Sentences with phrase «clarity you need in»

Staff have been provided with the clarity they need in order to feel empowered and accountable in their role.
Discernment Counseling is Short term counseling (between 1 and 5 sessions) giving you the confidence and clarity you need in making a huge decision — Helping you discern what path is best.

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«We need to get some kind of clarity on whether the U.K. is going to stay in the open skies (agreement).
The Trump administration needs more clarity on its strategy in the Middle East for Iran and Syria, says Richard Goldberg of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.
Everyone needs someone like her in their corner — she cheers me on, uses words like «genius» too generously, and leaves me with a sense of clarity.
In fact, going off site to write your plan could bring the focus and clarity you need to think outside the clutter of your daily environment.
P&G spokesperson Tracey Long explained to the Wall Street Journal that they've made this change because «people need more clarity in judging their load size.»
As Republicans and Democrats lock horns in Washington over tax thresholds, small business owners say they just need some clarity.
It's important to combine attitudes and needs with firmographics and behaviours; this is an area in which clarity and focus will enable service - providing companies to be proactive and responsive, thereby giving them an edge over their competition.
In my own team's experience, screen sharing is particularly important to avoid confusion and provide clarity when people need to see the same visuals, such as presentations or documents being worked on.
If you live in California and don't need a ton of space for your everyday driving needs, the Clarity is a solid, zero - emission vehicle option.
But McMillon, who serves on a different White House business council, the President's Strategic and Policy Forum, said Trump's comments Monday «were a step in the right direction, and we need that clarity and consistency in the future.»
Segoma images has become the industry standard for determining quality and clarity, and have replaced the need to inspect a diamond in person before executing a transaction.
«I feel so compelled to get what I need to get done because I feel the clarity now more than I have ever felt it in my life...»
By placing the increasingly complex buyers journey in a visual context, sales teams gain the clarity they need to identify critical knowledge gaps, potential risks, and common delay indicators so they can take the best next step to increase win ratios and reduce deal slippage.
We are seeing them crackdown in other parts of the market, look deeper into ICOs for example, so I think we do need some more regulatory, legal clarity around the smart contracts.
Yours has by far provided the most clarity and has provided a very welcome sense of encouragement at a much needed time in the early stages of my career.
A lack of clarity through keyword insertion is something that can result in a Google ban, but the advertiser needs to be very alert at all times in order to recognize when he or she might be wandering into bad territory.
In her book, Melanie Ross has provided us with an affectionate framing of evangelical liturgical practices that will surely bring a greater and much - needed clarity to the conversation between evangelicals and high - church Christians, if not a greater sympathy.
We joined an abusive, (house / semi-communal) «Bible» church primarily because it seemed to provide what we desperately felt we needed at that time, as a young couple, expecting our first child: Stability, Clarity of belief, «Coolness», Community, and a sense that we were joining something that promised it was going to have a great impact on the culture in the future, and we were thus getting in on the «bottom floor.»
In the meantime we need to encourage medical researchers to continue in their search for greater clarity concerning what constitutes medical death, and governments to legislate in such a way as to protect the sanctity of life, and respect for the individuaIn the meantime we need to encourage medical researchers to continue in their search for greater clarity concerning what constitutes medical death, and governments to legislate in such a way as to protect the sanctity of life, and respect for the individuain their search for greater clarity concerning what constitutes medical death, and governments to legislate in such a way as to protect the sanctity of life, and respect for the individuain such a way as to protect the sanctity of life, and respect for the individual.
But isn't that exactly the kind of clarity we need to bring us to our senses, and to put in better perspective our busy and distracted lives?
Perhaps a little more clarity was needed in the book on this important part of the discussion.
The Church has always honoured Mary, always seen her role as crucial - and in doing so has found her a sure anchor in holding fast to truths that need to be taught with clarity.
As the Jesuit high school where I work began to wind down for the year, I reached a point where I needed clarity, something to bring calm to the chaos of the closing weeks and to center me in a reality more timeless than the NBA playoffs.
My own moment of clarity in AA came when, while earnestly trying to «work the program» and embrace its philosophies, it occurred to me that if I could somehow convince myself of something as preposterous as the idea that I needed to change my entire way of thinking and adapt to the 12 - step program in order to stop drinking, I could probably convince myself of something a little better suited to my own needs (and much simpler) that would work just as well.
But Peter needed to grow in clarity about where he actually stood.
Before laying out his own categoreal scheme he warns the reader that all such formal schemes are strictly speaking false, due to an irremediable partiality of formulation.36 He explains in the same context that the only» reason a categoreal scheme is even needed is to prevent philosophers from thinking too much like mathematicians regarding the clarity; completeness and certainty of their activities.37 Bergson would heartily agree.
Federico Lombardi has acknowledged the need «for truth and clarity, for transparency» in investigating what happened.
But we do need courage, clarity and wisdom in speaking out.
In view of the importance which Whitehead himself attaches to this theory, the need for clarity about it becomes so much the more urgent.
With a clarity not easily misunderstood, it begins with a restatement of the two great commandments, then gives a graphic picture of neighborliness in a situation of response to human need that transcends any man - made lines of division.
The following books will challenge your thinking in these areas and provide much - needed clarity on the Gospel, evangelism, and eternal life.
Far from the imposition of an alien rationalism, such a demand for clarity and comprehensiveness is therefore a necessary desideratum of any interpretive theory, whether in epistemology or in the history of ideas.17 Recognition of the need for such comprehensive and mutually exclusive concepts need not restrict, but can rather uncover possible, if perhaps neglected schemes for both historical and constructive presentation.
Philosophy has of course always had a considerable role to play in theological reflection, in directing attention to the need for conceptual clarity and systematic completeness, demanding rigor of thought, seeking comprehensiveness.
On those areas where we differ, we continue to discuss them in a spirit of charity and grace, realizing that we are all en route and equally need increasing clarity for the journey ahead.»
Leonard Hodgson, in his review in Theology of The Secularization of Christianity, made this point about Mascall; and he made it with such clarity and precision that I need only mention it here.
(1) clarity, strength and persuasiveness of Christian conviction and commitment; (2) good preaching and the ability to design and lead meaningful worship; (3) conviction of and commitment to pastoral calling as integral to Christian ministry and pastoral care; (4) deep sensitivity to the needs of people individually and in groups; (5) concern for, dedication to, and skill in working for congregational development and growth as a part of faithfulness, for the nurture and retention of members who show signs of slackening commitment, for the motivation and training of lay persons to work for church growth; (6) capacity to generate enthusiasm in other people, personal warmth, competence, spiritual authenticity; (7) ability to encourage and generate a spirit of unity in a congregation; and (8) organizational development and conflict management skills.
This tradition needed to be reshaped and presented in its decisive clarity.
All churches — and those in church leadership — must strive for clarity that says this: victims need to be received, listened to, and cared for by the church.
I can not see myself carrying a placard denouncing homosexuality, but in a forum like this (a blog) at a time like this, people need voices of moral clarity.
Proposals for a period of transition, and protections for the Republic of Ireland and EU citizens living in the UK currently are welcome, but clarity on EU labour and farming subsidies is still needed, says Dr Judith Bryans, chief executive of Dairy UK.
Probably more important, the clean and sometimes brisk mountain air was perfect for realizing some of the other needs I have in life, like stopping for a moment, letting my mind shut off, and seeking out a little clarity.
In the past several years, the organic industry has identified a need for clarity about the minor ingredients used in permitted ingredients or processing aids for processed organic fooIn the past several years, the organic industry has identified a need for clarity about the minor ingredients used in permitted ingredients or processing aids for processed organic fooin permitted ingredients or processing aids for processed organic food.
From a government perspective, when investors look at our country they need certainty and they need clarity and they need consistency, and that's what we in the Australian chamber advocate to government.
on what biggest reform they could take... The first thing is to restore and convince everybody that honesty and clarity in the organisation are needed.
athletes they serve, in making informed decisions about safety, and provide clarity on the steps that need to be taken to safeguard children involved in sport.
Lori's activities, personal stories, and grid analysis on four different styles of «openness» led to greater awareness and clarity as to what the adults truly need to do in relationships with children to both acknowledge and «heal the split between biology and biography.»
If you are expecting or have just become a new momma, I hope these tips give you clarity on what you may or may not need in the months to come.
Tune in, ask questions to gain clarity, and deliver what your child needs.
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