Sentences with phrase «class communities take»

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But if you like the thought of taking classes, here are community college systems serving nearly 500,000 students nationwide that will teach the new curriculum starting this fall:
Students begin crafting their network and community within the business world the minute they arrive at Columbia, thanks in part to the school's cluster system, which places first - year students in «clusters» of 65 to 70 people who take all their core classes together.
While selling health - food products in the 1970s, he took a marketing class at a community college.
Whether it's an intro to marketing course or a senior leadership class, a night class speaking engagement that takes 30 minutes give you some goodwill from the college community, gets your name out there, and most likely a link from either the course syllabus, teacher's page, school events page, etc..
I could not be more proud of our first class of graduates for taking this bold step and of our entire team in York for working to bring the program to the community
Take more budget - friendly education options into consideration, such as community colleges and state schools, opt for night classes at a local university, or enroll in online programs to further your education without spending a lot of money.
Even so committed an anti-Communist (and non-Marxist) as Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. took class conflict as self - evident, and in The Vital Center (1949) and elsewhere he depicted the central theme of American politics as the struggle for power between the business community and all other social groups.
We take ballroom dancing classes together at the local community centre and the instructor is careful to make us comfortable saying «leads and follows» rather than «men and women».
He would like to see liberation theology take its cues from base communities» populist «grass - roots communitarian democracy» and then extend this «populism» into a liberalism that, contra Marx, offers «democracy and equality to all human beings, regardless of sex, race or social class (Rousseau)» Sigmund's agenda would purge liberation theology of much of its «early revolutionary fervor,» but in its dialogue with liberalism it would still perform «a radical «prophetic» role in reminding complacent elites of the religious obligation of social solidarity, and in combating oppression.»
Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
So on this happy day, as the students of the class of 2014 celebrate a milestone achievement with their families, their friends, and their teachers, I come to congratulate you, to wish you well, and to address each of you as a person who has received the good turn of a fine education, and who should feel a responsibility to repay the debt of that education by living well as a person, mindful of the personhood, the individuality, and the good of others around you, in the various communities through which your life will take you.
I am currently taking two community classes — Spanish I and «Cook While Learning Spanish».
As of right now, I am actively getting transcripts together and researching distance learning programs, as well as mapping out pre-requisite classes that I can take locally at my community college.
My fiancee worked 30 miles away, leaving me with nothing to do all day besides take two classes at the local community college, play video games, play Pokemon with her little brother and boast about 110 - degree dry heat being nothing compared to 90 degrees in Georgia humidity.
This takes place through school visits of one to several weeks annually in North America Waldorf schools, working with teachers, classes, staff, and individual students, as well as offering lectures / workshops for parents and the wider community.
Take some classes, participate in women's groups in your community or your church, and read some good books about parenting.
Whether you're taking a parenting class or pursuing a hobby or passion, community classes are also a great opportunity to meet new people as a single parent.
Tough shows even the most naïve reader how difficult it is to grapple with the question of how to take an entire community of mostly disadvantaged children and mostly undereducated parents without financial resources and transform them — or at least the children as they grow — into fully functioning members of the middle class.
This mother of four works full - time while attending classes at Lakeland Community College, and takes care of a lot of folks around her — including her mother, and her three dogs, not to mention her students!
It's also wonderful to come and take mommy and baby yoga classes reinforcing that feeling of community.
Even if parents ultimately decide not to go cloth, that the opportunity is there for learning the ease of use and economical benefits gives me hope that perhaps other communities will take a cue from Spokane and offer similar classes.
We also encourage each woman and partner to take advantage of the many classes and support groups we recommend — from prenatal yoga, yoga for labor workshop, and postpartum mommy and me yoga classes, positive birth story pregnancy circles, community new mother blessing ceremonies, annual family reunion, postpartum mom circles, pregnancy retreats and a variety of other educational, supportive, and fun events, classes, and ways to connect with other likeminded people and build community — in an effort to bring back the needed village it takes to raise a new baby, and new parents.
I have been active in our community for many years, taking classes and attending many events.
I took childbirth education classes and read books and researched the birthing options available to me in my community.
A teen who enjoys writing may be able to enter poetry contests or take community writing classes.
However, athletes have to be careful if they take dual enrollment classes at community colleges: sometimes, those courses might figuratively start their eligibility clocks and count against them when it comes to calculating how much eligibility they have left once they actually arrive on their campuses.
More than 30 years ago, Mrs. Graham, who had been active in community activities, including the American Association of University Women and the Campfire Girls, received political encouragement from people she met while taking a Park District scuba class.
The best way to be prepared to help your baby is to take an Infant Child CPR class in your community.
Be prepared to take the seat of the teacher and teach fellow teacher trainees as well as the two community classes
When I took early childhood education classes at my local community college, one of the required textbooks was called, «How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk» by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish.
20 Doulas trained in each class who are then able to take this amazing Holistic Doula wisdom and skills back with them and return birth to the families in their community!
I have been part of The Loved Child community for over a year, taking classes with my own daughter, and truly believe in The Loved Child's philosophy of supporting the growth of children through developmental play and relationship building.
She is also taking classes with the CDC REACH / ALCANCE Program to transition to San Diego City College to obtain her Community Health Worker certificate.
Mrs. Currier took some classes at a junior college, but otherwise devoted herself to her family and community.
Born in Des Plaines, Mrs. Adams graduated from Arlington High School and later became certified as a paralegal after taking night classes at Oakton Community College in Des Plaines.
«As an Assemblyman, Todd has proven that he will do whatever it takes to stand up for his community and fought to lower taxes for middle - class families.
Political parties can not take any voter, community or class for granted.
Some communities have banded together for an «opt - out movement» with parents refusing to have their children take the tests and preferring that their progress be assessed by class projects and other work.
In many small communities the entire social class that you would look to for leadership has left the state to take advantage of opportunity elsewhere.
Jamesville Dewitt will take on Elmont in the class A state championship tomorrow at Hudson Valley Community College at 845 p.m.
Susquehanna Valley Girl's will take on Irvington in the Class B state championship tomorrow at Hudson Valley Community College at 7 p.m.
Syracuse will take on Milbrook in the class C state championship tomorrow at Hudson Valley Community College at 4 p.m.
Could have convinced the party that blue Labours view on Immigration and socially conservative views on communities such as religion, working with the state to subsidise locally run charities, was something, that could bring into our party working class people not already connected, by the groups associated with our movements (Trade unions, the Co-op, retired union affiliates) after the disaster of the World cup, owl gate and then the Ill prepared speech at the IPFF on social change and trying to deflect attention from it by rushing out the «well make unemployed teenagers work for their dole» plan, it's hard to see us being able to be taken serious on welfare reform.
Since taking office May 12, Parks Department Commissioner Mitchell Silver has visited at least eight cities on four continents to deliver speeches and teach classes — but his globe - trotting isn't flying with some colleagues and community members.
At the University of Pennsylvania's PENN Postdoctoral Opportunities in Research and Teaching (PENN - PORT) program, which just had its 5 - year IRACDA grant renewed for a second term, first - year postdocs spend about 85 % of their time doing mentored research and about 15 % taking pedagogy classes and preparing to teach at one of three minority - serving institutions nearby: Lincoln University, which is recognized as the United States» first historically black university, in unincorporated southern Pennsylvania; Delaware County Community College (DCCC), which is in Pennsylvania; and Rutgers University, Camden, in New Jersey.
More than 30 % of its learners take their classes on mobile devices, or get Internet access and guidance at U.S. embassies, libraries, and community centers that have partnered with Coursera in many countries.
Students learn not by taking a class on «how to do research» but by being part of the research community, joined together in a common pursuit.
You can also attend retreats, take classes, meditate with friends, and, most importantly, talk to people in the meditation community — really listen to what they have to say about their experiences, why they practice, how they practice, and what they get out of it.
Jennifer O'Neill is the author of several books and has developed a virtual spiritual learning center called Keys to the Spirit World, where you can get find lots of free articles, books, listen to radio shows, take online classes, as well as be a part of her growing spirit community.
Take classes together Ask around at fitness clubs and community centers in your area about yoga or aerobics classes offered to parents and kids together.
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