its humanity», a reflection of the director's roots as a contemporary artist.
With its striking clarity of vision and uninhibited self - awareness, Terri Philips exemplifies the artist's approach to painting and to life: revitalising the classical subject of the nude, Taylor invests the work with the vivid beauty of the everyday.
What is revealed there is that McGinness possesses extraordinary clarity of vision coupled with an immense capacity for the transformation of interior spaces.
Possessed of a remarkable clarity of vision, a striking spatial intelligence and a generous stylistic inclusiveness, it places on an equal footing art objects and time - based art — not just video and performance art but music, dance, theater, film — and does so on a scale and with a degree of aplomb we have not seen before in this town.
Succeeding in politics requires clarity of vision, a collaborative mindset, and importantly thick skin!
It is far more stimulating to organize and administrate a parish program crisply than to live for weeks or months in uncertainty waiting patiently for clarity of vision.
«Helen is one of that elite band of curators with clarity of vision, the deepest intellect, and the lightest touch,» Marshall says.
Personally, I was blown away by her clarity of vision, her depth of thought and her iron - clad commitment to make the world a better place.
This boldness and clarity of vision may have turned a few investors off, but it attracted the attention of Cheetah Mobile, one of the world's largest mobile platforms, and its CEO, Fu Sheng, who went on to become one of the first investors in the platform.
The process of honoring the clarity of vision, creating a roadmap, and seeing the vision through to fruition, is at the core of true visionary leadership.
My commentary: While I am not surprised that the least effective marketers don't have clarity of vision, I do find it surprising that around 40 % of effective marketers don't know what success looks like within their organization.
The point of Jesus» instruction is not to admit and continue; the point is for Dave to fix the problem so he has the clarity of vision necessary to help others.
The American conservative movement was once known for its clarity of vision and purpose; today, confusion and contradiction reign.
Now we turn to a closely related problem: insight or sight or clarity of vision, what it means, and how it comes about.
Whereas all these childhood stories (and many more) contain a clarity of vision which shows avarice, greed and self - centredness in their true, ugly colours, in the «grown - up world» we all get used to the belief that real life somehow works differently.
For there is only One whose presence and grace and clarity of vision can help us see and perceive those around us as our neighbors in God's global village.
Courage we must pray for, but clarity of vision must be taught, pondered, grasped and communicated.
Susan Fuqua is an innovative and transformative sales executive with entrepreneurial instincts and clarity of vision that have carried several companies through rapid and continuous growth.
But maybe these people in the AAA who have this clarity of vision about what we should do should be managers.
Pope Benedict had clarity of vision, but he was a conservative leader at a time when the Church needed a vision of the future.
There was a greater willingness to pursue radical alternatives, and Thatcher offered a clarity of vision that many found attractive.
The source adds: «She seemed to have a clarity of vision and ambition when we met with her and it was decided that we would back her.»
Again I wish I had all the clarity of vision that you have which you clearly seem to posses.»
Mr. Adesina also congratulated President Akufo - Addo for the clarity of his vision and direction in which the country's economy is headed, which, according to him, has enhanced the image of the country and its standing with the global, international financial community.
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