Sentences with phrase «class composition»

We study how class size and class composition affect the academic and labor market performance of college students, two crucial policy questions given the secular increase in college enrollment.
Test scores in a single classroom can have at least as much to do with class composition, curriculum, and district - mandated pedagogies as teacher effectiveness.
We exploit Italian law DPR 81/2009, which determines class composition, as an instrument to identify the causal effect of grouping students of different grades into a single class (multigrading) on
Differential school effects among low, middle, and high social class composition schools: a multiple group, multilevel latent growth curve analysis
We allow massive inequalities in educational opportunity up to 18 and then, lo and behold, we find that these massive inequalities are reflected in the class composition of those going to university.
Conflicting results may be due to the difficulty in performing these types of comparison studies, which can be confounded by differences in class size, cognitive level of questions, class composition, and instructor (Crossgrove and Curran 2008).
Some school districts have opted out of interdistrict choice for fear of attracting students who would alter their schools» racial or class composition in ways that would upset district residents.
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