Sentences with phrase «classical world»

The result also touches on a fundamental question in physics: where does the exotic quantum realm end and the familiar classical world begin?
The results add to scientists» understanding of topological insulators, but also may contribute to the larger subject that Armitage calls «the central question of modern physics:» What is the relationship between the macroscopic classical world and the microscopic quantum world from which it arises?
The team's technique is called momentum and energy resolved tunneling spectroscopy, or MERTS, and is based on quantum mechanical tunneling, a process by which electrons can traverse energetic barriers by simply appearing on the other side — a phenomenon that never occurs in the macroscopic, classical world which we inhabit.
Von Neumann mentioned that eventually this leads to an infinite regress, because there is always a further classical world.
That's not the way our grown - up, classical world seems to work, and physicists have been scrabbling around for the best part of a century to explain the puzzling mismatch.
Surveying key experimental findings from the past three decades, the authors explore links between the microscopic quantum and macroscopic classical worlds.
«That was just anathema to the classical world.
Lang Lang, one of the most exciting musical talents of his generation and a rock star of the classical world, talks to CNBC.
I'm not sure that this is an argument for the end justifying the means, but there doesn't seem to be an upside to a world were Roman cruelty is replaced by the cruelty of all the classical worlds petty tyrants and warlords.
First, the church was the dynamic force transforming the classical world from Roman Empire to Christendom, just as the church's dismemberment dynamically transformed Europe in the sixteenth century.
From the classical world, early Christians borrowed and transformed the cardinal virtues of prudence, temperance, fortitude and justice.
Somehow the quantum state interacts with the classical world, leaving an observable result from which you can know the quantum state.
According to Von Neumann there is a cut between the quantum system and the classical world.
After all, he was not a medieval Christian — even an early medieval Christian — but a member of the preceding culture: the classical world of Rome, whose formative principles derived from the even earlier Hellenic or Greek culture.
The philosopher Leo Strauss said that the world — meaning cosmos or nature — is the home of the human mind, but even real guy philosophers (and in the classical world there was no difference between philosophers and scientists) are more than minds.
If they were asked they would probably admit that there was a special affinity between the classical world view and Greek religion or the tragic view of life, whereas the modern world view - is so contaminated and corrupted by idolatry that it can not provide a basis for the Greek view of life.
The classical world view leaves open the door for the idea of transcendence.
That is why the classical world view provided the classical «realm of terminology» which served as a seed - bed for revelation.
All categories that in the classical world were quite endangered.
With the increase in complexity new entities emerge — the classical world out of the quantum world, molecules and chemical processes out of atomic structures, simple living organisms out of complex molecular structures.
The modern dimension of this wager is that our time is so obviously divorced from the time of Jesus, or, at least, our world and history is clearly estranged from the classical world of Christendom, with the consequence that to choose the traditional form of Christ is either to set oneself against the contemporary world or to decide that the actuality of one's time and situation can have no bearing upon one's faith in Christ.
Among the «first things» of life in the classical world of Greece and Rome was friendship.
If friendship was among the «first things» of life in the classical world, its place changed significantly as Christian belief transformed the world of late antiquity.
But by the sixteenth century, humanism, the political correctness of its day, meant that it was respectable to acknowledge the influence of the classical world while denigrating the Middle Ages.
Thus citizens of Kroton became the classical world's most physically fit, and 500 years later, «more healthful than Kroton» was still an expression signifying top - notch condition.
A great deal of the «history of democracy» is written in the former mode, with the classical world and subsequent periods being identified as steps in a path towards a modern democratic world in which the people elect their governments and hold them accountable to greater or lesser extents.
[5] See the recently published by Paul Crystal, Women at War in the Classical World, Pen and Sword, London, 2017.
Since this whirling BEC superfluid is operating at a quantum scale, where tiny distances and low temperatures reign, the physical characteristics of its rotation are not those seen in the classical world.
A few years ago you suggested that gravity is what separates the classical world from the quantum one.
This meant that strong coupling with large amounts of particles could be categorized in the classical world instead of the quantum world as previously thought.
However, the researchers wanted to explore the boundary between the quantum and classical worlds.
But where is the line between the quantum world and the classical world?
In the quantum world, physicists study the tiny particles that make up our classical world — neutrons, electrons, photons — either one at a time or in small numbers because the behaviour of the particles is completely different on such a small scale.
«Bridging the gap between the quantum and classical worlds
First, jimson weed is found all over the classical world.
In the classical world, an object has a solid reality: Even a cloud of gas is well described by hard little billiard ball - like pieces, each of which has a well - defined position and velocity.
Reason wasn't somehow discovered by early modern Europe — the medieval and the classical world already appreciated its importance.
In some ways, the world seems divided in two: our classical world, where objects have well - defined locations, and the quantum realm, where particles seem to be everywhere at once.
Cahuachi, the author concludes, was not a mere town, but rather a pre-Columbian equivalent of Delphi in the Classical world — that is, a politically neutral and sacred pilgrimage centre.
The turn of the century was a low point, as their classical world fell apart round their ears.
«This was the first time anyone ever merged the quantum and classical worlds in chemistry,» says Gunnar Karlström, a theoretical chemist at Lund University in Sweden and a member of the Nobel committee.
The relationship could provide clues about where the quantum realm ends and the classical world begins.
The study supports long - standing ideas that there is no single sharp boundary between the quantum and classical worlds, says quantum physicist Wojciech Zurek of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
The classical world we live in isn't like that.
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