Sentences with phrase «classified as an error»

Each time there is an event on the pitch which comes to an end — for example an Arsenal player running forward, but then the cross goes astray or the ball bobbles out, or anything else that can be classified as an error or mistake happens, the camera focusses on the player who has made the error walking or running back up the field.
Errors were classified as errors of omission (lack of appropriate interventions) or errors of commission (inappropriate interventions).

Not exact matches

These mistakes can be quite costly for businesses, as differences in tariff rates mean that a company making a classification error will either pay too much in tariffs or face a retroactive tax bill if they accidentally classified a product at too low a rate.
In those cases, HMRC will have made a decision based on information they held and would have been forced to classify the case as claimant error, fraud or HMRC error without any direct dialogue with the claimant · The reported figures materially underestimate official error in the system with little or no attention paid to «contributory error» (where the error is primarily a claimant error but to which HMRC have contributed in some indirect way).
Overall, Hutchins found that about 60 percent of non-musicians could be classified as bad singers because of pitch accuracy errors.
Another glaring error bordering on criminality is the tendency of modern psychiatry to classify estrogen deficiency in post-menopausal women as a psychiatric disorder to be treated with psych meds.
The error associated with using initial performance to predict future performance appears to be quite high: only 32 percent of teachers classified as low - performing in math are in the lowest performance quintile in future years, meaning that the false negative rate is 68 percent.
That is, one in four teachers would be falsely identified as either being worse or better than they were originally classified, considering both Type I and Type II errors are at play.
Lessons cover such topics as a culture of quality data, classifying education data, security and confidentiality, data flow and data cycles, and types of data errors.
Two kinds of errors of interpretation are possible when classifying teachers based on value - added: a) «false identifications» of teachers who are actually above a certain percentile but who are mistakenly classified as below it; and b) «false non-identifications» of teachers who are actually below a certain percentile but who are classified as above it.
Nearly a third of the crashes were classified as «driving accidents» involving driver error.
Roughly one out of every 20 consumers has significant errors in his or her credit report, which can include information from others» accounts, records classifying paid debts as unpaid, or records listing debts paid on time as late.
Since FTSE stopped classifying South Korea as an emerging market country in 2009, the future tracking error of the indices may be expected to increase.
For now, it seems like crowd - sourcing is the short - term solution to these problems, with folks contacting Wallaby about errors or omissions in the iPhone app — my feedback involved Starbucks not being correctly classified as a restaurant / dining place.
That reduction ignores that several of the papers on Duarte's list were classified as 4, and therefore did not contribute to the consensus value; and that no doubt there were opposite errors were papers supporting the consensus were excluded or classified as 4 (both of which are known to have been the case).
It is well known, and easilly established that the largest single group of such mistakes is classifying rating (1 - 3) articles as rating (4) due to simple error or insufficient information in the abstract and title, something we know by comparison with the author self ratings.
There is some degree of error, since if the sex is not clear or indeterminate the child's sex is classified as «male».
When the reason for a crash was assigned to the driver, about 41 % of the time the NHTSA classified the reason as a recognition error, 33 % decision error, and 11 % performance error with remainder as non-performance error or other error.
At the same time, Dr. Smith's errors precluded the defence from effectively arguing that Kenneth's death could be classified as SUDEP.
Misdiagnosis, birth injuries, surgical errors and wrongful death are examples of some of the things that can be classified as medical malpractice.
If these professionals do make an error, which results in birth injuries, medication errors, misdiagnosis or even a complete failure to diagnose, it can be classified as negligence, warranting legal action.
While acknowledging that «the family court does not have the authority to modify court ordered property divisions,» the court classified the double listing of the trailer as a clerical error.
Clark would appear to offer a remedy for such mistakes if they can be classified as «clerical errors
The major results indicated that children who had been classified as high reactive infants at 4 months of age, compared with infants classified as low reactive, (a) were more vulnerable to the development of anxious symptoms at age 7 years, (b) were more subdued in their interactions with a female examiner, (c) made fewer errors on a task requiring inhibition of a reflex, and (d) were more reflective.
Participants classified as clinically significantly improved were thus reliably improved beyond what could be expected from measurement error using the Jacobson and Truax formula31 (pretreatment to post-treatment change divided by the SE of the difference between scores) and were closer to the healthy population than to the clinical population.
True mentoring should be classified as Fastrack education, otherwise you can learn the old, long way, with all the pitfalls, mistakes, errors... The true mentors are there to keep you from making the errors and mistakes that could bankrupt you or land you in court!
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