Sentences with phrase «classic symptoms such»

Dogs afflicted with this syndrome exhibit classic symptoms such as exercise intolerance, and breathing heavily and noisily after a relatively short period of activity.

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It is often hard to tell between teething and other illness, but here are some classic teething symptoms such as your baby may start to drool when the tooth is popping through the gum, fussiness, mouth rash, loose stools and possible low - grade fever.
Become familiar with the classic symptoms of autism, such as social issues including not looking at people or connecting, sensory issues like being overly sensitive to tactile things, sounds or tastes, repetitive actions like rubbing things in their hands or rocking, or loss of developmental skills.
Top tearful tip Watch out for classic sleepy symptoms such as big yawns and red or glazed eyes and act on these signs quickly.
And since sugar addiction is a real thing, when trying to eliminate it from your diet, you are most likely to experience classic withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, fatigue, headaches, depression and irritability.
In the study from James Cook University in Australia, researchers examined mice experiencing classic symptoms of schizophrenia such as hyperactivity, social withdrawal and deficits in memory.
Q: I know the classic symptoms of a heart attack, such as chest pain.
I know the classic symptoms of a heart attack, such as chest pain.
A food allergy typically manifests itself with classic allergy symptoms such as itchiness, hives, breathing difficulties, lip swelling, and throat tightening.
Patients with oxalate overload suffer from classic inflammatory symptoms such as painful joints, aching muscles, depression, and a clouded mind.
Brain fog is such a classic Candida symptom.
To be fair, three of them eliminated coffee, and all of them eliminated acidic foods, but the researchers noted that «carbohydrates may be a precipitating factor for GERD symptoms and that other classic exacerbating foods such as coffee and fat may be less pertinent when a low - carbohydrate diet is followed» (18).
Neuromuscular symptoms such as these are among the classic signs of a potential magnesium deficit.
While there are other causes for these symptoms, such as infection (including tickborne disease), cancer, middle / inner ear disease, trauma, and toxins, here's what is classic in this specific diagnosis:
Because of the lulls between episodes, people often do not seek veterinary treatment until the problem has been going on for many months, even years, or until more serious symptoms develop, such as diarrhea, weight loss, depression, or just «ADR» (that's vet shorthand for the classic symptom, «ain't doin» right»).
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