Sentences with phrase «classic movement»

However, it has been shown time and again in economic history that reliable long - term monetization is impossible without two key characteristics; utility and scarcity,» Ethereum Classic movement pioneer Arvicco wrote.
During his heyday in the 70's he trained all body parts three times per week and frequently worked out twice daily, employing classic movements and supersets with reps in the 10 - 20 range to build his legendary physique.
This is the classic movement that The World's Strongest Man made famous.
There's a reason why people respect and admire the old school bodybuilders so much — back in the day, workouts were grueling and the secret to great gains was simply lifting heavy weights and classic movements.
The clean and press is a classic movement that builds strength and speed and stimulates ultimate growth in the whole body — so why aren't we seeing more of it in our modern gyms?
The Steel Mace 360 exercise is a classic movement that builds upper body and core strength and mobility.
These decisions already have created a sense of excitement as we are now presented with the classic movement system we love and know, whilst there is still a consideration for gamers who long for a faster - paced play style.
Despite some players enjoying the novelty of gravity - defying movement, as a whole, most of the community wished to see the classic movement mechanics return.
It's good, old school stuff that fans of the original trilogy will absolutely adore, and if newer players are not into the classic movement systems, the remaster also includes modern, alternative controls for easier movement, though the shifting camera angles do cause a bit of problems with this one, as at one moment you're moving forward, and then at the change of scene you're moving in another direction.
This open area feels like a classic movement area where you can chat with the locals, pick new missions or discover secrets hidden throughout.
His fonts are influenced by the classic movements of the twentieth century — Modernism, Constructivism, the Bauhaus and Art Deco — yet he aims to create timeless designs, valid now and in the future.
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