Sentences with phrase «clarity on alignment»

Not exact matches

She called on the Government to provide «clarity and certainty on our future relationship with the EU and seek continued regulatory, standards, and trading alignment with the EU in the processed food and drink sector».
Paired with focus on postural alignment, a basic knowledge of human anatomy will deepen your physical practice and add clarity to your teaching, as well as making modifications to cater to existing injuries you may encounter.
A focus on healthy alignment and Pranayama (breathing practices) will help cultivate strength and understanding as well as cultivate greater mental clarity and calm.
Through asana and pranayama, self - reflection, subtle body alignment, meditation, and group discussions on acceptance, presence, and allowing, you expose and clear expressions of dense emotions and focus your energy in a love - based approach to life that offers greater clarity of mind.
Improved the Yu Gothic Bold font focusing on consistent baseline alignment and clarity of various Kana characters.
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