Sentences with phrase «class parents»

The phrase "class parents" refers to the parents of students in a class who volunteer or take on a leadership role in organizing school activities, helping teachers, and supporting other parents and students. They are like the leaders or representatives of the parents in that particular class. Full definition
This contrasts with the view that interest in parenting programmes is predominantly a phenomenon of middle class parents who do not have children with behaviour problems.
Indeed, in at least one priest's experience it is middle class parents who are often very able to jump through that hoop — for a time.
I am a working class parent of a child who needs to go to an alternative school other than public school.
The urban working - class parents in the study who could not afford expensive private schools relied on social networking to improve the odds for their children.
The proposed funding formula threatens to undo recent progress in making high quality public schools a realistic and viable option for middle class parents of all races.
We all know that middle - class parents with young children leave the city to seek better schools.
Do poor parents raise their children differently than middle - class parents do?
The reality is that middle - and upper - class parents want symbols of our social status.
The upper and middle class parents know their public schools are good — many of them graduated from schools just like them.
Also, middle - and upper - class parents tend to know more about how to influence the system.
What's happening here raises a compelling question: could an influx of middle - class parents into charter schools emerge as a political game changer?
Tell her how you are feeling like a second class parent and ask if she would be willing to give you more space.
In short, might there be a benefit to underserved communities of having middle - class parents drive demand for charter schools?
The district's school - building program, however, has middle - class parents taking a second look at public schools; full - day kindergarten would be another lure.
Most middle - class parents believe that a college education will give their children job opportunities and economic mobility.
When I was young, middle class parents wished for their children a more comfortable and successful life, but one in continuity with the broad middle class consensus.
With this new second - class parent role, no wonder men - er, guys — have abandoned the home.
Therefore, if you are concern about the storage space available for stroller in your home, then you should get yourself this world - class parenting gear.
If... MORE a friend is enrolled in the same class parents can swap pick - up and drop - off duties.
The idea of middle - class parents tapping into urban charters is unsettling.
Millions of struggling low - income and middle - class parents around the country are desperately seeking more and better educational options.
Our 10 - class parenting series draws on the latest scientific research on brain and child development, as well as the effects of childhood toxic stress.
A class system says if you were born to working class parents you shouldn't go to an academic school or get a professional or managerial job, because it's not for you.
The middle - class parents who still suffer most, I suspect, from cookie angst could learn from working - class women who have long seen good parenting in providing.
Many of these middle - class parents want their schools to remain diverse, and lower - income families want to be a part of these successful schools.
Kids well socialized by upper middle class parents are sensitive to these risks, and for the most part they keep their distance.
Teachers have reduced time to teach, are forced to teach many remedial courses, and generally seek to leave; middle - class parents of all races do the same.
The concerns of white middle - class parents drive the conversation, demonstrating a fear that higher standards will reveal weaknesses in their schools and knowledge gaps in their children.
Is it only a coincidence that old - line denominations have declined in the same period when middle - class parents find themselves less able to expect their children to conform to the family tradition?
One related piece that is on the top of my mind having just looked for a school for my kindergartener is this — amongst middle and upper middle class parents looking for public schools, test scores are hugely important drivers.
Where students can't afford the education they need and middle class parents watch the dreams they hold for their children evaporate.
In a polar opposite performance compared to the petulance of Young Adult, the soon - to - be-43-year-old Theron gained 50 pounds and a bout with actual depression to play Marlo, an overmatched middle class parent at the center of this story.
When Middle - Class Parents Choose Urban Schools.
Poor children are stuck in shoddy day care, while «typical middle class parents raise their children differently,» providing them their own «head start.»
Lets refer to the Conservative idea as «reintroducing secondary modern schools» not» reintroducing grammar schools» as this would be the reality of selection for most of our children It would also result in an expansion of the independent sector as middle class parents paid to keep their children out of secondary modern schools.
Posey - Maddox would cite this disparity in funding as one of the ways in which white middle - class and upper - class parent involvement and fundraising in «recreate new patterns of inequality within schools» (92 - 3) because they create new norms and expectations that are exclusive of low - income and minority parents.
Jonathan's working - class parents own a deli, and can't afford private school tuition.
Robinson's memoir, A Game of Character, documents the lessons he learned from his working - class parents growing up on Chicago's South Side, and how he's applied them in life and in basketball.
A benefit for middle - class parents Extending parental leave would mostly address middle - income earners, says Alisa Fulshtinsky, creator and chief administrator of Toronto Mommies.
Try best to work out an arrangement that allows children access to both parents, equally, and not reserve one parent as a «2nd Class Parent» (ie.
``... (I) n many urban, upper - middle - class parenting circles, breastfeeding is not only accepted, it is assumed.
MARTIN: Things that middle - class parents probably take for granted or have absorbed without even thinking about it.
With all that said, most child psychologists, pediatricians, so - called parenting experts, educators and middle - class parents oppose spanking.
They participate on the Board of Trustees and Parent Council; help organize our May Fair, fundraising events, and class trips; support the teachers in communicating with other class parents; and participate in parent education classes.
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