Sentences with phrase «clarity of vision into»

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Webb's sharp and powerful infrared vision will allow it to peer farther into the Milky Way with greater clarity than infrared telescopes before it — uncovering parts of the galaxy that were once too dim, too distant, or too concealed to study.
These cells protect and nourish the retina, remove waste products, prevent new blood vessel growth into the retinal layer, and absorb light not absorbed by the photoreceptor cells; these actions prevent the scattering of the light and enhance clarity of vision.
You're doing so many things, and one of the things that you gave me right away was the clarity to sort of slow down and focus and really take my vision into account.
Every layer shed brought clarity of vision as she has now turned that pain into her purpose and destiny — helping others find their purpose and leverage their pasts to empower their vision and dreams.
His clarity of thought and vision is extraordinary and his new book offers fascinating insights into the workings of a brilliant business mind.»
By distilling the video game art form into its essential elements, VVVVVV presents a gameplay experience of exceptional purity and clarity of vision.
Get out of «career confusion» and into «career clarity» by creating a vision that inspires and energizes you.
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