Sentences with phrase «clash of civilizations»

Dialogues of civilizations, not clashes of civilizations, can produce transboundary learning and transboundary solutions.
The ideal of a cultural manager sounds sensible in the face of our present clashes of civilizations and culture wars.
Huntington turns his attention toward what might be termed a domestic clash of civilizations - or at least a clash of cultures.
Pay attention rather than tromping over here with the pre-formed notion there are only two sides to this great clash of civilizations, and likewise assuming that I am on the other side of whatever foolishly reductive scenario you have imagined in your head.
Geopolitically, the pace was MADE for clashes of civilizations, nations, and kings to fight each other - Roman vs Goth, Christian vs Turk, Byzantine vs Serb, East vs West etc..
The «clash of civilizations» rhetoric often takes on theological overtones, as it did in the president's 2002 and 2003 State of the Union addresses.
As Huntington has stated: «Civilizations are the ultimate human tribes and the clash of civilizations is tribal conflict on a global scale.»
The clash of civilizations continues.
For more than a decade, a few prescient scholars have been warning about the coming conflict, now commonly referred to by Samuel Huntington's phrase «the clash of civilizations
For instance, he offers a detailed evaluation of misguided steps in the Bosnian debacle, and in order to show why religion ought to be taken more seriously in international affairs he draws upon but rejects Samuel Huntington's thesis about a «clash of civilizations
Repeatedly he referred to his Jewish and Christian neighbors, insisting that the clash of civilizations is not between Muslims and non-Muslims but «between moderates on all sides of all the faith traditions and the radicals on all sides.»
This could arise from the «clash of civilizations» (as contemplated by Huntington) or from the attempt of nations to extend their possession of land, both for living space and to gain control over resources.
Breivik's taste in online conversation shows a compulsive interest in websites that see the modern world in terms of a «clash of civilizations,» where Christian values are supposedly under siege in the face of an Islamic onslaught.
Norway attacks suspect Anders Behring Breivik frequented websites that see the modern world as a «clash of civilizations
It is a much more sanguine and less sanguinary view than that proposed by Samuel Huntington's «clash of civilizations,» and one may hope that Mr. Ruthven is right.
One of the most prominent advocates of permanent war is Robert Kaplan, who combines a fervent militarism with a Samuel Huntington — style «clash of civilizations» realism.
Silk Road director Jamil Khoury says the church trusts his company to take on such sensitive subjects as homosexuality and the clash of civilizations.
Differently from Samuel P. Huntington, Boff does not start with a «clash of civilizations», 26 but with a positive being - in - relation which, however, is more a programme than reality:» «the second paradigm [sc.
Indeed, as Samuel Huntington of Harvard has written, the «clash of civilizations» in the new millennium likely means that pluralism will be more pronounced in the future.
Neither book wishes to give lessons for how to deal with the contemporary «clash of civilizations,» except perhaps to stress that this clash is not so much between as within civilizations.
The «clash of civilizations» is not inevitable in a world where the politics of ideology has been displaced by the politics of identity.
She hints that at least part of this myopia must be blamed on Samuel Huntington's hugely influential «clash of civilizations» argument, which led many to believe that the world is «currently polarized between a Muslim monolith, bent on violence, and the democratic cultures of Europe and North America.»
Those anxious about the clash of civilizations feel the building escalates the conflict.
Thousands of Muslims have made fun of the magazine headline since Monday, when it published a long article by the Somali - born writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a former Muslim who describes herself as a «combatant in the clash of civilizations
It is important to know that there are such Muslim thinkers, although those concerned about Samuel Huntington's «clash of civilizations» never doubted it.
And in doing so, it reminds us that a «clash of civilizations» is being played out within our own society, as well as between ourselves and hostile forces bent on our destruction.
What drives his narrative, however, is a vision of the Persian Wars as a clash of civilizations, which he presents as possessing significant parallels to the conflicts of our own day.
Clash of civilizations.
Samuel Huntington's well - known «clash of civilizations» theory, while notable for implicating culture more deeply in geo - political power relations, nonetheless essentially maintains the commitments of traditional Realism.
President Trump cast himself as a defender of Western values in a clash of civilizations during a speech in Warsaw, rebuking the news media, U.S. intelligence agencies and Barack Obama during his visit to the European capital most hospitable to his right - wing nationalist message.
The director, however, can't decide whether or not the clash of civilizations is more important than the Queen's antivirginal itch, so he cuts randomly between the two, with everything pumped up by bombastic music and sound effects, enervating both to increasingly risible effect.
They Will Have to Kill Us First (Unrated) Freedom of expression documentary chronicling the clash of civilizations between defiant, Malian musical artists determined to preserve their country's rich cultural heritage and Islamic jihadist invaders inclined to behead anyone who doesn't submit to their interpretation of Islam.
Where some see an end to history and others a clash of civilizations, Mead sees the current conflicts in the Middle East as the latest challenge to the liberal, capitalist, and democratic world system that the Anglo - Americans are trying to build.
We had been told for years that the world would soon face a clash of civilization, the Islamic world versus the Judeo - Christian world.
On the eve of the First Crusade, the fate of the world rests in the hands of a disgraced soldier, an assassin, an orphan, a scribe, and a thief who have no idea they're pawns in a clash of civilizations.
The clash of civilizations takes on a humorous tone with stylized cartoonish depictions of these obsessive emperors, ruthless conquistadors and natives determined to defeat the invaders at all costs.
Otherwise, her «clash of civilizations» is more an arranged marriage.»
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